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Sega Genesis/Mega Drive HSC- Season 4: Round 8: Truxton

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Welcome to the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive High Score Club League!! This is Season 4: Round 8.

This round we are going to play Mark Bussler from Classic Game Room's favorite game on the system. You guessed it! Truxton!!!!

This is the 43rd Round of the Genesis/Mega Drive High Score Club on Atariage.

This round ends on Midnight Sunday April 17, 2016.

Current Standings:

1. darthkur: 95 Points
2. Retrogamer81081: 72 Points
3(t). DonPedro: 70 Points
3(t). NIKON: 70 Points
5. S.BAZ: 63 Points
6. roadrunner: 45 Points
7. jblenkle: 26 Points
8. wolfman24: 20 Points
9. chicgamer: 15 Points
10. LidLikesIntellivision: 7 Points


1. DonPedro: 204,360
2. darthkur: 164,350
3. jblenkle: 77,910
4. roadrunner: 54,650

Title: Truxton
Developer: Toaplan
Publisher: Taito/Romsar
Release Date: December 9, 1989
Rules: Normal Difficulty. No Continues
Bonus Points: Play any space shoot em up for an additional bonus point.

Record Score: 204,360 (DonPedro)

High Score Club Rules:

Games are to be played by an authentic Sega Genesis/Mega Drive console, clone system, flashback console, or emulation.

Continues are not allowed. Game ends after a Game Over or completion of game.

You can post your score however many times is neccessary as long as it's between the round's timeframe from start to finish.

Cheats of any kind are NOT PERMITTED. No Cheat codes, Game Genies, Cartridge frying, or any other type of enhancer. Anybody caught cheating will be permanently BANNED from future participation in the league. Nobody likes a cheater.

You must play the game between during the time it's posted to when it ends to earn points during league play. However you can post scores after the event to challenge the top scores.

Scores must be presented between the round timeframe. No photographs of old scores or saved memory from an SD flash drive. Sorry I won't accept your Sonic the Hedgehog 2,000,000 point domination from 1992.

Point pressing/farming is discouraged. I encourage you to try and accomplish the game, not milking for points.

Screenshots are encouraged but not required. Youtube videos of your performance is absolutley accepted.

Scoring for each round is this:

1st Place: 15 Points
2nd Place: 12 Points
3rd Place: 10 Points
4th Place: 8 Points
5th Place: 5 Points
6th Place: 3 Points
7th Place: 2 Points
8th Place and beyond: 1 Point

The High Score Club Moderator has the final say and reserves the right to accept and or reject any submitted score. I know there should be no problems as I know all of the participants are legit, very fair and , honest players. :)

The number 1 rule is..........

Let's have some fun!! :)
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Round 8 is now over!!

Final Standings For Round 8

1. DonPedro: 204,360

2. darthkur: 164,350

3. jblenkle: 77,910

4. roadrunner: 54,650

1. DonPedro: 16 Points (15+1)

2. darthkur: 13 Points (12+1)

3. jblenkle: 10 Points

4. roadrunner: 9 Points (8+1)

League Standings After Round 8:

1. darthkur: 108 Points

2. DonPedro: 86 Points

3. Retrogamer81081: 72 Points

4. NIKON: 70 Points

5. S.BAZ: 63 Points

6. roadrunner: 54 Points

7. jblenkle: 36 Points

8. wolfman24: 20 Points

9. chicgamer: 15 Points

10. LidLikesIntellivision: 7 Points

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