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Is that true?


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Check out these statements from http://www.armchairarcade.com/neo/book/export/html/224


"Surprisingly, around the same time, Atari also released the 2600jr for $50 (USA), supposedly as the system for gamers on a budget, despite the fact that the 7800 was fully backwards compatible, with the ability to utilize nearly all existing 2600 software and peripherals. Finally, there were even a few releases of remaining stocks of 5200 software, including titles that didn't make it out during the system's short prime, like "Gremlins"."


One has to wonder if the remaining 5200 console inventory was put out in certain markets at the same time that Gremlins got delivered to stores around the country in 1985 or 86...


By '91 I'd be shocked if Atari was still putting 5200 consoles into any store in the world.

Edited by ave1
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Someone else will have to chime in with regard to the first quote, but as for the second...


"Tramiel actually re-released the four-port 5200 version in 1985...


(UK retroGamer magazine Issue 80)


I wouldn't call it a re-release. Atari Corp. was selling "new" 4-port units in 1985/1986, but as I understand it they were not manufacturing them again, they were simply selling off old stock. Check out the 5200 serial number / timeline I put together in September to get a sense of when the various models were being made/sold.

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Yeah, they mainly just sold off old stock, I guess for as long as they had it until they killed off all the old "XX00" series consoles and ramped up on developing the Jaguar. As was mentioned earlier, Gremlins, as well as the Lucas games (Ballblazer and Rescue On Fractalus) were released by Atari Corp. in '86 or '87. My 2-port 5200 has the square gray Atari Corp. box instead of the big rectangular Atari Inc. one.

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Prior to being able to release the 7800 in early 1986, Atari Corp actively was selling the 5200 hardware that was left in the warehouses. If you check the Atari Explorer magazines of that year, you'll see that they were selling them in bundles. They were also modding the left-over 4-ports with standard power supplies and making them compatible with the 2600 Adapter. They also finally released Gremlins either in late 85 or early 86.


I'll refrain from any comments about RetroGamer.

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