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Coleco Chameleon .... hardware speculations?


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Who wants to bet this will be a bare PCB or a 3D render or anything other than a working board? Yeah, sure it'll happen before launching the Kickstarter. He can do in 10 days what he hasn't been able to do in 5 months.


Just to play "Devil's Advocate" ... none of what he's saying would be strictly untrue if they used a cheap ARM SoC board (like the C.H.I.P.), used a small-and-cheap FPGA to interface that board to a cartridge port, and then ran their own SNES Emulator on the ARM chip and called that software the "core" of their system.

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Who wants to bet this will be a bare PCB or a 3D render or anything other than a working board? Yeah, sure it'll happen before launching the Kickstarter. He can do in 10 days what he hasn't been able to do in 5 months.


Not to mention his console would have to guarantee SNES FPGA since, well, as we can all see, his system already can do flawlessly! I hope they don't waste effort, time and consumer cost to have composite out in this day and age. The 8 purists out there who give a shit about such things aren't gonna buy his system anyways.


It's always something with this fucking guy. He can't give any information until the Toy Fair. Toy Fair comes and he has NOTHING... AGAIN. Now he can't show anything until the KS launches. It's one thing to make people anticipate or wait, it's another to just lie and push back everything each time a deadline/announce date comes. Not to mention he shouldn't even be on KS because he doesn't have a prototype.


The Kickstarter is going to horrendously fail again, possibly even worse than before. I'm completely convinced at this point everything we predict will happen exactly as we think it will. The KS will launch and be an utter mess and likely STILL not give out any tangible information.

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It's always something with this fucking guy. He can't give any information until the Toy Fair. Toy Fair comes and he has NOTHING... AGAIN. Now he can't show anything until the KS launches. It's one thing to make people anticipate or wait, it's another to just lie and push back everything each time a deadline/announce date comes. Not to mention he shouldn't even be on KS because he doesn't have a prototype.


You think he's got some creative excuses now? Wait till the delivery date comes around!


You're right, it's always something. This is why I criticize the project even though he wants to make up and give him another chance and play devil's advocate with him. He ropes you in like this and believe me- some of you here will be roped in yet again by his promise to show something specific in the future. Let me know how that turns out.


The guy's a con man and he's using con man tactics on all of his supporters. If you don't believe me, send him some money through Kickstarter and see if you ever get anything at all. Or just wait for me to be proven right, AGAIN.

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The Kickstarter is going to horrendously fail again, possibly even worse than before. I'm completely convinced at this point everything we predict will happen exactly as we think it will. The KS will launch and be an utter mess and likely STILL not give out any tangible information.

Unless enough useful idiots are convinced by a slick, nostalgia-fueled pitch. It SHOULD fail if everything is as it appears, of course.

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I swear, no BS at all, Mike REALLY believed in this when he first presented the idea to us of a cart based system. I have no doubt he really wanted to do exactly what he said, but this is astonishing. What is most concerning to me now is that there are two people on this team that I know and have high regard for, did nobody on the team lift the skirt and take a peek to see what the HW was, or are they all in on it? I am going to wait as this evolves because it is defies all logic. I mean really, a second fake prototype after last time? He must be in so deep he doesn't have any recourse, I can't even joke about this today.

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I swear, no BS at all, Mike REALLY believed in this when he first presented the idea to us of a cart based system. I have no doubt he really wanted to do exactly what he said, but this is astonishing. What is most concerning to me now is that there are two people on this team that I know and have high regard for, did nobody on the team lift the skirt and take a peek to see what the HW was, or are they all in on it? I am going to wait as this evolves because it is defies all logic. I mean really, a second fake prototype after last time? He must be in so deep he doesn't have any recourse, I can't even joke about this today.

I can totally believe that Mike was sincere about the project at the outset. I'm not sure what to think of his motivations at this point; honestly, beyond all the schadenfreude, there's an element of sadness to this whole story. I don't think there will be a happy ending in it for him.


I really wonder about the degree of involvement of the other people on the team: in the previous iteration, Steve Woita wasn't even aware that Kevtris had left the project until he was informed about it during the interview with Triverse, which was telling. Is there anyone else representing "RVGS Inc." at the Coleco booth at Toy Fair? So far, I've only seen Mike.

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I swear, no BS at all, Mike REALLY believed in this when he first presented the idea to us of a cart based system. I have no doubt he really wanted to do exactly what he said, but this is astonishing. What is most concerning to me now is that there are two people on this team that I know and have high regard for, did nobody on the team lift the skirt and take a peek to see what the HW was, or are they all in on it? I am going to wait as this evolves because it is defies all logic. I mean really, a second fake prototype after last time? He must be in so deep he doesn't have any recourse, I can't even joke about this today.

And it sucks that your friends' reputations are getting raked through the coals over this. Was Mike telling them the true story? Did they already sign a NDA before they got in neck deep and too late to back out? I also feel especially bad for Piko and Collectorvision as their hard work at securing distribution rights to homebrew and old prototypes which are being mishandled by Mike and Co to promote this sham of a product. It is fortunate Kevtris backed out when he did to as they would likely have misappropriated his FPGA cores if they had access to them.

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I just took a giant public crap on Kevin Bow, i feel relieved.



Kevin Bow is back!!!


I love this man and his words are my philosophy on life.





Sometimes I like to imagine that Kevin and I roam around California during the great depression looking for work while he tells me about bunny rabbits.


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He ropes you in like this and believe me- some of you here will be roped in yet again by his promise to show something specific in the future. Let me know how that turns out.


The guy's a con man and he's using con man tactics on all of his supporters.

I don't think this can be overstated enough. I'm sad that he'll still be able to rope some folks (and sadly, maybe even some folks HERE) in. What more do we need to see? This, in a normal world would surely be the final nail in the coffin. DO NOT BE CONNED. Be smart consumers.

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Hang in everyone and all your questions will be answered once the Kickstarter is launched.

At the risk of stating the obvious, wasn't he telling us before today to "hang in there" because all our questions would be answered after the big reveal at Toy Fair? The "prototype" he showed raised more questions than it answered. It was John Carlsen's prototype video all over again.

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Another update, you haters:



We're not claiming the Chameleon is going to be a remade SNES. We'de claiming he stuck an SNES Jr in a Jaguar Shell at this toy fair and pretended this is a prototype. I'm guessing at this Point they're not even going to Show this mess tomorrow. Somehow I'm not that excited about Hearing the early bird Price for their completely inexistent System.

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I don't think anyone from AA is gonna back the project on KS. The only way I was gonna back is if they had some insane deal for early backers. I don't expect this to happen and at this time, my stock in Mike is even lower than before, so I question if I would even do that. There's still no prototype, so I don't see anyone backing it again. If somehow it does meet its goal, I don't foresee backers ever getting a product.


One thing I really, really despise about Mike and his tactics is he obviously is reading our stuff or having it relayed to him. Everyone here has great attention to detail and their posts are incredibly clear. When Mike takes the time to reply, he doesn't even reply to what we're saying, instead he spins people's clearly formed opinions into an entirely different direction. We know he's not going to remake a SNES, we're saying his prototype is a misleading lie. Instead of addressing concerns, he just makes shit up to avoid the subject and dummies it down to something a child might take from this. If I'm making this product and there is not a single positive opinion on it from people in the know and I'm telling the truth, why would I not open up the system to prove there isn't a SNES in there? When your reputation is on the line, I think any person who isn't trying to con someone would definitely do this. All he has to do is open it up and prove the controllers aren't plugged into a SNES and he's off scott free. The only way my mind can fathom not proving us wrong this time is because there is a fucking SNES Jr. in there.


I'm not gonna lie and say I'm some great business mind, but I can't fathom how if a company is being accused of having a fucking SNES hidden inside a shell, they think waiting 10 days to announce KS specs is going to be a better move publicity wise than just taking a picture of the board right now. It's 10 fucking days. I know others have mentioned that Mike doesn't have to show us anything until the KS launches, and while this may be true of most people, those people also haven't been caught lying through their teeth time and time again before they launched their campaign. Those people didn't hide another console in the shell of their console and portray it as a prototype!

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I swear, no BS at all, Mike REALLY believed in this when he first presented the idea to us of a cart based system. I have no doubt he really wanted to do exactly what he said, but this is astonishing. What is most concerning to me now is that there are two people on this team that I know and have high regard for, did nobody on the team lift the skirt and take a peek to see what the HW was, or are they all in on it? I am going to wait as this evolves because it is defies all logic. I mean really, a second fake prototype after last time? He must be in so deep he doesn't have any recourse, I can't even joke about this today.

Oh i feel ya. I totally get that he was sincere with this project from the beginning. So many people are passionate about old-time cartridge gaming that now and then new dreams and projects to revive the concept is brought up to the surface. The vast majority stay at the dram stage. Some get so far as sketches, blueprints and even working one-off protos.


Reason is that reality hits sooner or later. Cartridges were a phase in gaming because they were a necessity. It was either cartridges, cassette or floppy disk and the cartridge was the fastest loading, most piracy-safe and most simple solution to get gaming out to the masses.

In the year 2016 cartridges exist mainly for the older, established systems. There is no real market or reason for a new, offline cart system in this age and i'm sure Mike got this information from many sources, including the blatant fact that home consoles haven't used carts for mainstream distrubution for over 20 years now. Yes, it's still in the DS and such devices, but it is getting phased out.


Most others would realize that and move on. Mike persevered, for better or for worse. Facing all kinds of problems, some that made the big companies move away from the format 20 years ago, he literally thought he could fake it/cheap it/improvise it and i guess now he's hit the bottom. He is stuck. He doesn't got the hardware, he hasn't the cartridges, he doesn't have the money to continue hence the 3rd crowdfunding attempt in a few months coming up.


All he got is some Jaguar cases, a Coleco branding and an idea. It's time to face the facts and move on, in my idea. I admire his perseverance and patience with this, but it's getting ridiculous. When you have to fake, lie and scam your way forward it has gone too far.



At the risk of stating the obvious, wasn't he telling us before today to "hang in there" because all our questions would be answered after the big reveal at Toy Fair? The "prototype" he showed raised more questions than it answered. It was John Carlsen's prototype video all over again.

Yes he did. First, everything would be sorted by the KS and then the IGG. Then everything would be sorted when the proto was done before the end of 2015. Then it would be sorted at the fair. Then it would be sorted at the new KS... Face it, we will never see any light shed on this. It will literally remain a mystery for the ages, stuff that gaming sites will write about in 10 years with titles like "Remember the Chameleon? We got all the facts!" and then a bunch of snipped quotes from this very site.


I think his only, sole little lifeline is setting a very small KS goal and hope enough people will take the bait. I will eat my socks on camera on this very site if he gets 1 million $ or more.

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So it's 6:30PM in NY so the Fair is supposed to be closed now.
Tomorrow the reveal is the first KS tier (rolling eyes :roll: ).


The story for today is that Mike "claims" (can't use the word confirm with this guy) that the Coleco Chameleon will be an FPGA + ARM hybrid (not sure yet if separate or on the same chip). And we saw SNES games just as a tease of what will be.

Funny part is nobody came forward with a fully working SNES FPGA core yet, worldwide ....

...regarding the "proto" we have no clue of what we saw .... or better of what we didn't see (the proto I mean).


In Mike's words the console "will be ...." which for me it means the "proto" we almost saw but not quite "is not".

As for what the "proto" actually is ... at this stage to me it's just sorrow.


So I bet we'll talk again tomorrow morning ( 9:00AM ET ) for the big first KS tier announcement ..... unless of course Mike goes into a rampage before that on this very site like last time.

Edited by phoenixdownita
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No that was much better. The lab grade kitchen table, the look on his face like he was being held hostage, the random parts, etc..

Don't forget the power supply. That glorious lab-grade power supply. The one that made the bulk power go in and made the audio and video come out ... all without a fan!

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One thing I really, really despise about Mike and his tactics is he obviously is reading our stuff or having it relayed to him.

Considering that most of his new updates has at least touched upon something that we have been debating here at that moment in time, i'm guessing he's one of those "Anonymous users" constantly watching this very thread, responding in a public but quite vague way to suspicions we have about the SNES-part, the controllers, the FPGA-bit etc.


Especially considering that he popped in here in a very timely and accurate matter to address the situation as soon as that silly fake Chameleon twitter account and homepage was brought up.

Edited by Raticon
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