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Anybody get their trades with Pooyan yet?


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This is way over due at this point. I pretty much came to the conclusion that we have been screwed and I lost $8.00. My PM to him of 5/5 still goes un-retrieved and my PM of 4/24, which he did receive, goes unanswered, and with no new posts from him, nor, I assume, that no-one heard squat from him. Yes I am pissed. But also, what can I do. I can't exactly walk up to his front door holding a gun asking "where's my stuff?" I know Joel has spoken for him, but atleast he (Pooyan) can do is give an update or atleast ship out the games to the people who actually PAID the shipping cost. That's what I fail to understand. If the shipping was paid by the "buyer" (us), what out-of-pocket costs can he have??? I understand that people get busy and can't ship things out right away, but a MONTH?!?!?!? I'm sorry for saying this, but that is not acceptable. And does anybody realize what this has grown into?? Now, anybody somewhat new who comes on here looking to sell, we are going to be very skeptible because of this. If anybody has any idea of what to do, I am open to suggestion, but I feel that we have been more than patient on this. Sorry for my ranting, but I needed to say what I needed to say and I apologize if I pissed anybody off.

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Surely amongst you there is an address to this fellow. Take advantage of this unifying thread, organize all of your claims into one total sum and report him for fraud to the feds, USPS or whomever takes care of this sort of thing to stir up his boat.


It may be a case of him simply being tardy but I for one do not tolerate that well. Any chance of the admin comparing his IP to any other accounts here as well?

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Not sure if it helps or has already been investigated but if you sent money/items thru the mail and have proof of your mailing, I would imagine you can file Mail Fraud charges against him with the post office.



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No use, he uses a dynamic IP address.


And, in English that means??????? :?


A dynamic IP address if I'm not too mistaken means that everytime he connects he has a different IP addy (which in the right hands is just like giving someone your phone #) so it makes tracking someone down much tougher.


Hope this helps and that I didn't give ya mis information. but that was the best pseudo answer I got when I looked into a DSL link and they were trying to offer me static IP over dynamic

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Since we all have the same address, should we all write nasty letters and mail them simultaneously on the same day so his mailbox is stuffed? :lol:


Why waste our time? I've got a bunch of Lynx games coming in the mail from another source, though, so if anyone was ripped off, PM me, and I'll see what I can do to secure another copy. :)

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Since we all have the same address, should we all write nasty letters and mail them simultaneously on the same day so his mailbox is stuffed? :lol:


Why waste our time? I've got a bunch of Lynx games coming in the mail from another source, though, so if anyone was ripped off, PM me, and I'll see what I can do to secure another copy. :)


I saw that BIN you grabbed a few seconds after you got it, nice one. ;)

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Since we all have the same address, should we all write nasty letters and mail them simultaneously on the same day so his mailbox is stuffed? :lol:


Why waste our time? I've got a bunch of Lynx games coming in the mail from another source, though, so if anyone was ripped off, PM me, and I'll see what I can do to secure another copy. :)


I saw that BIN you grabbed a few seconds after you got it, nice one. ;)


I only wanted it for "Battlezone 2000", "Malibu Volleyball", and "Dinolympics" (worth more than $40 right there, I think); I'm willing to use the rest as trade-bait. :)

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Well, I have the name, address and telephone number of a pizza joint that's 0.2 miles away from him.  How about everybody giving them a call and placing a delivery order of about 10 pies each.   :evil:


It would never work. They'd see the out of state numbers on caller ID and not place the orders. Nice idea though. :D

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Well, I came to the decision that I want to take this a step further. I want to mail him a letter, Certified, R.R.R., as to the status of my order. So far, I only drew it up with me in mind, but if people wish, I can somehow incorporate them into it also. Perhaps we can start a fresh thread where only those people involved can post what they have purchased/traded so we can have an inventory list. This has me beyond pissed at this point and I'm refusing to sit iddlely by. Perhaps, we may want to "elect" one person to collect all the info, all the types of payment, and submit one massive complaint form incorporating all complaints to the P.O. I suspect that it may raise more eyebrows that way than if only one person did it. But, if anybody wants me to include their info in this letter let me know. I would like to mail it out by Monday at the latest. Here is the body of the letter (I'll change the dates accordingly when it is mailed):




Re: Purchase of Atari 7800 Mat Mania Challenge


Dear Mr. Rodd:


I am writing this letter with regards to the above-mentioned purchase since my private messages through AtariAge have now gone un-retrieved and un-answered except for my April 24 which you received but failed to answer. What I am looking for is simple: an update as to the status of the shipment of this game. As of the writing of this letter, it has been at least one month since I last received contact from you. Your last message to me stated that “ I have roughly FOURTEEN packages left to send away. I’m going to do them in two batches of SEVEN. I’ll get yours out w/the FIRST batch, either this afternoon (Sat) or Mon morn.” Those two dates were April 26 and April 28. To this date, I have not yet received the game. I am not exactly sure what out of pocked expenses you should have since I paid $5.00 for the game and $3.00 for shipping. I understand that things arise which can delay shipping, but a month?? And with no contact??


I strongly suggest that you contact me with a date of when you will be mailing my game or contact me that you have already sent out my game. If you haven’t already send it, please send it with delivery confirmation and when I receive it, I will reimburse you the fee for this.


If I do not receive a response from you in any form within 2 weeks (May 29, 2003), I will pursue any legal action against you that is available to me.


I await your anticipated response.

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Here is the website to file internet fraud complaints. Trust me, if they get enough complaints about this guy, they will investigate.




I would also file a mail fraud complaint with your local post office.


You can also try contacting his local police department to see if they would do anything.

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