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Nintendo Classic Mini announced

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Has Nintendo ever had serious issues regarding shortages of disc-based software? Similarly, what about Sony or Microsoft? Disc-based software is so cheap to physically manufacture. I know Pokemon titles can be hard to find at launch at times, but those are cartridge based.


I think in most cases, there was a low print run and no one could be arsed to print more. I think it's absurd that any disc-based game should be hard to find, for exactly that reason. It's too easy to make enough to meet demand, even if it's not all at once. Hell, I remember when CDs took off, that was the SELLING POINT: that it would encourage developers to keep games in print because it was cost-effective to do multiple runs of smaller quantities. Yet, for some reason, a lot of them are still in the cartridge mindset of "Well, print up 70,000, and what that runs out, we're done."

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There are always games with low print runs where demand does exceed supply. Say that you sell out the 70,000 and there seems to be some demand for more. How many more copies do you print? Misjudging excess demand means that you have discs that you cannot sell and you lose money. Also, printing small runs of discs (which are more expensive to print) are often more trouble then they are worth, especially to a large gaming company. The resources spent managing small runs of older games may be better spent managing the large runs of newer, more successful games.

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For a small order run (100pcs) with the game pressing, art, manual & case, it will cost you roughly $5 per game. At the 1000 quantity mark it will cost you $3 per game. At the 10k mark you pay $1 per game. I don't know of other breaks as I was never quoted or asked a higher amount. So for example, they order an additional 10k of product, it runs them $10k or less most likely which would have very little if any impact on them if they did not sell them all.

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When you put it that way, it's easy to understand why digital releases aren't cheaper than physical. I wonder what their server costs are like in comparison?


Yeah, I never bought the whole publisher cry of "We're losing money printing up all these physical games!" Disc media is cheap in volume, and replicating it is a one-time cost. I know running servers cuts out a lot of steps, but it's a monthly overhead that NEVER GOES AWAY as long as the game is supported. Over the long haul, there's no way running a server could be cheaper.


The real cost of a game is in the development and marketing, and that's not affected by the media at all.

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There are always games with low print runs where demand does exceed supply. Say that you sell out the 70,000 and there seems to be some demand for more. How many more copies do you print? Misjudging excess demand means that you have discs that you cannot sell and you lose money. Also, printing small runs of discs (which are more expensive to print) are often more trouble then they are worth, especially to a large gaming company. The resources spent managing small runs of older games may be better spent managing the large runs of newer, more successful games.


Apparently Nintendo had no problem doing a new print of Metroid Prime Trilogy when requested by GameStop.

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Majesco Sales was pretty active in reprinting older SNES and Genesis cartridges in the late 1990s during the twilight years of those systems. Like Nintendo/GameSpot's Metroid Prime Trilogy re-release, they usually stuck to marquee names like Star Wars and established franchises like Castlevania, Contra and Mega Man. In both cases several years usually passed between the releases.

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Doing those kind of things can really screw up your memory, your memory, and something else that I can't recall at the moment but it is bad. Anyway, I need to make my way through all of these stars and bubbles that are filling up my room to find where that waw waw pedal sound is coming from.



I don't really sniff model glue, I'd be worried the fire from my pot would cause ummm more fire ...bigger fire

It was a joke. This should go without saying, that while I have used the aforementioned items as intended, I don't deliberately concentrate and try to inhale the fumes. That's just idiocy, and a lot of teens have actually died from inhalant abuse. :skull:


I do have a beer or other alcoholic beverage on occasion though. :P

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Because assuming that Kosmic Stardust is right that if the supply permits it and Nintendo plays their cards right then by this Christmas it could outsell the Wii U(Over 13 million units. From the NES Mini's launch date until Christmas Eve that is around an average of 300,000 units sold per day.) and they would be very disappointed if the supply doesn't permit it then I think it is more likely that kind of demand for 30 NES games would produce a desire to find an alternative way to play them instead of settling for a Retrobit Generations or Atari Flashback.

I meant that the NES Mini would likely outsell the Wii-U console during the months of November to December of 2016. No way it will reach lifetime sales of 13 million plus. Anybody looking to pick up a Wii-U at this point will likely wait for NX.


That said, the Wii-U does have an awesome library of first party titles so it would be worth investing in one simply for all the games released for it. However, I'm not expecting significant price drops as stock runs out. Even secondhand they will probably never be available for less than $100 or so. It's an underdog with a great library. This will make the system and games desirable in the future. Just look at the Turbografx prices if you need something to compare to.

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If I ever hit the Lotto, I'd like to buy Everyone in my AtariAge friends list a 6 pack of the beer of their choice, or a bottle of something fun ! And maybe a homebrew...A homebrew for Atari or NES or Colecovision that is...



Sounds great! (checks friends list - yep, already added) :grin:

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It was a joke. This should go without saying, that while I have used the aforementioned items as intended, I don't deliberately concentrate and try to inhale the fumes. That's just idiocy, and a lot of teens have actually died from inhalant abuse. :skull:


I do have a beer or other alcoholic beverage on occasion though. :P

I got that from the bold part:


Where would this world be without modeling glue and CPU duster cans. I honestly don't know how I'd make it through the day. /jk

But I probably would have got that without it because it sounds sarcastic and because I doubt anyone our age including those that have tried it as teens would still be doing it. Anyway, there is no need to be concerned about rather or not it is taken as a joke because everyone here already judges you as a drunken slut. /jk

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I meant that the NES Mini would likely outsell the Wii-U console during the months of November to December of 2016. No way it will reach lifetime sales of 13 million plus.

I misunderstood because from the context of how you used outsell it painted me a picture of them flying off of the shelves and because they could probably outsell the Wii U this holiday season without Nintendo playing their cards right while also having a major shortage.

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Cute little NES Mini case on the way for $20. I might get this, unless Mike Kennedy stands to gain from my doing so.



I could see Gameboy-sized NES carts going in the top flap. Well one can dream, can't he?


The public response to this thing is phenomenal. Every other day there's a click-bait article on Yahoo on this contraption despite the presidential campaign [edit] poo flinging wars [/edit], celebrity gossip, and the fact that unexplained phenomenon in the cosmos must be the direct result of extraterrestrial civilizations. Rarely does our little hobby ever make the news circuits.


If Nintendo short stocks the Mini this Christmas, then it is evidence the executives in Japan have no clue the reach of their own brand image in the west. That and Japan must be a nation of hobbits if the Famicom Mini pint-sized controllers are any indication... :lol:

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What is it with old farts and cartridges? :-P

Grampa gets a Mini for Christmas. "You young whippersnappers... You call that a console? Back in my day, we had this little kijigger where you put the big gray cart in and pressed it down. Then press power and the thing blinks like it's Christmas. You take took the contraption, gave it a bj until yer face terned blue, and the danged tging still blinked. So I'd take out my dad's swiss army knife and wedge it up on top of the kabobber keeping the tray at half mast, pray to the gods and gave the system a firm whacking on the side to get picture...


And we liked it!


We didn't have these fancy new-fangled HDMA what-ch-call its. There was a magic grey boxin the back of the TV the dog often confused for a chew toy. You shoved the cable in back the NES and set the VHS dial on channel 3. Oh, I remember those. Back then we didn't have remotes. You had to get off yer keister and walk across the room to adjust the dial if you wanted to watch something. I don't recall what time of year Mario Bros took place, but I recon it was winter because it would always have blizzard on the screen like a Montana Christmas. Heck it even snowed in the sewers. And I could make it snow more or less by cagiggering the cord behind the NES. If we were lucky, you could see what color the bricks were.


And we liked it.


Then I'd play some Turtle warriors or whatever that guy with the whip who slayed vampires. I forgot his name. Anyway,on a good day, I'd make it past the first or second boss before the screen garbled up. I swear I made it to the Technodrome before it froze. And there was no such thing as saving. Young whippersnappers like you are so spoiled, you can't beat it without states. When I was a lad, we had to start from the first level every time. And I could almost beat the game, dagnabbit, if my mom didn't yank it out of the wall because it was bedtime or I had homework. God rest her soul, she meant well.


Now who wants to get their ass beat in Contra?"


"it's not on here, grampa."


"Super C? What kinda hippy loving tree hugging liberal decided to put that crap on there. Super C's for cissies, I tell ya! I'll be in my office writing an angry letter to Nintendoodle while you kids have fun. It just ain't the same if you can't out pick which carts to play on it. Except I wanted Dr Mario and my mom picked up some sports game with the mat because I didn't excercise enough. Stadium something I think it was. So I traded it to some kid in the schoolyard for Castlevania. Dumb bloke didn't even have the mat controller. I'll bet that kid regrets the day he traded with Uncle slick."


"Grampa, you had Stadium Events? That's a ten thousand dollar game now!"


"Whatcha! Yer bluffin kid..."


"No, really, here, look at pricecharting..."


"Why that swindlin no good double crossing dirtbag! If I still have my license and wasn't tethered to this oxygen tank, I'd give him such a whollip on the head with my cane, he won't know what hit him..."


Mom enters. "Time for your medicine and stool relaxers, dear..."

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