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! FlashROM 99 & FinalGROM 99 - Repository

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NOTE: FinalGROM only files are listed near the bottom of this entry. FlashROM files are really only recommended for use with a FlashROM99 if you have a FinalGROM use the correct files below this section or look at http://ftp.whtech.com/Cartridges/FinalGROM99/

FlashROM 99 Compatible Files 

Last update: 04/19/2023



There is a link to a rather large starter collection of files OFF-SITE at WHTECH, the files were compiled by the creator of the FlashROM99 . For these files, please << CLICK HERE >>, it's easy to overlook.


If you are running a TI without a 32K memory upgrade in one it's various forms, you'll probably want to download the nice 'Starter Pack' compiled by Atari Age user 00WRex. It's available << in message #12 of this thread >>.


There are lots of files for the FlashROM 99, and it's very easy to lose track of all the programs! If there is something you've not been able to find (like a Rasmus game) be sure to check the starter packs!


There is also package for the FinalGROM 99 for that link, << CLICK HERE >>.




32kexptest.bin 32K Memory Expansion Tester Message #113

AMSTEST4-8.BIN SAMS Memory Tester v4.0 (Requires 1024K SAMS) Message #566

ARC303G32KB8.bin Archiver III Message #290

ARC40G8.BIN Archiver 4.0g Message #115

BANKTEST.BIN Check out your new cartridge Message #4

CARTESAVE32Kb8.BIN Cartridge Saver (Req. Gram Kracker & Widget) Message #663

cf2k_8.bin CF2K v2.1 Message #503

CF2K_V2.4.bin CF2K v2.4 Message #502

CFHDXP32k8.bin CF7+ Version of CFHDX Message #986

CFHDXS32k8.bin NanoPEB Version of CFHDX Message #986

ClockMaster32Kb8.BIN Clock program (Requires MBP Clock) Message #662

copycatC.bin Copy-Cat Message #654

CRUTEST32kb8.bin CRU Test Message #636

DISKTOCASS32Kb8.BIN Disk To Cassette Message #458

DISKFIXER21.BIN Disk Fixer 2.1 Message #813

EA5CART_C.BIN EA/5 Loader (Requires Storage Device) Message #3

EAII.BIN Editor/Assembler II Message #353

EAII80Edit-8.bin Edit/Assembler II with 80 Column Editor Message #28

eaprom_IV_NON.bin Edit/Assembler II with debugger 40/80 Columns Message #591

ENCRYPT32KB8.bin Encrypt / Encode It Message #23

EXPLORER32KB8.bin Explorer Keyboard Strip Message #290

DISKMANAGER32KB8.bin Disk Manager 3 Message #319

DISKMASTER32KB8.bin Disk Master Message #318

DM100061.BIN Disk Manager 1000 Version 6.1 PDF Message #182

DM2K26.BIN Disk Manager 2000 Message #62 (Updated 3/31/2020)

DSK2PC32k8.bin Disk to PC Program for the HDX (Requires HDX) Message #986

DSK2PCV12-8.BIN Disk to PC program for the HDX (Requires HDX) Message #100

DU_2K-8.BIN Disk Utilities 2000 Message #215

fastterm32k8.bin Fast Term Message #994

Browser9.2 Stuart's Internet Browser Message #468

KBCART.BIN A neat little keyboard utility.  Identify row,column & address for the TMS9901.  MESSAGE #2 (Added 01/01/2021) 

KJTEST32kb8.bin Keyboard / Joystick Tester Message #636

LEXP_v21a.bin Paisley Version of Millers Graphics Explorer Message #38

MGEXP.bin Millers Graphics Explorer Message #1

NPDSK2PC32k8.bin Nano Compatible version of DSK2PC Message #986

PREDIT803n.bin Program Editor Message #19

PALEA5.bin PALEA5 (Requires F18A) Message #301

QR32KB8.BIN QR Code Generator (F18A Compatible) Message #21

RENAME FOR USE scratchpad_loader_ROM.zip Load E/A5's from DSK Message #1144

SETCLOCK8.bin By: Gazoo (Works with CorComp & BWG) Manual Message #41

The Explorer Ver 1.0.ZIP By: Tarik Insani (Texcomp) Message #2

TIMXT3n.BIN TIMXT Communications Program (Requires F18A) Message #353

TIPIMENU_8.BIN TIPI Menu Loader (Requires TIPI) Message #3

TIPI CLOCK.zip Clock Display Program for TIPI equipped TI's Message #109



CLASSIC & TI CARTRIDGE GAMES                                                                 


5CARDDRAW32KB8.bin 5 Card Draw Message #253

9900BREAKT.bin 9900 Breath-Thru Message #523

A-Maze-ing.BIN A Maze-ing Message 121

Adventure.BIN The Adventure Module Message #87

AGENDA9932Kb8.BIN Agenda 99 Message #459

Alpiner.BIN Alpiner Message #104

ALTMUNCH32KB8.bin An alternate version of Munchman Message #429

ANGLER8.BIN Angler Dangler Message #187

ARTHROPOD32KB8.bin Arthropod Message #338

ASTRO32KB8.bin Astro Fighter Message #265

ASTROBLITZ32kb8.BIN Astro Blitz Message #452

BACKSTEINE32KB8.bin Backsteine Message #434

BANGBANGSUB32Kb8.BIN Bang Bang Sub Message #396

BERLIN32KB8.bin Berlin Message #253

B-B32KB8.bin Billard & Breakout Message #338

BADWALLS32KB8.BIN Bad Walls Message #563

BlackjackPoker.BIN Blackjack & Poker Message #134

BREAKOUT32kn8.BIN Breakout Message #441

BuckRogers.32K8.BIN Buck Rogers Message #1074

BURDIE SLANG8.BIN Burdie Slang Message #180

Burgertime.BIN Burgertime Message #121

BUZZARD32KB8.bin Buzzard Bait Message #424

CBALL32KB8.bin Cannon Ball Blitz Message #310

CAVE32KB8.bin Cave Creature Message #434

Carwars.BIN Car Wars Message #104

Caverns.BIN Caverns Message #134

Cerberus.BIN Cerberus Message #186

Chisholm.BIN Chisholm Trail Message #104

CLOWNS32KB8.bin Clowns Message #239

COMPUCAR32kb8.BIN Compu-Car (Non English) Message #207

CongoBongo.BIN Congo Bongo Message #121

CROSSFIRE32KB8.bin Crossfile Message #239

CUBIT32KB8.bin Cubit Message #310

Demon.BIN Demon Message #104

destruct.bin Mission Destruct Message #491

Dragon.Zip Dragon (EA/3 Disk Conversion by: sprot Message #7 Added (5/25/2019)

DRIVINGDEMON32KB8.bin Driving Demon Message #468

DTC_32KB8.bin Defend The Cities Message #360

ENTRAMMENT32KB8.bin Entrapment Message #318

ESPIAL.BIN (Included in ZIP) (Message # 4919) (Added 02/28/2020) Thanks acadiel!

ET_AT_SEA32KB8.bin E.T. at Sea Message #229

ET_on_land_32KB8.BIN E.T. on Land Message #208

FATHOM32K8.bin Fathom Message #229

FIREBALL32KB8.bin Fireball Message #486

Football.BIN Football Message #134

freddy32KB8.zip Freddy Message #537

FROGHAVEN32KB8.bin Frog Haven Message #340

GALAXIA32KB8.bin Galaxia Message #239

GAME OF LIFE32Kb8.BIN The Game of Life Message #661

GOMUKU32Kb8.BIN Gomuku Message #661

Hangman.BIN Hangman Message #134

HENHOUSE32KB8.bin Hen House Message #310

Hopper.BIN Hopper Message #134

INTERCEPT32KB8.bin Intercept Message #310

Invaders.BIN TI Invaders Message #104

Jawbreaker.BIN Jaw Breaker Message #121

Jumpy.bin Jumpy Message #176

JUNKMAN32Kb8.BIN Junkman Jr. Message #453

KABOOM32KB8.bin KaBoom Message #239

King.bin King of Castle Message #176

KIPPY32KB8.bin Kippy's Monster Nightmare Message #397

LASSO32KB8.bin Lasso Message #253

LIVINGTOMB32kb8.BIN The Living Tomb Message #457

LOBSTER32KB8.BIN Lobster Bay Message #199

LUNARLANDER_8.BIN << DOWNLOAD LINK >> (Added 12/18/2019)

MACROMAN32KB8.bin Macroman Message #486

Microsurgeon.BIN Micro Surgeon Message #121

MMASON.bin Midnight Mason PDF Message #510

Miner Miner 2049'er Message #84

MISSIONX32KB8.bin Mission X Message #239

MOONBASE32KB8.bin Moon Base Message #253

Moonmine.BIN Moon Mine Message #134

MOONSWEEPER32KB8.bin Moon Sweeper Message #427

MOUSEATTACK32KB8.bin Mouse Attack Message #338

MPINBALL.bin Micro Pinball I Message #504

MUNCHMAN32KB8.bin Munchman Message #429

NIBBLER32KB8.bin Nibbler Message #253

OHMUMMY.BIN Oh Mummy Message #189

Othello.BIN Othello Message #134

PAC-MAN32KB8.bin Pac-Man (Homebrew version) Message #340

PADDLEBALL32KB8.bin Paddle Ball Message #310

PARSEC8.BIN Parsec Message #48

PERFECT32KB8.bin Perfect Push Message #253

PHETA32kb8.BIN Space Station Pheta Message #206

pitfall_rev_b.zip Pitfall Message #1

PIZZA32KB8.bin Pizza Message #318

Popeye.BIN Popeye Message #121

PINGPONG8.BIN Ping Pong Message #180

RiverRescue8.BIN River Rescue Message #188

RobotFighter32KB8.zip Robot Fighter Message #517

RockRunner8.bin Rock Runner Message #370

RUSHHOUR32KB8.bin Rush Hour Message #427

S-AGRESSOR32KB8.bin Space Aggressor Message #434

Scrabble.BIN Scrabble Message #155

SCHNOZ-OLA32KB8.bin Schnoz-Ola Message #560

SCUDBUSTER32KB8.bin Scud Buster Message #434

SEAWOLF32kb8.BIN Sea Wolf Message #462

Sledacer32KB8.zip Sled Acer Message #517

SLYMOIDS32KB8.bin Slymoids Message #310

SNEGGIT32Kb8.BIN Sneggit Message #408

Soccer.BIN Soccer Message #134

Solitaire.BIN Solitaire Message #138

Spacebandits.BIN Space Bandits Message #134

SPOTSHOT32KB8.bin Spot Shot Message #253

Submarine32kb8.BIN Submarine Commander STRIP PDF Message #191

STARFORT8.BIN Star Fort Message #180

STARGAZER32KB8.bin Stargazer Message #229

STARMAZE32KB8.bin Star Maze Message #253

StarWars.bin Star Wars Message #176

Stranger32KB8.zip Mike Ward's Stranger Message #517

ST-NICK32KB8.bin St. Nick Message #340

Qbert.BIN Q Bert Message #121

Tetris2-9.bin Tetris 2 Message #036

TheAttack.BIN The Attack Message #121

HUSTLE32KB8.bin The Hustle Message #229

TAFARA32KB8.bim Tafara Message #340

THE MINE8.BIN The Mine Message #182

TI-MAZOGZ32KB8.bin TI-MAZOGZ Message #559

TI-TREK.BIN The Classic TI-Trek Game! Message #115

SPRINGER32KB8.bin The Parachutist (Der Fallschirmspringer) Message #253

TTOADS32KB8.bin Terminal Toads Message #310

TreasureIsland.BIN Treasure Island Message #134

TOD8.BIN Tunnels of DOOM Message #49

Tombstone.BIN Tombstone Message #121

Videochess.BIN Video Chess Message #155

VideoGames1.BIN Video Games 1 Message #155

VideoVegas.BIN Video Vegas Message #155

WARZONE32kb8.BIN War Zone Message #391

WatRescue32KB8.zip Waterville Rescue Message #517

WORMATTACK32KB8.bin Worm Attack Message #253

Wumpus.BIN Hunt The Wumpus Message #134

Yahtzee.BIN Yahtzee Message #155

ZeroZap.BIN ZeroZap Message #155

ZombMotif32KB8.zip Zombie MOTIF Message #517



ALIEN32KB8.bin Alien Addition Message #229

ALLIFATOR32Kb8.bin Alligator Mix Message #229

GRAMMAR32KB8.bin Beginning Grammar Message #229

DIVISION32KB8.bin Demolition Division Message #229

EARLYLERN32KB8.bin Early Learning Fun Message #569

EQUATIONS32KB8.bin Equations Message #229

FROG_JUMP32KB8.bin Frog Jump Message #253

GHOST32KB8.bin Ghost Message #556

HIDESEEK32KB8.bin Hide & Seek Message #318

MATHCATCH32Kb8.BIN Math Catch Message #543

METEOR32KB8.bin Meteor Multiplication Message #229

MIND32KB8.bin Mind Challengers Message #253

MINUS32KB8.bin Minus Mission Message #229

NG32KB8.bin Number Guess Message #427

NUMBERMAGIC32KB8.bin Number Magic Message #560

PERCENTS32KB8.bin Percents Message #229

PICOARTS32KB8.bin Picture Parts Message #234

PYRAMID32KB8.bin Pyramid Puzzler Message #253

SHANGHAI32KB8.bin Shanghai Message #253

SPACEJPURN32KB8.bin Space Journey Message #253

STORYMACHINE32KB8.bin Story Machine Message #234

SYSSCAN32KB8.bin System Scan Message #338

TOUCHTYPING32KB8.bin Touch Typing Message #229

WORDRACE32KB8.bin Word Race Message #234




NEWER HOMBREWS & PORTS                                                                              


borzorkc.bin Berzerk Clone - with speech - Awesome! Message #15

Bounce'n'Pounce Message #1

Bouncy's Obstacle Course (Final Final Version) Message #88

DONCASTER8.bin Doncaster Racecourse Message #828

eric8.bin Eric in Monsterland Message #932

Escape North Korea By: Airshack Message #1 (Added 02/13/2021)

Lunar Mission 2 32k8.BIN Message #16

MADMARVIN8.BIN Mad Marvin's Great Escape Message #967

MRCHIN.BIN Mr. Chin Message #121

MummysTomb32K-8.bin Mummys Tomb Message #2156

NIGHTSTK8.BIN Night Stalker (Complete) Message #1

PENGO.BIN Pengo port by: Bleepbit Message # 1181

Pyjamarama-1.1.zip Pyjamarama Message #50

Red_planet32k8.bin Red Planet By: Retrospect/BIN Arcadeshopper Message #13

restc.bin Restless II Instructions Message #93

Robots of Death Message #4 (Added 02/10/2021)

Skyway8.bin Skyway Message #48

SCRAA.bin Sparkdrummer's Challenge Rescue At AtariAge Message #818

SNAKE32kb8 Snake Plissken Message #638

super-mario-bros-8.bin Super Mario Bros. (Requires F18A) Message #260

SuperSpaceAcer32KB8.zip Super Space Acer Message #477

squaryc.bin Squary Message #10

TILANDER_8.bin TI Lander Manual Message #697

TILES-2018R2.ZIP TILES (Cartridge Image Within ZIP file) Message #23

TI-PONG.BIN TI-Pong Message #001

tix8.bin Similar to Qix Message #38

TEXTURBO8.BIN Tex Turbo Message #977

turmoil.bin Turmoil 8K Message #1





Bigfoot.BIN Bigfoot Message #110

Honeyhunt.BIN Honey Hunt Message #110

Meteorbelt.BIN Meteor Belt Message #110

Sewermania.BIN Sewer Mania Message #110

Soundtrack.BIN Sound Track Message #110

Superfly.BIN Super Fly Message #110



COMPILED BASIC and XB PROGRAMS                                                                    


APERTURE8.BIN Aperture Message #126

BLOXO-TI-Z8.BIN Bloxo Message #126

CAMELOT8.BIN Camelot Message #126


MARSATTACK.BIN Mars Attack Message #69

SHOOTINSTARS8.BIN Shooting Stars Message #126

TI-99/4A MEGA PACK of 150 compiled games Message #258 (Updated 01/27/2021)


PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES                                                                im8.png.b0e12d1020c2d76b80055a60ba34c84d.png


CBASIC80.BIN Cortex BASIC Cortex BASIC Starter Kit Message #353

fbForth208.BIN fbForth 2.0:12 Message #1220

TurboForth122-8.bin Willsy's Turbo Forth Message #32

WycoveFORTH32KB8.bin Wycove Forth Message #364


GRAPHICS PROGRAMS                                                                                            


GIFMANIA32KB8.bin GIF Mania Manual Message #303

MCPIX32KB8.bin Mc Pix Message #317

PIXPRO9932KB8.bin Pix Pro 99 Manual Message #265

SLIDESHOW32kb8.bin Slideshow Program (F18A compatible) StarterPics Message #589

SSAVER32KB.bin Screen Saver Message #349


DEMONSTRATIONS ONLY                                                                                         


bubbc.bin Bubbles Demo Message #8

demo8.bin Texas Instruments Demonstration Cartridge Message #1008

HAPPY32KB8.bin Happy 2015 Message #585

GAMEOFLIFE.ZIP The Game of Life Simulation Message #7

ISO32KB8.bin ISO Scroll Demo Message #585

LYEAR32KB8.bin Light Year Demo Message #585

Merry Christmas Demo By: Sometimes99er Message #1

OSCI32KB8.bin Oscilloscope Demo Message #585

parac.bin Parallax Starfield Demo (uses joystick) Message #25






APESOFTCLOCK32Kb8.BIN Apesoft Alarm Clock (No clock card needed) Message #598

ASPL32KB8.bin ASPL Editor Message #360

AXELF32KB8.bin Axel F (Movie Music) Message #290

FINANCE32KB8.bin Home Finance Message #229

BUDGET32KB8.bin Household Budget Message #229

commando-music-60hz8.bin Commando (Video Game Conversion Music) Message #11

ConsoleCalc.BIN Console Calc Message #545

gronos8.bin Bill Gronos Sound Show (req. cass cable) Message #015

GYRUSSMUSIC32KB8.bin Gyruss Music Demo Message #338

home sentry 99.BIN Home Sentry 99 (Requires the X10 Device) Message #602

MUSICMAKER32KB8.bin Music Maker Message #229

PHYSICAL32KB8.bin Physical Fitness Message #229

SIDPLAYER32KB8.bin SID Player Message #265

TYPEWRITER32KB8.bin Typewriter Message #427

VIDEORAPHS32KB8.bin Video Graphs Message #229



FinalGROM 99 and compatible .BIN's

NOTE: All files below this point REQUIRE a FinalGROM cartridge and will not run from a FlashROM.

           The letter "G" in the filename denotes a GROM based image.                                                             





aidtextfg99.zip AID Text files for FG99 programs Message #912





F18A_V19.ZIP F18A Update Utility to Ver. 1.9 (Multiple Formats) Message #001





alexkidd8.bin Alex Kidd (Playable Demo) Message #001


atarisoft512K8.bin AtariSoft Multicart Message #150

enigma.zip Enigma (Asteroids Clone) Message #13

flying-shark-v1.2.1-8.bin Flying Shark Message #270

jetpac.bin Jetpack Message #305

knightlore8.bin Knight Lore Message #31

parkerBr.zip Parker Brothers SUBDIRECTORY Message #890

Rasmus-8in1-cart-8.bin Rasmus 8-N-1 Arcade Message # 068

redbaron8.bin Red Baron Message #36

tilda_8.bin The Legend of Tilda Not Final Version Message #103

Tutank.zip Tutankham Message # 832

War Zone II-512K-8.bin War Zone II Message # 258





4k-contest-8.bin 4K Contest Compilation of 2018 Cart Labels Message #379






f18a-monkey8.bin Monkey Island Demo Message #282

megademo8.bin Don't Mess With Texas Mega Demo Message #282



GROM Cartridges

4ADOSFG99.zip Auto starting version of 4A/DOS (load once) Message # 1219

Note: This version will NOT work on the UberGROM board


advert8g.bin Advertizer Module Message #1095

Extended BASIC 2.5 Extended BASIC 2.5 Message #798

phm311G.BIN Microsoft Multiplan Loader Message #729

Microsoft Quick Reference Guide & Keyboard Strip Microsoft Manual 80 Column Disk

40 Column Disk


Extended BASIC 2.8 GEM (10/14/2020) INCLUDES DOCUMENTATION  Message #288  Added (10/15/2020)

phm3011G.bin Speech Editor & PDF Manual Message #800

FG-Super Extended BASIC SUPER Extended BASIC Message #780

RXB2015.ZIP RXB 2015 Message #833

TI Extended BASIC PHM 3026 TI Extended BASIC Message #745

TI LOGO PHM 3040 TI LOGO Message #746

FG-TI Mini Memory PHM 3058 Easy Bug & Mini Memory Message #744

512K Mini Memory with paging on FinalGROM 99 Message #1

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I am thinking Fred Karl's ti99-geek.nl Module Creator tool will be handy for transforming any EA5 that is small enough into a bin for the SD card cartridge. It targets 64k eproms, but depending on how he uses the space it may just require truncation. Or maybe Fred would make a 32k option?


With that and the plethora of Grom games that have been converted to EA5, basic games that can be compiled and saved as EA5, and most utilities that are already EA5, converting them to individual cart loaders will make these sdcard cartridges a primary storage device.


I'm waiting on parts to prove this technique, but I encourage anyone with an sdcard cart to explore this and let us know!


This list could get big!



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Is there a site like asimov for the Apple // where these things tend to get uploaded? (One of the problems with asimov is that it has just about everything, but you may not know it's there or be able to find it due to 8.3 filenames in an era when that mattered, but that's a problem I intend to work on at some point.)

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There's WHTech.com, which is a treasure trove of all things TI. It also contains all sort of cartridge dumps.


And there's a new folder of known good, single file, uninverted images that can also be used for the FlashROM 99.


If some image is not working just let me know and I'll add to the compatibility section on the FR99 homepage.

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Are those images for the new FR99 also in a format for TI99Sim by chance? That would be even more cool. (Or perhaps, we need to have FR99 support in TI99Sim? Hmm, I wonder if that's within my ability to accomplish with what I know so far?)

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Not quite. All emulators need some sort of meta information on what to do with the raw dump data, and they all use their own format. IIRC TI99/Sim has a command line tool to convert dumps to its own cartridge format.


The FlashROM 99 doesn't use meta information, as it only supports one type of dump. If those files are not palatable to the conversion tool you could try the MAME/MESS cartridges, just one folder up.

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Thanks, I thought so but was not sure. For now just collecting useful information as I haven't got a FR99 yet. Although you'll probably find an email from me (I think it was your address I sent to?) when you have the chance. Unless ArcadeShopper does or will soon have what I need sooner? That'd save me shipping. (Which leaves the paying for of course...)

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You can also use Classic99 as explained here.

This Classic99 feature is nice! I've been able to capture:



MARS ATTACK ( a basic program I had previously compiled )


After following that procedure, I use your bank inverter utility: http://atariage.com/forums/topic/193163-512k-cartridge-status/page-16?do=findComment&comment=3025762


With your bank inverter, I was easily able to add Stuart's browser, cortex basic, editor assembler II, and fbForth.


Pretty much anyone could do it for the typical EA5 program.



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I want to thank whoever put Arcturus in the whtech bin repository. I'd tried version after version only NOT to hear the music I remember. I was starting to think my memory was wrong. Finally, this one had the correct music! And why did I see "Tursi" on the title screen? Is this our Tursi?



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There are two versions of Arcturus--the file that most people had seen over the years with one tune, and the version in the physical cartridges with the other tune. Tursi did the conversion work to be able to move the image into cartridge space (part of the cartridge originally lived in the DSR space) and then launch the entire program out of Memory Expansion space.

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I want to thank whoever put Arcturus in the whtech bin repository. I'd tried version after version only NOT to hear the music I remember. I was starting to think my memory was wrong. Finally, this one had the correct music! And why did I see "Tursi" on the title screen? Is this our Tursi?




Haha, yep, that's my sidecar cart image. I dumped it (with autostart disabled - hacked interrupt switch peripheral) with a Mini Memory and cassette recorder, and Tursi helped me fix it to run it out of 32K.


The music you are fond of is "The Picador", which is a Sousa march.

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I'd like to post this Bank Test image here as well: BANKTEST.BIN


It's a thorough test for people who built their own carts. It checks every memory location in every bank in an endless loop. If things go right you should see "BANK n: OK" for n = 1, 2, 3, 4, and be able to FCTN-= any time.


If you then bring up the menu you'll see BANK TEST /m, where m is the bank that is currently selected. (Personally I seem to have a talent for bringing up banks 2 and 4, but eventually all numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 will show up.)


@Omega: Maybe you could edit your first post to include or refer to WHTech and this test so that people will find it more easily.


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PREDIT80-8.bin (-m@: edited to rename file)


I snagged a cart loader out of the classic99 debugger for PREDITOR configured in 80 column mode, and with CHARA1 embedded, so you get nice lowercase font and a visible cursor.


These should be the default key configurations, or at least it is whatever the PR file in whtech/f18a PREDITOR.dsk had set. With the PRCONFIG, I only changed the the 80 column mode option.



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Tried this with EA5 Frogger and it works on Classic99 but not on the FlashROM 99 (just get a blue screen). What am I doing wrong? :)

The classic99 image is an inverted rom and you need to make a non-inverted rom. Grab this tool: http://atariage.com/forums/topic/193163-512k-cartridge-status/page-16?do=findComment&comment=3025762


The 3.bin generally indicates it is an inverted rom. This tool will simply prompt for an input file, and then for an output file, and swap the banks going from inverted to non-inverted or vise versa.


I've found that if I name the non-inverted image __9.bin __8.bin then classic99 will load those too. I think there is a discussion of that over in the classic99 updates thread. Anyway, the FlashRom99 required non-inverted images. So that should do the trick.


(-M@: Edited to correct my 9/8 bin mistake)



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The classic99 image is an inverted rom and you need to make a non-inverted rom. Grab this tool: http://atariage.com/forums/topic/193163-512k-cartridge-status/page-16?do=findComment&comment=3025762


Thanks! I just ran it through that tool though and FlashROM 99 doesn't seem to care for it any better than the original.


EDIT: I take that back, it works with my PEB attached :)

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Thanks! I just ran it through that tool though and FlashROM 99 doesn't seem to care for it any better than the original.


EDIT: I take that back, it works with my PEB attached :)


Oh, yep, this technique required expansion ram, the cart image being created is just a loader for expansion ram. It's like making a partial 'save state' and bundling it into a cartridge that restores state. An appropriate feature for an emulator :)



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With all the manuals for everything I've made or downloaded that others have made in the past few years, I just noticed, I don't have a PDF of the PREDITOR program.


I didn't see anything on whtech either. There is a limanews review of it, and then the F18A version someone posted.


If you take the disk version, and run PRCONFIG, a manual could be created by taking notes on all of the key presses it asks about changing.



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