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Snake Plissken - game released


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Thanks again for the instructions, they worked like a charm. I found some time today, so instead of waiting...





Now it's on a R.I. cartridge.


Sometimes99er, just to let you know, in my humble opinion, this is one of the best NEW games for the TI that I've seen come down the pike in quite sometime that runs on an un-expanded system.




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Sometimes99er, just to let you know, in my humble opinion, this is one of the best NEW games for the TI that I've seen come down the pike in quite sometime that runs on an un-expanded system.

Wow. Well, there you go. I'm glad you like it, though there's really not much to it. Hopefully I'll add new stuff soon.


Nice label.



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... though there's really not much to it. Hopefully I'll add new stuff soon.


Games do not always have to be complicated or require a 3 inch thick book of instructions to be great. Sometimes the best games are the kind you can fit in between chores or work. Games like Snake Plissken fit this bill wonderfully as they don't last very long... at least with my playing skills. :ponder:


For some reason this game seems tougher to play on R.I. than it did in emulation.


I do have a suggestion: When the game starts getting faster, I'd limit the distance from the apple to the wall because

when the apple is next to the wall, I die every time and that's getting irritating.

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Games do not always have to be complicated or require a 3 inch thick book of instructions to be great. Sometimes the best games are the kind you can fit in between chores or work. Games like Snake Plissken fit this bill wonderfully as they don't last very long... at least with my playing skills. :ponder:

Yep. ;)


For some reason this game seems tougher to play on R.I. than it did in emulation.

Ensure that Classic99 is set to 60Hz (Video menu). - I forgot once (trying TI Invaders at a slower pace) and for a while thought I had a bug in a game being developed.


Also the different control/input device, going from arrow keys to joystick etc., often makes a difference. Sometimes you can adapt so well to a new device that going back feels even more awkward.


I do have a suggestion: When the game starts getting faster, I'd limit the distance from the apple to the wall because when the apple is next to the wall, I die every time and that's getting irritating.

Yes, that would only be fair. ;)



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  • 2 weeks later...

My TI quality time has been limited and detouring, but did visit the design and what route to take. I do like the original, simple, minimalistic, and squarish look and feel. Maybe later.

Since this is called Snake Plissken (main character from the 1981 movie Escape from New York), I tried doing an eye-patch.




Things changed since then.


I'll be introducing levels soon. You'll see some dummy info added to the top of game screen.




Maximum speed is lowered with this one. You'll reach maximum speed 6 already at 100 points. Previously it was speed 7 at 120 points. My high score with this version is now 175.




(program name: snake)





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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I do have a suggestion: When the game starts getting faster, I'd limit the distance from the apple to the wall because when the apple is next to the wall, I die every time and that's getting irritating.

Here the other day I got the exact same feedback, so ... apples won't be placed next to ... anything ! ;)


We talked about games, and I demoed a few games of mine. I quickly recompiled Snake Plissken while changing "GET READY" to his name. He thought that quite cool, and went on to play the game.


I was surprised as he was completely addicted and began smashing his hands against his forehead every time he died. Ha !



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks. :)


There's been about 10 other TI game projects (and one demo) lurking around, but now I've tried and concentrate more on this one.


A few more game elements has been added, and I'd like to add an effect or two. Probably also a few more levels. And also an end-of-game scene - right now the last level is just about impossible. Working on a splash right now.


I've tried and make the game easy without being too boring to begin with. After a bunch of levels you have to start sharpen your senses. :jango:

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Thanks. :)


There's been about 10 other TI game projects


That leads me to ask you a favor. Since it's getting harder to keep up with everything, when this program is completed and the FR99 version is available, would you please let me know so I can update the link to it in the FlashROM 99 repository thread. Thanks.

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That leads me to ask you a favor. Since it's getting harder to keep up with everything, when this program is completed and the FR99 version is available, would you please let me know so I can update the link to it in the FlashROM 99 repository thread. Thanks.

Well, you could click Follow this topic at the top !? ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...



Loving the updates. Can't wait for the full game.


Thanks. :)


I was going to make a daily update, slowly revealing elements of the game, as I actually thought the game design was more or less final.


One tester (Rasmus, my son, 8 years old) co-designed the pear, but disagreed with the direction of power-up. Soon thereafter he absolutely hated my addition of the lemon.




Another tester has me going back to allowing moving backwards into yourself. The problem is, if you try and make a tight turn, like already moving right, then down and left. If it's not timed to the movement of the snake (including speed increase and lagging), the key status (last key pressed), may go from right to left between moves (even though down may register for a few frames), and since you can't move back unto yourself, you'd end up just going right, right and right. I think it's better to crash into yourself, instead of being totally ignored and get frustrated by a joystick, keyboard or game that doesn't seem to work properly.



Edited by sometimes99er
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