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PNW - TI-99/4A Fest West 2016 - April 30th


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I don't think there was a 2015 event.


So I think what to expect, will largely depend on what the attendees want to share. I'm imaging a open discussions intermixed with an open-mike-like ( not for standup, or song ) demonstration or sharing, and my greatest nightmare 'mingling' unless Omega has a more structured goal in mind.


Just having our sparkling personalities in one room will be totally worth it.




Well, there is a photo floating around here somewhere that say's Fest West 2015... but it was not an "official" thing. It was just four guys having lunch and talking TI. For the life of me, I have no clue where that photo is posted, which is sad, because I posted it. Oh well, my memory is getting bad, what can I say.


Well there is going to be at least one presentation (so far). I figured some guy's would want to bring some 'spare stuff'' to sell or swap. I know Greg will be there with a few items. Actually, if any of you guys have any "WANTS", you might want to post them here, that way if anyone has anything to get rid of, they can bring it and save you some on postage.


OH, for you guys that signed up... you might want to PM me with the name you want printed on your souvenir name tags, otherwise it'll just have your Atari Age name printed on it.

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"and my greatest nightmare 'mingling'"

Are you telling me that people with an interest in computers, and retro ones for that matter, might have some issues with social situations. Well, that is the first I have heard of that.;-)

Actually, I don't have that problem at all but I suspect that is because my coding ain't the greatest. ;-)

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Are you telling me that people with an interest in computers, and retro ones for that matter, might have some issues with social situations. Well, that is the first I have heard of that. ;-)

Actually, I don't have that problem at all but I suspect that is because my coding ain't the greatest. ;-)


I was in truth, only speaking for myself. Tonight is my company's annual party. I've declined the invitation 4 times already. People reach out and personally invite me, try to entice me with the fact that there are 'prizes'... But I told them if I go home, I win 3 hours :)


This should be easier, because it will be aligned with my interests, which are broadly TI. It will be like winning an entire day of information and perspective on what others are doing, or wish they were doing with their TI. You can't buy that!



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Heck, I go to my Xmas party every 3 years only because I have to dress up more than I do at work each day. Sure, free food and beer but...I have to wear a suit? They drive a hard bargain but at home, I can tie one one without a tie.
My wife always said she couldn't believe how I could go to a party, wander around, find a conversation, and join in. I love a good conversations and so I guess I'm just good at mingling...but I also have a love for the nerd stuff and so I understand those who love it as well....as well as recognize the social awkwardness that tends to haunt em. I tend to try make those people feel at ease so that they'll open up and have a good time but it ain't no mission of mine, just a friendly gesture. Most people don't bite and those that do, well, I make sure to get my shots. ;-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

What else goes on that nametag? I see words other than ones that look like a name.


That would be their Atari Age screen name. Many of us here only know each other by that name, so I thought it might be nice to help people make the connection when they meet them in person for the first time.

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To those who've signed up in advance for Fest West, sometime after lunch you'll be asked to temporarily put your name tag in a container for a drawing. One of the prizes is shown below.





Damn! That is a great prize, especially since the only Atari game I have is a dog-chewed Defender.

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Damn! That is a great prize, especially since the only Atari game I have is a dog-chewed Defender.


Glad you like it! :)

If you win, you'll be able to retire that old cart, because the list of contents includes:


A) Centipede

B) Defender

C) Dig Dug

D) Donkey Kong

E) Jungle Hunt

F) Moon Patrol

G) Ms. Pacman

H) Pacman

I) Picnic

J) Pole Position

K) Protector

L) Robotron: 2084

M) Shamus

N) Superstorm


About this cartridge image, it does NOT require 32K to run, so anyone with just a basic console will be able to use it as-is. :)

Now, inside the shell is an UberCart, so down the road if the winner wanted to change the contents or 'upgrade' the cartridge to something more advanced like an XB2.7S they could do that too.







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If you have used an UberCart then it's almost a shame that it doesn't have a GROM header to ensure that it starts up in the first bank.


After I burned the cartridge, I tested it a few times, from a cold start and it always seems to come at the full menu, so I think whoever wins it will be happy. Now if the GROM header does that on a warm reset, I agree it would be nice!

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Out of stock on the arcadeshopper web site. I may have to come just go get one of these!


i add stock all the time as I build more.. I keep it purposely low so as to not have 20 backordered carts while I wait for parts.. added 5 more



Edited by arcadeshopper
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