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Your favorite Magazine Checksum "Type-In" Program?


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I've been digging back through the old magazine PDF's and ATR's for checksum and other (Basic) debugging programs. If you did any typing of old programs from Antic, Analog, etc., which program did you like the best -- and of course, why did you prefer it?


I liked Typo II from Antic, but the others were useful, also. There is one that I plan to type in called "KEYO" from the U.K. Monitor magazine that looks interesting.


Any "typers" still out there?



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I preferred Compute!'s automatic proofreader because it was so unintrusive, just type the programs in as usual and check the checksum at the top of the screen.


Typo III from New Atari User copied that user interface but generated checksums compatible with Antic's Typo II instead. Back in the day I used to use Turbo Typo II to type programs in from Antic, since it came in my first Antic magazine (June 1985).


Of course, when you're typing programs in you don't get to choose the checksum generator, you just have to use whatever the magazine provides you with (if anything!). I remember _hating_ typing stuff in from Analog because of the checksum generator, but I can't remember the details of how it worked.

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Apparently I was lucky with Analog too; I used Unicheck, which happened to be in my first issue of Analog (also June 1985! It seems like that was a good month for typo checkers). I always thought it strange that they didn't have the typo checker available in every issue like Compute! and Antic did.


I'm pretty sure I still have the Automatic Proofreader, Turbo Typo II, Typo III and Unicheck. If I find them I can make an ATR.

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Here's a bootable DOS 2.5 disk (single density) containing the typo checkers I used. PROOF.BAS is Compute's Automatic Proofreader, TYPOIII.BAS works with Antic's listings, and UNICHECK.BAS creates the AUTORUN.SYS file for Analog's typo checker.




TURBOTYP.BAS is included for completion; it's a speedier version of Antic's TYPO II, but TYPO III generates the same codes and is even faster, so you don't need both.


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  • 3 years later...

I remember back in the 80s one of Analog's checksum programs would automatically print the next line number for you. The one I recently typed in does not. Anybody know the version that does the line numbers? Also in one Analog there was a program that reorganized part of the keyboard into a 10 key. I remember sticking masking tape corrections on my 400 keyboard for it, it was a huge help at the time.

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6 hours ago, Champions_2002 said:

There were two from the UK magazine Atari User called Get It Right


I have attached version 1 & 1.2 below

gir.bas 3.47 kB · 1 download gir12.bas 3.92 kB · 1 download

I remember that! You just typed in the listing and this would create a table of linenum / checksum pairs which you compared to the table in the mag. It felt more like actual programming than using Typo, you were on your own until you got to the end, it didn't check as you typed.


Thanks for posting that I'd forgotten all about it :D

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  • 4 years later...

There was also 'BUG-OUT' from 'Home Computer Magazine'.


There were versions for Apple, Atari, Commodore, IBM and Texas Instruments.


Also another version of Get It Right II! from Atari User July 1988 (v2.1), just some minor improvements from v2.0.


Attached is an Atari disk image with BUG-OUT (Atari version) and Get It Right II! (v2.1).




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2 hours ago, 800XLNZ said:

There was also 'BUG-OUT' from 'Home Computer Magazine'.


There were versions for Apple, Atari, Commodore, IBM and Texas Instruments.


Also another version of Get It Right II! from Atari User July 1988 (v2.1), just some minor improvements from v2.0.


Attached is an Atari disk image with BUG-OUT (Atari version) and Get It Right II! (v2.1).



Atari_8-Bit_Proof-Readers[BUG-OUT][GIRIIV21].atr 90.02 kB · 1 download

Added both, thanks!

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