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Opcode's organizational restructuring announcement


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Greetings, programs! :)


I'm Graziele, Eduardo's wife, and i'm here to make some announcements, but first let me tell you a little bit about myself. As you may already know, me and Ed got married last September, and what brought us together was nothing less than.. GAMES! I've been working selling retro games for about 5 years, and i really love it. I usually sell systems ranging from Ataris to PS2s, buuuut, since I'm from Brazil and Colecovision was never THAT hot a system over here, I'm getting deeper into the Coleco world now, but since i have Eduardo by my side it isn't being that difficult. I intend to move to the US at some point next year, when i hope to boost my second language, but 'till there you guys will need to deal with my poor English, so i'm sorry for that, i'm working on it. |:)


Said that, let's talk about business.


Eduardo and i have made plenty of business meetings and we have decided to bring Opcode Games to the next level. Of course that requires a new workflow method where he'll be making the technical stuff and i'll make the PR/Marketing/Selling stuff. So from now on you'll notice that he'll make only personal posts and comments here, and I'll be the one bringing you the Opcode news. This is the way we found to organize and optimize things at Opcode which should work best for both sides, us and our customers/friends. With this new organizational structure, Eduardo can be completely focused on programming and creating new hardware, making some awesome products, meanwhile i'll interfacing with you and making everything possible to communicate clearly and effectively.

So if you have questions, comments, whatever.. you can reach me here at the forums or email me at grazy [at] opcodegames.com / support [at] opcodegames.com


Hope we'll be friends. ^^


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In general I think people are most interested in 3 items:


1) When will the folks from France get their SGMs

2) When will SGM batch 2 ship

3) When will DKA be orderable / ship


Perhaps adding a schedule to to opcode website would help vs. people asking every few weeks :)

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Poor English???? What you wrote was near 100% perfect.


Greetings, programs! :)


I intend to move to the US at some point next year, when i hope to boost my second language, but 'till there you guys will need to deal with my poor English, so i'm sorry for that, i'm working on it. | :)

Hope we'll be friends. ^^


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Well, it is no secret I am terrible with public relations. Grazy on the other hand is pretty good on that. She has been working for years with buying and selling vintage video games, has hundreds of happy customers in Brazil, 2,000+ followers on Facebook, so yeah, I think she knows her stuff. And I am glad I will be able to concentrate on what I do best, the technical side of Opcode. I am pretty sure in the end it is going to be a win win situation for everybody.

So from now on I am under NDA, can't comment on anything related to Opcode Games, which is actually great, because I will be free to come to the forums and enjoy someone's else threads instead of worrying about what is going on in the Opcode sub forum.


Happy times...

Edited by opcode
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While I am still fairly new to all of this, I can see from reading through past history that getting things on the right track will make a lot of people very happy.


I have been super impressed by the products Opcode have put out so far and if this restructuring means even more of that and in a more timely manner then that makes me one super happy ColecoVision nerd! :)


Thanks for everything you guys do!

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Thank you so much for the warm welcome. :-D

I'm adjusting our calendar so I can give you a better ETA on our releases.

The schedule will soon be on our website, Facebook page and Atariage.

What I can say at this point is:

  • it is in everyone's best interest (including our) that this second run of SGM be delivered ASAP but it doesn't depend only on us. We had a number of delays during manufacturing, but the modules are almost ready now. The problem is, we are estimating that when the SGM arrives Eduardo will be in Brazil, spending the holidays with me. Once he gets back to US, he'll have a couple of things to do, like packaging and preparing the modules for shipping, but meanwhile he'll be working on games, etc. Unfortunately I'm not in the US yet to help with that. But anyways, you can expect the shipment of 2nd run still in the first quarter of 2016.
  • Once you receive the 2nd run of SGM, we can start working on a 3rd run that includes the French version.
  • Eduardo and I are perfectionists, we're reviving Opcode, and we want to make it work better and more effectively. We intend to release some AWESOME games in 2016, it'll be THE year, but with this new workflow we're still organizing things internally and putting our schedule back on track. We want to put all pending transactions behind us ASAP [but it takes time...]. I don't want to set a date that I cannot honor, this is not how I work. So what I can say is that DKA will come at some point in 2016 but it won't be our first release next year. When the proper time comes, I'll inform you about pre-order and a solid release date. =)

As for our website, a redesign is very high in our to do list. Being a graphic designer, I will soon be redesigning the YouTube Channel, The Facebook Page and the email marketing arts too. ;)

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I sort of figured a delay might be happening.

Its understandable. I mean its allot of orders and thats a huge burden. Plus its the holidays and you don't want to rush orders out because sometimes bad things can happen when you rush things too much. You both should be enjoying your holidays.


I think with the holidays being here we were anxious to see if it would ship but

I would rather have everything perfect before shipping so I'm glad you updated us with whats happening.


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