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Today I'll provide my first ATARI Jaguar Game.

It is a port of an ATARI XL game called "Gryzzles". It was released in the early 1988 in a german computer magazine called ComputerKontakt (CK 2/3 1988).

I liked this game and I played it very often. After getting a skunkboard this game was my first project. So don't bother me ;-)

It is written in plain C with a little help of M68k assembler, the Belboz HelloWorld sample and the Sinister Sound Module.

Source code (Visual Studio 2013 Solution) is included. You will need vbcc/vasm/vlink and smac to compile.

Load and run adress for gryzzles.bin is $4000

The original german game discription is included (gryyzles.txt). (I am not able to translate it)

But I think you don't need a description. Solve every level in one move!



B: Toggle between normal or random game

C: Toggle between master loop (all levels) or lower (level 1-50) or upper areas (level 51-100)

Option: switch sound on or off

A: start game


Option: switch sound on or off

*: Destroy pyramid (restart level)

#: Give up

Hopefully this game will run on NTSC Jags, 'cause I only own a PAL model.





Edited by toarnold
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Hopefully this game will run on NTSC Jags, 'cause I only own a PAL model.



Awesome! Thank you for this. Will try it on my NTSC Jag when I get home today. Hopefully, someone else can verify before that.


Thanks Sh3-rg for posting the compiled files. I can't compile $*** in Ubuntu (or with Windows, apparently :P )

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Fun little game. The simpler stuff is always the best way to pick up how a system works. Nice job, and thanks for releasing it!


Might I suggest you take a quick look here: http://atariage.com/forums/forum/161-raptor-basic/ ?


If you are comfortable with your current environment, then keep at it, however the goal of this project is to make things easier and more accessible for everyone while still allowing access to the base hardware via high performance calls.

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If somebody get into trouble solving a level: all levels are solveable, I can give you a hint.

Stay tuned. Another small game is coming soon.


- toarnold


How many levels are there? I've only had time to play once and that go was curtailed thanks to my son demanding to take the controls (he's 4, so you can imagine how well that ended :lolblue:) To be fair, he did keep on restarting and attempting the first level - that's more than I can say for the few commercial jaguar games he's sat in front of!

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Can i use Jiffi to convert this into a cdi i tried but only made a coaster .Any thoughts.


That's what worked for me. I ran sh3-rg's unzipped gryzzles.cof file through JiFFI as a ULS Boot cdi and burned it to cdr on the slowest speed possible.

Worked like a charm.


Here's the exact file I burned (after unzipping):



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