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Upcoming Jaguar Game Drive Cartridge


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4 hours ago, SainT said:

… I know most people will jump ship if another opportunity to purchase quicker arises elsewhere …

I'm sticking with #TeamAlbert


One of your past tweets indicated that less that 50% of people who received the GD had even bothered to use it (as indicated by the # of people who had downloaded their corresponding firmware.) People oughta stop chomping at the bit for something that's no real rush.


Also, I like the original label better than the Stone Age one.

Edited by xefned
clarity of wording
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2 hours ago, xefned said:

I'm sticking with #TeamAlbert


One of your past tweets indicated that less that 50% of people who received the GD had even bothered to use it (as indicated by the # of people who had downloaded their corresponding firmware.) People oughta stop chomping at the bit for something that's no real rush.


Also, I like the original label better than the Stone Age one.

Ha, yeah I mean I have been waiting years for it.  Oddly if I hadn't also been waiting for Adventure, I would have gotten it at roughly the same time as I got the VCS. 

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I think a sd drive is something that misissing for the Jaguar, but in the end such device is of little use unless there are many great games to try with it (sadly the GameDrive itself does add any new games to the system)


Perhaps most people who were quick to get in the queue for a GameDrive were the same people who were also quick to get the hottest games?


So we just have to wait until this becomes accessible to everyone (both players, and developers), in order to see any new games released for it. So until then it seems that people will be playing the same games as before (and perhaps reduce the wear a little bit on the cartridge port)


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7 hours ago, SainT said:

For anyone on the AtariAge waiting list, you will get served in order. There are obviously other retailers coming into the fray, but AtariAge will also be getting stock as soon as it is available. Please bear with us and do bear in mind Albert is being a man of his word and honoring the order of the waiting list. This will be to his detriment as this takes time to process compared with just selling on a first come first served basis. I know most people will jump ship if another opportunity to purchase quicker arises elsewhere, but I'm sure it would not be taken lightly if Albert chose to sell in the quickest manner available to him.


There is no particular point to this, by the way, and I am in no way attacking anyone. It's really just a reminder, while expressing a little frustration at a situation which is my own doing, and I have little control over. Supply and demand is frustrating whichever way it goes in one way or another, and I really do try my best to please all parties involved. Which is, naturally, impossible. This last order being delayed is another frustration, as I had hoped stock would be rolling a little more freely by now, but as ever I am doing my best to get stock out asap.

Look, the DEMAND for this product is sustained, and honestly I think Al will continually sell out of what you're shipping over for quite some time.  Your product (from what I've seen online only so far) seems to be without flaw, and Jag game prices are just nonsensical.  Anyone collecting the console beginning a few years ago and going forward (like me) really have no choice BUT to get this cart.  I had a convo with a friend who sarcastically said "I'll wait for the one that plays Jag CD games."  Well, obv yours will at some point, but I said, hey, there won't be another cart like this.  Not in the next 5 years I can almost guarantee that.  No one is going to spend the sheer time and effort like @SainT has on this and his other carts.  As he has professed a number of times, the toll it takes is quite high.

2 hours ago, xefned said:

I'm sticking with #TeamAlbert


One of your past tweets indicated that less that 50% of people who received the GD had even bothered to use it (as indicated by the # of people who had downloaded their corresponding firmware.) People oughta stop chomping at the bit for something that's no real rush.


Also, I like the original label better than the Stone Age one.

Doesn't it ship with firmware on it?

38 minutes ago, phoboz said:

I think a sd drive is something that missing for the Jaguar, but in the end such device is of little use unless there are many great games to try with it (sadly the GameDrive itself does add any new games to the system)


Perhaps most people who were quick to get in the queue for a GameDrive were the same people who were also quick to get the hottest games?


So we just have to wait until this becomes accessible to everyone (both players, and developers), in order to see any new games released for it. So until then it seems that people will be playing the same games as before (and perhaps reduce the wear a little bit on the cartridge port)


There's a library of Atari ST converted to Jaguar games which JagGD will run.  The only other way to play these was to install a skunkboard and whatnot.  That plus gosh even run of the mill Jag games will cost you 1/4 of the price of JagGD.  It makes all the sense in the world.  You may have missed the Jag Studio announcement, which one would think will make extensive use of the JagGD.

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1 hour ago, Greg2600 said:

Doesn't it ship with firmware on it?

Mine did not.  When you fire it up, there is a QR code that takes you to a web address with the firmware available as a download.

The download file is then copied onto the SD card and the JagGD is booted up.

The process is fairly straight forward.



(sadly the GameDrive itself does add any new games to the system)

When you visit the reboot site for instructions/firmware/etc. there are several of the Reboot games (with MRQ files) ready for installation on the JagGD.

Edited by ls650
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12 hours ago, Hastor said:

The thing about 50% included carts in transit, likely mine that want to me at the time, etc. Newer ones will come with firmware so it will be harder to track aside from updates, and some don't update.

This figure stands at 67%. All of these cartridges will be in customers hands.


I have no problem with this at all, I do understand a collectors mind-set, and I'm sure they will get used in time. But I do have a suspicion that, ironically, the most vocal people are more likely to be the ones which just put it on a shelf and not use it.

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15 hours ago, Greg2600 said:

Look, the DEMAND for this product is sustained, and honestly I think Al will continually sell out of what you're shipping over for quite some time.  Your product (from what I've seen online only so far) seems to be without flaw, and Jag game prices are just nonsensical.  Anyone collecting the console beginning a few years ago and going forward (like me) really have no choice BUT to get this cart.  I had a convo with a friend who sarcastically said "I'll wait for the one that plays Jag CD games."  Well, obv yours will at some point, but I said, hey, there won't be another cart like this.  Not in the next 5 years I can almost guarantee that.  No one is going to spend the sheer time and effort like @SainT has on this and his other carts.  As he has professed a number of times, the toll it takes is quite high.

Doesn't it ship with firmware on it?

There's a library of Atari ST converted to Jaguar games which JagGD will run.  The only other way to play these was to install a skunkboard and whatnot.  That plus gosh even run of the mill Jag games will cost you 1/4 of the price of JagGD.  It makes all the sense in the world.  You may have missed the Jag Studio announcement, which one would think will make extensive use of the JagGD.

Yeah, I do completely agree on the demand side of things. Stock will naturally sell-out at every stockist until the supply begins to outstrip demand. And CD games are indeed running if you have a look over at Twitter. There's a handy video Rees put together here --



It hasn't shipped with firmware installed since updating my manufacturing process, so I can see how many people have actually used them. I wanted to do it this way such that regardless of when stock was purchased by suppliers and sold to consumers it meant that they would always have the latest version right from day one. However from the few issues I've had where people find this difficult, I've decided from now on this should be left to the users discretion, so I will be shipping them ready to go from now on.


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3 minutes ago, str0m said:

@Saint  Hi, I have one of the original SD versions, is there any need/point me updating the firmware? It all works fine and I have used it a lot. Looking on your site I see "Firmware 200403 | Latest firmware for the original Jaguar GD."




If you're not having any issues, I don't think there's any need to update, no. The last update was to fix some compatibility issues with certain chip revisions of the Jaguar GPU.


There will be an update before too long with CD support, though. :)

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1 hour ago, SainT said:

I do have a suspicion that, ironically, the most vocal people are more likely to be the ones which just put it on a shelf and not use it.


I'm fully aware that I'm one of those dudes who will let mine sit on a shelf until summer before I even touch it. So I try to impart a sense of zen on anyone who knows they're like me.


I was overly eager back when I thought this would be limited to 200 units once you got tired of building them. And I was vocal on Twitter having been spurned by the discontinuation of the VecFever cart. But once you assured us you would eventually meet the demand in time, feelings of calm stoicism washed over me.  


In case no one's told you recently, you rock Saint.


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Lol, much appreciated! :)


I guess that's one of factors driving frustration -- the concern they will stop being produced. At least I can assure people that's not going to happen. I've been producing these carts now (Lynx, NGP...) for quite some years and it's taken considerable effort to get here, so I'm not about to give up. :)

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57 minutes ago, captainblack said:

Interesting that Iron Soldier 2 CD is already running perfectly yet some other CD games are not. I thought that one would be the hardest to get working considering the original Iron Soldier is still a nut uncracked by the emulating community.

I don't know anything about the situation, but it sounds like the issue comes from running it in an emulator rather than real hardware, and occurs after the game code has been read from the image to the emulator. Since this is sending it to real hardware, it probably doesn't have to worry about that. If there's no issue in just getting the game data to feed to the Jag as expected, it should work better than emulators.

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On 2/26/2021 at 11:46 AM, SainT said:

Lol, much appreciated! :)


I guess that's one of factors driving frustration -- the concern they will stop being produced. At least I can assure people that's not going to happen. I've been producing these carts now (Lynx, NGP...) for quite some years and it's taken considerable effort to get here, so I'm not about to give up. :)

I don't have a lynx yet but when I do I'll complete my set :p, you are the British version of Kritzz and the quality of your work is just as good as his, except you tackle the consoles and handhelds Kritzz likely will never cover. I have pretty much every romcart solution for everything now but if you were to move onto other devices as well, I'd likely snap them up too. 

14 hours ago, captainblack said:

Interesting that Iron Soldier 2 CD is already running perfectly yet some other CD games are not. I thought that one would be the hardest to get working considering the original Iron Soldier is still a nut uncracked by the emulating community.

As hastor says, the code for the game is the same, so if it loads just as a game will load on an original cd it'll play the same. However that doesn't mean there isn't jigging to get it to work properly first, I got the impression from some of SainTs posts on twitter there was a degree of testing and debugging. Perhaps the low library of commercial games for the system helped ensure stronger compatibility than say, the pseudo saturn for sega. 

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Oh the CD game support is present but a tad spotty, look forward to that getting ironed out. ;)  It's kind of a Catch 22 with JagCD, cheaper than cart games to make but finding a working affordable drive is difficult now. Does seem to be the future, at one time I thought a JagCD reproduction might be practical but it's all optical drive emulators now for various pragmatic reasons.


Just started watching "ctrl-alt-rees" and had no idea he was helping with the GameDrive testing, cool. Wow already a lot of CD games running, I'll have to push to get this sooner heh.

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On 2/25/2021 at 2:41 AM, SainT said:

For anyone on the AtariAge waiting list, you will get served in order. There are obviously other retailers coming into the fray, but AtariAge will also be getting stock as soon as it is available. Please bear with us and do bear in mind Albert is being a man of his word and honoring the order of the waiting list. This will be to his detriment as this takes time to process compared with just selling on a first come first served basis. I know most people will jump ship if another opportunity to purchase quicker arises elsewhere, but I'm sure it would not be taken lightly if Albert chose to sell in the quickest manner available to him.


There is no particular point to this, by the way, and I am in no way attacking anyone. It's really just a reminder, while expressing a little frustration at a situation which is my own doing, and I have little control over. Supply and demand is frustrating whichever way it goes in one way or another, and I really do try my best to please all parties involved. Which is, naturally, impossible. This last order being delayed is another frustration, as I had hoped stock would be rolling a little more freely by now, but as ever I am doing my best to get stock out asap.

Oh I'm definitely not frustrated at anyone, I knew pre-orders at SAG would go fast. I'm immensely happy at how many options we have nowadays versus 15 years ago. I am in no big rush! We all appreciate you

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