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Anybody get their trades with Pooyan yet?


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I hate to keep pushing this but I've traded hundreds of dollars worth of stuff with Pooyan in the past. I've never had any troubles. I filled in some good rares in my collection with him.


I feel sure he's telling the truth, my last trades (besides my current trade) was over a year ago, and he was having job problems back then as well.


If I may ask, what are you guys trading for, if it's some more or less common stuff, I might even make good on some of the trades. I've got my reputation riding on this.

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I haven't seen mine either. But, I also don't have a lot of money invested in this; only $8.00. I was buying Mat Mania Challenge for the 7800. I understand that problems arise, been there myself. I don't really have a real rush for this, but I'd be happy with an update every now and then.

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I sent him a pm on the 5th looking for an update but it's still in my outbox; I guess he hasn't been on. I would really like to think that this will end up with a good ending, but I can't shake the bad vibes. I understand Joel had great dealings with him, but nobody can blame us with where this is heading. If Pooyan has problems I can understand that, I've been there myself. But at least send out the games a little at a time, or at the very least, post an update here. I rather get an update message then completely nothing at all. I strongly believe that we atleast deserve that.


I am trying to be very patient here, but it's getting harder to do everyday this goes on. I don't want to feel that way, but I, as I am sure all of you, are left with no other alternative.

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I hate to keep pushing this but I've traded hundreds of dollars worth of stuff with Pooyan in the past.  I've never had any troubles.  I filled in some good rares in my collection with him.  


I feel sure he's telling the truth, my last trades (besides my current trade) was over a year ago, and he was having job problems back then as well.  


If I may ask, what are you guys trading for, if it's some more or less common stuff, I might even make good on some of the trades.  I've got my reputation riding on this.


I understand where you are coming from, but I can also understand where the people he traded with are coming from. If he wasn't going to have the money to ship all of the items he was trading (whether funding for shipping was provided or not) then he shouldn't have traded in the massive volumes he did in the first place. Some of these trades are going on a month and its not like Pooyan was already an established member of the community who has been maintaining constant individual contact with all the people he traded with.


I didn't want trade with Pooyan because I got a bad vibe from a PM he sent me and because I found his multiple posts very rude and obnoxious. He effectively pushed everyone else's trade lists off the front page with all the different threads he started and the constant bumping of his threads was completely inappropriate.


I understand that you have made countless trades with this guy and that they have all gone well, but at this point, things look really bad. I highly doubt many people will want to trade with Pooyan again regarless of the outcome of all these trades.

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If I may ask, what are you guys trading for, if it's some more or less common stuff, I might even make good on some of the trades.  I've got my reputation riding on this.


Nothing I had coming was common per se, which is why I say it should have been "too good to be true." I was supposed to be getting a Revenge of the Beefsteak Tomatoes, among other things. I'll scroll back and see what the other two were.

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Okay, here's what I found scrolling back through posts:


Pressure Cooker  

Deadly Duck (2)  

Front Line  

Rev. Beefsteak Tomatoes (????)  



I know I opted not to take Pressure Cooker since it wasn't much better than the one I already have, and I think I passed on Dishaster too because of the high demand. So in exchange for the two carts and $3 I sent him, I was supposed to receive Deadly Duck, Front Line, and Revenge of the Beefstake Tomatoes. The two carts I sent him were fairly uncommon I think (3's I think, or maybe a 3 and a 4) and I don't even care so much about the $3 I sent him to pay for shipping, but it's the principle of the matter that he got what I sent him and I have nothing to show for all his promises.

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Bing new to the forum I have been reading archives and ran across this. I hate to see anybody taken advantage of but this is too much. I cut and pasted this. From another thread that Pooyan posted. Ed~ I'm just learning the "etiquette" of these forums, each is different. I just like to keep my wares fresh, but maybe here it IS spamming.....


Maybe, just maybe I'm selling off a large part of my collection because of FINANCIAL REASONS?.......


.....Nawww, it's really 'cause I'm a scam artist who seeks to rob people of 2600 carts and cash, you are right! Mwaa~ha~haaaa!




This is just not right. I feel for everyone that was envolved. I would hate it if this happend to me. This scares people away from trusting fellow collectors. I am new here and when I get my collections in order and know what I have duplicates of I am going to want to trade. I have over 400 postitves on ebay so I Hope this helps when the times comes. And for what its worth, the people on this forum have been nothing but kind to me I also think CPU is a great moderter. Good luck in your venutres and dont let this ruin the trust in good People.

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Looks like I've been out of the loop as I only discovered that others were having problems with Pooyan through one of MMF's posts in Off-Topic.


For the record, these are the games he owes me (2600 ):


1 Deadly Duck


1 Gopher


1 Squeeze Box


1 Sorcerer


I hope he indeed has enough copies of each of these games since I've noticed that some of you fellow AA members are due to get some of these same titles. I sent him a money order because he said he doesn't have a checking account. This fact didn't bother me since my sister doesn't have a checking account either, although I've advised her she should get one! I'm only out $20 dollars... unless he comes through and gets everybody their stuff which he still has the opportunity to do.


Here's hoping for the best. :ponder:

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Forgive me for asking but do you have any credentials, Pooyan ?

OK how ironic but this was one of the first questions asked of this guy by CPU. Luckily I am not out anything as he never responded to my PM. I hope you all get your goods. I think most of these types of problems in the classic gaming community are due to financial/personal type problems (as opposed to an actual intent to defraud - there are better ways to make money), but that doesn't make any difference to the person who is out the cash. Buyer beware as always.

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I paid him when I mailed my half of the trade, at his request, because "I'm so broke I can't afford to ship them out."  So yes, I got #%@#ed both ways, up and down AND sideways.


Main trading rule?


who wanted the stuff?


did pooyan want your stuff or did you want pooyans stuff??


if it was you then its ok you have to ship first


if it was pooyan he has to ship first


we need a trading rule book!

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I paid him when I mailed my half of the trade, at his request, because "I'm so broke I can't afford to ship them out."  So yes, I got #%@#ed both ways, up and down AND sideways.


Main trading rule?


who wanted the stuff?


did pooyan want your stuff or did you want pooyans stuff??


if it was you then its ok you have to ship first


if it was pooyan he has to ship first


we need a trading rule book!


Oh, I think Joe's pretty familiar with trading customs. He's had our stuff for over a month, though -- time to honour those deals!

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