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Nes Stadium Mib NTSC for 72k


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I looked on ebay and stumbled on Nes Stadium Events for 72k. It was a auction on ebay that I saw made by Dreamtr! I really never heard or gave a shit to know who he really was or was about,however once I noticed the price of this game and what his asking price was,I totally lost it! There is no way that even a mint or new copy of a North American NTSC copy of nes Stadium Events can get up to 72k. It didnt sell,nor did I expect it to.


Sure my offers were small,but that was just to test out what his reserved rate was.He said he wouldnt do less than 50,000 usd,lol. There is not a person out there,not even a filthy rich person would pay that price. What do you think a fair price would of been?

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