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New TI basic game X-lander


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I am on a mission at the moment to release a handful of ti basic games I have developed over the years. Here is my latest game. It is a ti basic version of lunar lander. The idea is to first guide your lander to a location above the landing pad by adjusting horizontal and vertical speed. Then once in position the view zooms in and you have to gently land the spacecraft by adjusting the thrust of the engine. If your descent speed is low during the final phase then the ground will rise up to meet the lander's feet a pixel at a time!


It is important once the lander is over the pad (during the initial descent) that the lander has zero sideways speed (it will turn from red to white when this occurs) and has a low vertical speed (the landing pad will turn while when this occurs).


Some realistic physics are used. A variety of planets are presented for landing on. Points are scored by landing the spacecraft and bonus points are awarded depending on the amount of fuel that is left.


The game should be in a playable form now but I have some plans to refine it slightly.






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I think it's kind of neat to see what people can do with the limitations of TI-BASIC. The fact that anyone manages to get anything useful out of it has always amazed me. Back in the day TI-BASIC frustrated me so much, I was forced to cancel a date with a girlfriend so I had the money to buy Extended BASIC cartridge. :-D


Ever since my early arcade days Lunar Lander has always been a favorite.


On the TRS-80 it was quite chunky, but hey, it worked!



Even today I keep a version on my PC...



Now on my favorite computer of all-time the TI-99/4A (of course) I like the version by Vorticon...



Anyone know of any others?

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Below is some code that appears to create a nice impression of acceleration.


The lander free falls for a few seconds before switching on its engine and shooting upwards.


I'll incorporate the code into X-lander and see how it goes.


110 REM TIBASIC 210516
120 REM
140 GRAV=0.1
150 A$="7E7E3C7E7E5A42E7"
160 Z$="0000000000000000"
170 FOR I=1 TO 8
180 B$(I)=SEG$(A$,I*2-1,(18-I*2))
190 C$(I)=SEG$(Z$,1,(9-I)*2)
200 IF I>1 THEN 210 ELSE 220
210 C$(I)=C$(I)&SEG$(A$,1,I*2-2)
220 NEXT I
230 YPOS=9
240 Y_CHAR=INT(YPOS/8-1)+1
250 CALL CHAR(42,B$(1))
260 CALL CHAR(43,C$(1))
290 IF YPOS<9 THEN 430
300 IF YPOS>150 THEN 310 ELSE 320
330 Y_CHAR=INT(YPOS/8-1)+1
340 FINE=8-(YPOS-Y_CHAR*8 )
360 CALL VCHAR(OLDYC,16,32,3)
370 CALL CHAR(42,B$(FINE))
380 CALL CHAR(43,C$(FINE))
390 CALL HCHAR(Y_CHAR+1,16,42)
400 IF Y_CHAR>1 THEN 410 ELSE 420
410 CALL HCHAR(Y_CHAR,16,43)
420 GOTO 270
430 END

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks 1980gamer.


I learned to program on the TI in the UK. It was lots of fun. I eventually switched to the BBC micro which we learned to program on at school.


This lander game is progressing ok. There are a couple of gameplay dilemmas I am pondering over at the moment.


Latest version of the game attached. The smooth vertical animation of the lander is working nicely at low descent/ascent speeds which I'm pleased with.


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I have reformed the game a little bit..


I have removed the second zoom in screen. A feature of this screen was the smooth animated graphics when at low speed. Now the lander on the main screen does that quite nicely I found the zoom in screen a bit distracting.


A velocity scale is now included along, with the fuel gauge, which helps to judge the descent speed. New instructions added to the program.




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Here's the latest version.


Fixed a few small things like ...

1. Speed indicator now shows a '>' sign when descending at greater than 20 m/s

2. Feet now touch the pad when landed (before it sometimes hovered one pixel above the pad)

3. There is a beep when you land!

4. Fixed the collision detection for crashing on a mountain. I had somehow removed that in previous versions.

5. Some other small things.


One or two more iterations and I think it'll be good to play.


Edited by tibasic
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  • 1 month later...

Think it's nearly finished.


Updates: I have allowed for 3 ships per game so you can repeat a landing if you fail to land at some point. The gravity increases, i.e. you move onto another planet, and the flight time decreases when you progress to the next level.


I might add a few embellishments and then move on to the next project.



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