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Yesterdays News


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  • 5 weeks later...


I'm impressed sparkdrummer, the newsletter is always released 'on time'. You definitely have a serious amount of newsletter Mojo! ;)

I look forward to it every month. Every time a new one comes out, I always print it up and read it with my morning cup of coffee.


Oh about XBASHER, I imagine if one wanted to cheat, running it on Classic 99 at full speed would make it even faster...

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Thanks for the flowers Guys. I really enjoy doing these and hope all TI'ers get a little something out of them.


Concerning Xbasher - ive used it for years to compress code with myarc xbii, runs quite a bit faster.


Concerning Gram Karte - I have one too and used it for awhile. I didn't like that it doesn't save the contents for another session so I pretty much have stuck a Gram Kracker.

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My Gram Karte has an honored place in one of my working TI systems. I also have a system with an HSGPL in it--and another with a P-GRAM card. The GRAM Kracker (or the GRAMulator) are more often used in my test systems. . .and I haven't connected the TI GSIM lately, although I need to do that soon to test out some GRAM images I got for it last fall, as there are a couple in there where I'm not sure what they actually are.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm really digging the newsletter! (I'm late to the party--just found this thread today--but then again I was about 25 years late to the TI99/4a anyway. :P)

I have some old TRS-80 newsletters/independent user magazines that Yesterday's News reminds me of.

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The AC-Software initiatives ended up being pure vapor-ware, unfortunately. . .none of it ever saw the light of day (and from what I gathered talking to Jim Horn and Chris Bobbitt back around 1990, it never made it beyond the initial planning stages, so there wasn't even beta code to continue development on).

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The CALL SOUND article is interesting, I hadn't read that before. In fact the sound chip can only generate 1024 distinct frequencies (not including noise), as it's only got a 10 bit counter.


The CALL SOUND duration is misleading too: although it's entered as milliseconds (1/1000th of a second), it's counted down on the vertical blank, meaning the resolution is in steps of 16.6ms (on NTSC, an even 20ms on PAL). Of course BASIC's performance is a bit low to tell such a small difference.

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I'm impressed sparkdrummer, the newsletter is always released 'on time'. You definitely have a serious amount of newsletter Mojo! ;)

I look forward to it every month. Every time a new one comes out, I always print it up and read it with my morning cup of coffee.


Oh about XBASHER, I imagine if one wanted to cheat, running it on Classic 99 at full speed would make it even faster...



Secretly hoping some shifty character never attempts to steal Sparkdrummer's MoJo! Way to go brother! Thanks again for producing a newsletter for the TI.

Edited by Airshack
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Sparks... This newsletter is insanely good. Thank you so much for doing it!!!


I vote for a monthly subscription... paid for... and physical copies to be printed on an oldschool printer, photocopied on a 1986 Xerox machine, and mailed out.


I am in for a subscription.

Edited by Opry99er
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Opry- I remember those days. Waiting forever for my trusty Panasonic to finish printing a page, then realizing my ribbon was tired and the print was too light. We used Kwik copy for reproduction with different color paper for each issue, It actually was pretty snazzy. We traded newsletters with about 40-50 users groups back then. I believe a subscription for this rag would be cost prohibitive for most users nowadays.

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The CALL SOUND article is interesting, I hadn't read that before. In fact the sound chip can only generate 1024 distinct frequencies (not including noise), as it's only got a 10 bit counter.


The CALL SOUND duration is misleading too: although it's entered as milliseconds (1/1000th of a second), it's counted down on the vertical blank, meaning the resolution is in steps of 16.6ms (on NTSC, an even 20ms on PAL). Of course BASIC's performance is a bit low to tell such a small difference.



I don't know how I missed this. Yes, I found the article interesting and found it worthy of republishing. In fact I find that in all of Charlies articles.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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