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Quick Question: Does 7800basic have bit shift operators?


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Sort of. If you multiply or divide by a power of 2, then it gets optimized into left or right shifting, respectively.


 ; num1=num1*4" gets turned into this 6502 assembly...
 LDA num1
 STA num1

This is great for 8-bit values, but if you want to shift a 16-bit value (or more) you'll need to break out the assembly, since the multiply technique doesn't shift in any carry bits.


 rem 7800basic code with inline assembly...
 ;shift 16-bit value left one place
 ASL myvaluelo ; shifts all bits left one position. 0 is shifted into bit 0 and the original bit 7 is shifted into the Carry. 
 ROL myvaluehi ; shifts all bits left one position. The Carry is shifted into bit 0 and the original bit 7 is shifted into the Carry. 
 rem we're back to 7800basic code
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