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Snake Plissken - game released


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I put the prototype up on Newgrounds, and waited for it to pass judgment. Instead of jumping right into the game, people get the TI-99/4A title and selection screens. Wasn't sure that would be acceptable, but it apparently went down okay.


After about 2 days it had gotten the necessary 90 votes with an average of more than 1.75 stars. It was accepted into the vaults. Fine. And after another few days, it has been viewed more than 600 times. A okay.


And sites like Y8, Pogo Games, PostGames, 2amGames, POG and 80R have included (copied) the game. There you go. :party:

Edited by sometimes99er
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Beautiful game! You have such an eye for design and detail, and the difficulty curve is spot on.


Excellent. Thanks for the feedback. :-D


I do indeed care about design and detail. Also I believe that practice makes master. So in theory, over time, I should be able to get better and better, - I hope. There's a balance here between loads of ideas and quality, and getting it done, letting go and moving on.


Thanks again.

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Development notes on sprites.


I was thinking about how to spice things up with sprites. None were in use.



The idea about points popping up was easy to implement. A certain effect without any memory thirsty animation. It could dissolve or burst, but then this would maybe end up distracting. The scoring ingredients (power-ups etc.) could have been exploited much more.


Hitting a wall or the tail

At first there were only the crash sound. No visuals apart from the snake making a halt. I introduced a sprite without animation - later named the blood-pool. Upon request to better this I took an old animated explosion and named it the dust-cloud. This animation was hand-drawn for a demo back in 2005 (Space Invaders). Reused in the unfinished Destroyer game. And also appearing in the upcoming Restless II game.


Splash / intro screen

Thought about having the dust-cloud appear in gray randomly as 4 or a series of sprites, but since the splash is over and gone in a sec or two, I dropped the idea.





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Very enjoyable. Thank you.


I'm excited for the ROM versions :thumbsup: :)




Thanks. And thank you for feedback.


This version is playable and have the following issues.



  • Apples appear too close to other objects.
  • Pears and lemons do not appear.
  • High score not updated.

Fine tuning

  • Position of text, starting position and dust cloud.


You're more than welcome to test on real hardware - also including the FlashROM99. Let me know if you find other issues.







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I noticed that we have a RPK file (dv_snake_plissken.rpk) on WHTech. At first I wanted to ask whether someone else had the same idea with the same title, but it turned out to be your 2007 version, which you showed on the first page of this thread. Shall I remove that RPK from WHtech?

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I noticed that we have a RPK file (dv_snake_plissken.rpk) on WHTech. At first I wanted to ask whether someone else had the same idea with the same title, but it turned out to be your 2007 version, which you showed on the first page of this thread. Shall I remove that RPK from WHtech?



I think I'll have the game completed this month or sooner.


The /sitelist.txt hasn't been updated, so let's just look at /Cartridges/MAME and it's found at /old/zip/ and /old/rpk.old/cartridges/. You may delete, alter (add 0.01 or 2007), update (to the lastest) or wait.


When final I'll PM Ralph to update /Cartridges/FlashROM99/Homebrew_Carts.zip (has version 0.08). I can also PM you ?



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There's also a bug with the speed control. And additional bricks weren't placed correctly.


  • Apples appear too close to other objects.
  • Pears and lemons do not appear.
  • High score not updated.
  • Speed sometimes too fast.

Fine tuning

  • Position of text, snake, dust cloud and bricks.


Things got misplaced due to me using in-house facilities called CALL HCHAR, CALL VCHAR and DISPLAY AT. These start at position 1, whereas my raw assembler code starts at position 0. Which also made me wonder why TI didn't implement a CALL BOX instead of CALL HCHAR and CALL VCHAR.


Instead of

CALL HCHAR(row, column, character-code [,repetition] )


CALL BOX(row, column, character-code [,row repetition] [,column repetition])



CALL BOX(1, 1, 33, 10) would equal CALL VCHAR(1, 1, 33, 10).

CALL BOX(1, 1, 33, 1, 10) would equal CALL HCHAR(1, 1, 33, 10).

CALL BOX(1, 1, 33, 10, 10) would make a (solid) box.



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Okay, now pears and lemons start appearing. The randomness of these has to be fine tuned though (matching the prototype or vice versa).



  • Apples appear too close to other objects.
  • Pears and lemons do not appear.
  • Speed sometimes too fast.
Fine tuning
  • Randomness of pears and lemons.

And here's the cart


Edited by sometimes99er
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Yes, and you should keep going too! I've just tried this new revision of the game - delightful graphics, lovely sounds, I like the score number that briefly floats upwards when you collect apples ... the snake looks great. Of course, the miracle is keeping all this within 8K. Good Going!

Edited by Retrospect
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