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HSC13 R8: Manic Miner & Best Ports "Tourney Round"

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OK I need a catchy name for this round :P


We'll cover 1 game from each system that has a port to the Atari 8 bit. I've picked some big games so this round will be nearly 4 weeks giving time to play. Play as many (hooray) or few (boo) as you wish! Round NOW ends *SUNDAY 29th May* 12PM UK time!


Scoring 1 HSC point per player per game; so if 5 players play a game the top score will get 5pts. Bonus points and challenges may appear too so check this post. This is a big chance to climb the HSC current standings!


EVERYONE welcome to play, there are some great games here, including some new ones which never seem to win the polls and several not played in the HSC before, including one of my all time favourites Bug Attack!



HSC13 R8 Ports and New Games - Disk 1.atr

HSC13 R8 Ports and New Games - Disk 2.atr

Late breaking Atari news Manic Miner has been released so we'll add it to this round! (ATR/XEX). NTSC version being worked on.


Bug Attack (Apple II)

Fantasic Centipede style game I didn't realise it was a port until I researched this round. Released by Cavalier Computer in 1982. Info.


Perplexity (BBC)

One of the best ports from recent times, thanks to Fandal :thumbsup: It's 3d Pac-Man just in case you were wondering! Info. Level codes can be used. Scoring 1pt for each level completed, max 10 for top 3 players.


Frisky Tom (5200)

When I found this one at first I thought "too hard" but after you learn to avoid the falling thing it's a surprisingly good single screen game. Thanks to Mike "homesoft" Langer :thumbsup: Originally a Nichibutsu coin-op. Info. Score not shown at end of go. You need to collect/catch the blocks dislodged by the mice and climb up an press fire to fix the pipes, keep as much flowing as you can until the level ends.... then it's Hello Nurse! The orange mice can be knocked off but the red ones kill you and later start kamikazeing on you so lure them and get out of the way fast. Movement is a bit tardy but the game is very good once you get engrossed. Watch out for them lighting the fuse on the left side - you can wrap round the screen to get to it quickly.


Deathchase XE (Spectrum)

Motorbikes Ready? Joystick Ready! Charles Bronson Ready?! One day we will get an update of this :_( Let's see if we can complete the 8? levels. Port by XXL :thumbsup:Info. ATR on link but have found an XEX ver.


Bobby Bearing (C64)

Balls! Marble madness style game. Please play and give the guys some much needed feedback. By Mariuszw, Jose Pereira & Poison in 2016 :thumbsup: Supports stereo! No scoring but I think you are trying to re-unite your balls (ouch!) if you do you will score 2 points for each one. Crash 31 Instructions & Review 94% - plus4world Map - Atari Release Info - Interview with Marius.


Galaga (Commodore PET)

We played it before but it's just so darn good. [Option] to change colours. Ported by Norbert Kehrer. 2013. Info.


Parsec XL (TI99/4A)

I don't even know what this is! Ok I have a small clue from the screenshot below! This may be the bad one in the bunch! Info. It's not bad, movement is though! Pressing Select chooses lift 1-3 (during the game) but I can't see what this does. Update: If you limit your horizontal movement the game is quite playable, if you clear the first round (approx.10 waves) the background on the panel changs from red to purple. There was a refuelling tunnel but I crashed thinking you had to land on the flat bit so don't do that!!


Spectipede (Commodore Plus 4)

Another one we played before - there is a no dots version which is easier on the eye, thanks to Xuel. Info in game. Very playable game ported by Gary "rybags" Ryan in 2010.


Metagalactic Llamas: Battle at the Edge of Time (Vic 20)

A Jeff Minter classic. Sorry it's PAL only so NTSC guys will need to use emulation or play another port of their choosing. Ported by Sal Esquivel, Mario Krix, Karolj Nadj, Michal Szpilowski. 2008. M.Lamas Info.txt Probably don't need this as full instructions are in game, pull down on stick to page through them, scoring and hints are on the last 2 pages.


Stampede (2600)

Last but not least is Avery Lee's recent port of the classic cattle round-up game! Play on default skill 1. Instructions.


Have Fun, let me know if you need any help. Regular single game HSC action will return after this round!

Edited by therealbountybob
Round now ends SUNDAY 29th MAY 12pm UK time
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The tables (HSC Points for each game see above for details)

Bug Attack
1st therealbountybob (p) 48,852 10
2nd Dope (n) 31,931 9
3rd McKong (p) 20,065 8
4th Bunsen (p) 15,601 7
5th ballyalley (p) 8,747 6
6th jdh (p) 7,076 5
7th roadrunner (n) 5,354 4
8th Sikor (p) 4,462 3
9th orpheuswaking (n) 3,103 2
10th jblenkle (n) 2,364 1

Bobby Bearing (2pts per ball rescued)
1st Sikor (p) 0 1*
2nd McKong (p) 0 0
3rd therealbountybob (p) 0 0
4th orpheuswaking (n) 0 0
5th roadrunner (n) 0 0
*1pt for finding a ball!

DeathChase XE (levels completed)
1st Yautja (n) 119,672 10*
2nd Dope (n) 95,050 10*
3rd Sikor (p) 80,562 7
4th jdh (p) 51,877 5
5th Bunsen (p) 49,374 4
6th McKong 48,037 4
7th therealbountybob (p) 42,959 4
8th orpheuswaking (n) 41,769 3
9th roadrunner (n) 35,696 2
10th ballyalley (p) 34,508 2
*includes 2pt bonus for completing the game

Frisky Tom
1st therealbountybob (p) 27,400 8
2nd Dope (n) 16,700 7
3rd orpheuswaking (n) 14,120 6
4th McKong 13,300 5
5th Bunsen (p) 11,000 4
6th ballyalley (p) 10,600 3
7th roadrunner (n) 7,100 2
8th Sikor (p) 4,700 1

1st Dope (n) 153,310 10
2nd therealbountybob (p) 108,040 9
3rd Sikor (p) 102,850 8
4th Yautja (n) 75,060 7
5th jdh (p) 65,920 6
6th McKong 49,450 5
7th devwebcl (n) 41,720 4
8th orpheuswaking (n) 41,530 3
9th ballyalley (p) 27,320 2
10th Bunsen (p) 21,120 1

Manic Miner
1st Dope (n) 45,635 8
2nd McKong 25,642 7
3rd Yautja (n) 17,464 6
4th therealbountybob (p) 8,031 5
5th orpheuswaking (n) 7,089 4
6th jdh (p) 6,080 3
7th ballyalley (p) 6,021 2
8th Sikor (p) 4,167 1

Metagalactic Llamas
1st therealbountybob (p) 41,600 8
2nd Dope (n) 32,769 7
3rd Bunsen (p) 25,813 6
4th McKong 23,545 5
5th ballyalley (p) 16,914 4
6th jdh (p) 15,226 3
7th Sikor (p) 4,009 2
8th orpheuswaking (n) 2,180 1

Parsec XL
1st Dope (n) 33,100 8
2nd therealbountybob (p) 25,700 7
3rd McKong 9,000 6
4th Bunsen (p) 8,300 5
5th ballyalley (p) 5,200 4
6th jdh (p) 4,000 3
7th Sikor (p) 3,700 2
8th orpheuswaking (n) 2,500 1

Perplexity (1pt per level completed)
1st therealbountybob (p) 12,030 5
2nd McKong 3,285 2
3rd Sikor (p) 9,060 0
4th ballyalley (p) 4,790 0
5th Bunsen (p) 4,235 0
6th roadrunner (n) 1,240 0
7th orpheuswaking (n) 1,000 0

1st McKong (p) 319,715 8
2nd Dope (n) 232,324 7
3rd therealbountybob (p) 200,388 6
4th Bunsen (p) 66,561 5
5th ballyalley (p) 42,848 4
6th jdh (p) 27,486 3
7th Sikor (p) 4,512 2
8th orpheuswaking (n) 250 1

1st McKong (p) 2,625 9
2nd Dope (n) 2,025 8
3rd Sikor (p) 1,924 7
4th therealbountybob (p) 1,611 6
5th jdh (p) 1,502 5
6th Bunsen (p) 1,110 4
7th roadrunner (n) 959 3
8th ballyalley (p) 940 2
9th orpheuswaking (n) 831 1

Edited by therealbountybob
Final Tables - 29th May
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Had my first session on Disk 1. I'll update the first post with more info on the games as we go.


Bobby Bearing - nothing achieved. I couldn't figure out how to cross this screen (had a brown background)


Bug Attack :love: 19,747 fricking Medfly kept escaping but I'll get him next time :twisted:


Parsec XL 6,900 not that bad really :twisted:


Metagalactic Llamas 18,145


Galaga 80,540 (level 14)


Frisky Tom 12,500

no screenshot as score not shown at end of go (remember they are optional folks!)





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I player Bobby Bearing last night for a while. I roamed around aimlessly. Do we know how many screens there are?


I agree...you've got to consider many of us play multiple HSCs...giving us so many games in a single HSC is overwhelming.


I always play, but I'll probably only select one or two of them.


Just play any you wish, same to everyone - if less players play a game then there are less points on offer. It's really just an excuse to try out some new things as they never win the polls. Hopefully we can give some feedback to the current programmers supporting the A8.


I've just played disk 2 and probably I spent an hour yesterday, and hour today and had a couple of goes on most games so 4 weeks is plenty of time to play a few. Only Bearing and Perplexity take any time. You can play Stampede [and Parsec XL] in less than 2 minutes.


Bobby Bearing - the map on the first post will help - I'm going to see if It will print out somehow. I have once seen a ball to rescue! Free the balls!


DeathChase XE 22,980 Level 3


Stampede 1,239


Spectipede 39,052 Level 7 - forgot how insanely good this is.


Perplexity - this is a stand out game. I was right at the end of the level when I screwed up the key! We'll allow codes to be used and have 1pt for each level completed, max 10 for top 3 players. Remember these are real HSC points in this round :)






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That's a shame I've been waiting for Manic miner for a while and it just missed the ports round

Is it out at last? I was going to put in JSW 2007 but both of these would be a good regular HSCs game for later in the season :thumbsup:


Improved on Frisky Tom 19,400 I do like this game - when I found it It has the feel of a real classic single screener, like pac-man qix etc.


Perplexity completed levels 1 and 2, level 2 is tricky but you get lots of lives. Hint: Avoid the green arrow screw up the controls thingy, I could just about cope with all 4 directions reversed or left and right reversed but up and down really did me in :-o :-D


If the scoring for the round goes crazy as in the top few players don't all play then we might have to adjust it a bit, let's see how it goes :)

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I looked at a map of Bobby bearing and it's effing huge! Not sure I've got the patience...

Probably no one will but it's 2pts per ball rescued for anyone who does - I don't know how many there are to complete the game.


That's a shame I've been waiting for Manic miner for a while and it just missed the ports round

Let's add this into the round as I'm sure we all want to play it. Manic Miner won't fit on the 2 disks I have created so download the XEX or ATR from the thread. I'll update the first post with details too


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