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! FlashROM 99 & FinalGROM 99 - Repository

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You know, I'm rather amazed that no one has converted DU2K yet.

I thought I posted that already... I know I've used it last Thursday night from the flash rom to format floppies as a stress against the rev1/rev2 issue.


I'll upload it tonight.



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I take it this is the Jeff Bunting's version from 1987 rather than Tadd Woods' version from 1985?


Dumb question, I'll find out in a few minutes.


Either way, I love this game SSSSOOOOOOOO much!! many thanks!

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What do you guys think, should really 'sucky' programs be included in the list or have some sort of rating on them?


Why do you think I stopped when I did... :D


Age old question though, and one that plagued the Gazoo game cart images. Maybe something like sorting into BITD 1st party/3rd party/others could be a start. It's a question with lots of different answers depending who you ask.

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What do you guys think, should really 'sucky' programs be included in the list or have some sort of rating on them?


I tend to read the posts newest to oldest, and found the post above this to be obvious stimulation for this question. All the stereotypes around E.T. games...



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I thought I posted that already... I know I've used it last Thursday night from the flash rom to format floppies as a stress against the rev1/rev2 issue.


I'll upload it tonight.




As promised, here is DU 2K. Requires some form of 32k, and is most useful with a disk drive of some sort :)





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Not everyone thinks the same games suck. Should I mention Zero Zap, again?


Oh, to be clear, I have no idea if the TI-99's E.T. offerings are good or not, I haven't even played them. Just that since they make movies about how bad E.T. games on other platforms were, it gave me a laugh to see the order of those posts.


And I'm happy to see everything playable from the FlashROM 99 cart that can be. The SD card gives each user a beautiful opportunity for choice. To answer Omega's question of when do you stop. I think you stop once you have all of the items you want. And if you want something that no one else wanted already, you make it and you share it.



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I was actually impressed with the E.T. twosome (at sea and at land) a few months ago when I found them on a disc with a bunch of other titles.


If Atari's E.T. offering would have been even half as good, they would never have been buried in shame (only to be dug up 33 years later, so people could say "Hey this really isn't that bad"!)


I mean, it was least as good as Zero Zap! <evil grin>

(OUCH! who the heck threw that???)

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I did not know Zero Zap before I found the dumps for MAME/MESS. Actually, I don't find it that bad, because it does not even try to be sophisticated, and there is some idea behind.


Games like Moonsweeper try to look cool but have a gameplay that can be summarized effectively in one sentence. This is much worse.

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I am thinking Fred Karl's ti99-geek.nl Module Creator tool will be handy for transforming any EA5 that is small enough into a bin for the SD card cartridge. It targets 64k eproms, but depending on how he uses the space it may just require truncation. Or maybe Fred would make a 32k option?


With that and the plethora of Grom games that have been converted to EA5, basic games that can be compiled and saved as EA5, and most utilities that are already EA5, converting them to individual cart loaders will make these sdcard cartridges a primary storage device.


I'm waiting on parts to prove this technique, but I encourage anyone with an sdcard cart to explore this and let us know!


This list could get big!



Module Creator can do 32K programs ... just select one E/A option 5 program instead of two, three or four.

Version 2 can create inverted and NON-inverted binaries.


Fred ;-)

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