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Project Scorpio

Master Phruby

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Anywho, I'm interested. But some questions need to be answered first. The most important being:


If a user chooses not to use vr or 4K for gaming, does this boost the graphics settings in games or will they simply render as the S model will render games?


I.E.: Is this only for those who need the extra horsepower to display respectable frame rates at higher resolutions, or when playing vr titles? Or will developers bother to allow 1080 users to use the extra horsepower for better textures, shadows, etc in games?


As much as I'm sold on the S, this would be nice to know so I, and for that matter many others, can make an informed decision.

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  • 9 months later...

Sounds pretty good. I liked that they kept it jaguar cpu but added a Direct 12 chip to turbo charge the thing and allow it to do more with less.

Just hope its $400.00 and not anymore. If so I may have to trade in my XBox One but I don't do trade in,I keep my consoles.


E3 is gonna be huge for the console. XBox is so much better under Phil Spencer,they found their balls again after taking a weird step or two years back. Theyre pretty much back to where they were in the 360 era - hungry and focused again. Glad to see it.

Edited by PhoenixMoonPatrol
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  • 1 month later...

anyone still following this? Its starting to look pretty promising! I still have no reason to make the jump what with a very nice gaming pc and no 4k tv unless my original xbox one dies I won't be upgrading till the family tv is upgraded (again when it dies...)

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I'm kind of iffy about buying a new XBox. I mean I'm looking forward to seeing the new one at E3 but I'm sorta out of the loop with modern gaming,I play my Atari and Coleco

s so much more nowdays. Guess its just me more than the state of gaming right now. I will say that if they do manage to somehow pull off original XBox backward compatibility than boom,thats my thing allot. If they enhance the games where they look better than again BOOM! Weird I know,but I dont really buy day one modern games anymore,I wait for them to fall in price. But I own about 80 OG XBox games and some 100 360 games,and if they push this even further where they look even better than I won;t lie,that would make me a day one buyer. Though Halo and a new Forza Horizon are already must buys for me to begin with,but the game library I already own on older hardware does push me allot closer to buying,heh. Not buying a 4K tv to see differences,nope I'm happy with my 5 year old 1080 set. But give me the ability to play my classics(OG XBox) with enhanced visuals and yes sir thats what I'm hoping for.

Edited by PhoenixMoonPatrol
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  • 4 weeks later...

I really hope they don't use the "Xbox One" name for this system. Not only is it one of their least popular system names, but I'm fully behind their incremental rather than generational approach to consoles. They can just release a new Xbox every 3-4 years that is fully backward compatible going forward.

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anyone still following this? Its starting to look pretty promising! I still have no reason to make the jump what with a very nice gaming pc and no 4k tv unless my original xbox one dies I won't be upgrading till the family tv is upgraded (again when it dies...)

They are putting most of their exclusives on PC, so if they release anything decent, I'll just play it on PC. I don't see the point in Xbox hardware anymore.

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I'm 100% onboard with this. I'm saving up for a spectacular (and obscenely priced) UHD TV and plan on pairing this and a PS4 Pro with it. I recently swapped out one of my Xbox One's for an Xbox One S on our budget 4K bedroom TV (no HDR, etc.), and even on that things look pretty spectacular. I can't wait to see how things look on a much larger HDR OLED with an even more powerful system.

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I really hope they don't use the "Xbox One" name for this system. Not only is it one of their least popular system names, but I'm fully behind their incremental rather than generational approach to consoles. They can just release a new Xbox every 3-4 years that is fully backward compatible going forward.


Of course it's going to be "Xbox One something", just like the newest PS4 was called "PS4 Pro". Maybe even "Xbox One Pro", although I frankly doubt that.


I'm not sure where you're getting "one of their least popular system names" from either. While it's not selling at torrid PS4 levels, it's still outpacing Xbox 360 sales at this point in its lifecycle, which itself outpaced Xbox sales.

Edited by Bill Loguidice
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I think people are making a poor assumption when they call it "Xbox One Scorpio". The future for MS consoles is incremental. Each iteration will get a new name. This isn't just a half gen console like the PS4 Pro. This is their next fully fledged Xbox.

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I think people are making a poor assumption when they call it "Xbox One Scorpio". The future for MS consoles is incremental. Each iteration will get a new name. This isn't just a half gen console like the PS4 Pro. This is their next fully fledged Xbox.


I don't agree. Name/branding continuity is important, particularly with the general public. This Scorpio console will run the same exact games as every other Xbox One console before it. It might run some games with enhanced features (much like the Xbox One S, although obviously to a much greater degree), but they're still the same games. You reserve the new naming system for consoles that can run their own games, even if they're backwards compatible.

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To me that sounds pretty much the same thing. If you're consoles are going to be "incremental" going forward it means you're pretty much dedicating yourself to an endless cycle of half-gen updates. The Scorpio in particular is basically a supped up Xbox One that's focused on 4k gaming and VR. Kinda like what the Pro was aiming at.


Now if the games that are released after the Scorpio is released are "Scorpio only", it becomes far less of a half-gen update and instead a brand new console that just happens to be completely backwards compatible.


It'll also divide the Xbox community (if original Xbox One games continue to come out as well) or force a "reset" where everyone is required to rebuy their console as if a new gen is starting if all games going forward end up Scorpio-only.


I don't think Microsoft wants either situation any more than Sony did which is likely a driving factor in why all PS4 games are still required to work on the original PS4 even if the games will get performance boosts on a pro.

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Yes, we already know that there won't be any Scorpio exclusive games. Frankly, there don't have to be since the PS4 and Xbox One (and presumably eventually the Switch) are following the PC and mobile models of software scaling to the capabilities of the hardware. That's why it will still be "Xbox One something" when it gets its official name (presumably in a few weeks at E3, if not leaked prior).

Edited by Bill Loguidice
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Yes, we already know that there won't be any Scorpio exclusive games. Frankly, there don't have to be since the PS4 and Xbox One (and presumably eventually the Switch) are following the PC and mobile models of software scaling to the capabilities of the hardware. That's why it will still be "Xbox One something" when it gets its official name (presumably in a few weeks at E3, if not leaked prior).

Sony said they won't be doing that. They said the PS4 pro was a "one off" thing. Apparently they wanted to get an answer to 4K gaming before next gen (And Sony corporate wants to sell more 4K TVs, so they need to help solve the chicken and egg problem of not enough 4K content).



Anyway I think following a hardware-scaling model is a mistake. It doesn't work great for PCs or Android. There are always people complaining about incompatibilities with this model or doesn't run well on that CPU/GPU. Developers start taking the attitude "why should we optimize? hardware is cheap, just upgrade!" When you write software for a specific spec, you can optimize much further than if you have to write it to be open-ended and run on multiple possible configurations.

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It's all going to be part of the "Xbox" series, not Xbox One. Of course whatever console comes after the Scorpio may only have games that support a Scorpio mode up to a certain point in its life cycle. It all depends on which systems the public is still running, just like it does now. Xbox games will have to support multiple generations going forward, something they already kind of do with PC cross-buy and 360 backward compatibility, and Sony is already doing with the Pro.


MS has stated that this incremental approach is exactly what they favor going forward. Sony does not agree so far.

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I've planned to pre-order a Scorpio since last year's announcement. But not as an Xbox One.5. As the next Xbox console. I don't plan to upgrade my TV to UHD for another couple years.


I still don't get what you're getting at. There won't be Scorpio exclusives. There will be enhancements to new game releases, but those will be games that can still play on the previous two generations of Xbox One consoles. Call it a 0.5 release or a full 1.0 release, it doesn't change what it's capable of. Just like the PS4 Pro, it's there for people who want it, and particularly optimized for people with 4K TVs. Unlike the PS4 Pro, though, it will be able to run more games at a native 4K.

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Anyway I think following a hardware-scaling model is a mistake. It doesn't work great for PCs or Android. There are always people complaining about incompatibilities with this model or doesn't run well on that CPU/GPU. Developers start taking the attitude "why should we optimize? hardware is cheap, just upgrade!" When you write software for a specific spec, you can optimize much further than if you have to write it to be open-ended and run on multiple possible configurations.


I think it works just fine for modern PCs and mobile. Yes, at some point you have to have a cut off and/or suffer poor performance on the lower specs, but we're likely quite a ways away before we have to worry about that with the Xbox One and PS4 series. Modern dev environments and engines are purpose-built to scale to what's available.

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Yeah, you're right about that. Different philosophies, but for now, the same end result. It really only matters what happens after these consoles. Either one philosophy will win out (incremental or generational) or Sony and MS will offer two different types of platforms going forward. For now it doesn't really matter.


I do think that both companies will offer full backward compatibility on their platforms going forward (PS5 fully compatible with PS4 games) but that's mostly due to the simple architecture of this generation.

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I do think that both companies will offer full backward compatibility on their platforms going forward (PS5 fully compatible with PS4 games) but that's mostly due to the simple architecture of this generation.


I definitely agree with that. There will definitely be a split at some point, but even when the split happens, there will be backwards compatibility. I'll love that, especially with so much owned digital stuff being so accessible.

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I think it works just fine for modern PCs and mobile. Yes, at some point you have to have a cut off and/or suffer poor performance on the lower specs, but we're likely quite a ways away before we have to worry about that with the Xbox One and PS4 series. Modern dev environments and engines are purpose-built to scale to what's available.

It doesn't work fine though. On the Google app store, you can find tons of complaints in the reviews that the given app doesn't work on this model phone or that model tablet. These are generally devices that are in spec and less than two years old.


And on PC, barely a month goes by where there isn't some high-profile game that just runs poorly in general, or maybe runs well on one GPU but crap on the other. This is the reason I prefer to buy my games on PS4 now instead of PC-- I got sick of PCs games not working properly for me on a machine that was in spec.


But even since the PS4 pro came out, there's been a few scandals where in one case the pro-version had a lower frame rate than the regular PS4, and a very recent case where the pro version performed exactly the same as the original (this is against Sony policy)


Yes game engines make porting easier, but they don't guarantee the optimal optimizations on each platform

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Yeah, you're right about that. Different philosophies, but for now, the same end result. It really only matters what happens after these consoles. Either one philosophy will win out (incremental or generational) or Sony and MS will offer two different types of platforms going forward. For now it doesn't really matter.


I do think that both companies will offer full backward compatibility on their platforms going forward (PS5 fully compatible with PS4 games) but that's mostly due to the simple architecture of this generation.

Assuming they stick with AMD for PS5. They probably will, but you never know...

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