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The Compact Computer 40 (CC40)

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I am happy to create any amount of peripherals, provided there is demand and folks can decide just what they want.


RS232 is trivial, and I can whip that one up immediately using the same HW


Printer would be best implemented as a simple printer interface (like is on the rs232 interface)


Video Display suggests some questions:


  • Output to composite? VGA? HDMI? internal LCD?
  • Use actual period correct video IC, or something newer?




Not sure I would be interested in creating a real disk drive version, or a wafertape version. Plotter? What else?


Perhaps a poll would be in order here to determine community priorities and needs. Personally, the video display adapter would be a priority addition. VGA or HDMI output will likely work for most. Don't care about the video IC specs as long as it works :) I'm sure others will have different opinions...

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RS232 is trivial, and I can whip that one up immediately using the same HW


The TI Hex-Bus RS232 Interface lacks one important feature: It can not be used with the OLD/SAVE Basic Commands.

The specs on page 246 confirm this finding.



In contrast the PEB RS232 Interface (and the sidecar) support OLD/SAVE, my Web99 uses it to load the bootstrap program on a "virgin" TI. Same for the Vdm99 from Nouspikel.

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Hi Jim,

The video output for a new design Hexbus Video adapter

Probably should have several options. I would like to

Have composite or a LCD mini display for portable

Use in the car or at work, and VGA or HDMI

for use at home or in the Lab , desk top work

with the CC40. Sounds complicated but with the

Arduino processor and proper programming I think it

Is workable.


Also if possible , let me know about the 2 different

Board design cost, so I can tell you how many boards

I would like to purchase of each.


TI998owner Lee

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The TI Hex-Bus RS232 Interface lacks one important feature: It can not be used with the OLD/SAVE Basic Commands.

The specs on page 246 confirm this finding.



In contrast the PEB RS232 Interface (and the sidecar) support OLD/SAVE, my Web99 uses it to load the bootstrap program on a "virgin" TI. Same for the Vdm99 from Nouspikel.

I can see why the old is not working. HexBus lad commands want the full size of the file. On the PEB and Sidecar, how does the code know how many bytes to expect?


Save should work, though, as there is not ambiguity there. I can definitely support save, but without load, it would be kinda tough to use. Can anyone shed some light on how the DSR handles the unknown length of the file when loading?



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Insofar as a video display is concerned, I consider that the LCD screens I have found work well and are inexpensive enough to be add-on to a HexBus peripheral with composite output.


How difficult would it be to put out a 480i composite signal (to accommodate problems with the cheap composite converters) as well as VGA?

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Insofar as a video display is concerned, I consider that the LCD screens I have found work well and are inexpensive enough to be add-on to a HexBus peripheral with composite output.


How difficult would it be to put out a 480i composite signal (to accommodate problems with the cheap composite converters) as well as VGA?

We need to get someone with SNUG to get in touch with Michael Becker to see if he has schematics and stuff. Also, the Editor Assembler cart is the only one that I'm aware of that can take advantage of 80 columns. Ksarul has that documentation, and I don't know if he has scanned it yet.


Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

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We need to get someone with SNUG to get in touch with Michael Becker to see if he has schematics and stuff. Also, the Editor Assembler cart is the only one that I'm aware of that can take advantage of 80 columns. Ksarul has that documentation, and I don't know if he has scanned it yet.


Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

Not 80 columns, but the display adapter.


Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

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Had to fill orders tonight, but the m328 arrived, so I modified the code to compile and run on a MEGA328. After the same error showed up on the larger IC, looked at the code and found a bug in translating a lun to an open file. Fixed, and now I have rudimentary support for open #1, print #1, close #1.


I am trying to figure out how the system knows how to handle the difference between print #1, "this is some text with a semicolon after"; from print #1, "this is some text with a return afterwards". Both show up at the drive the same way.


Thoughts are appreciated.

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The junctions not identified on this pic are the ones I need metered.



Here's an initial meter to the pins. Will get your question marks later.

2	N/C	N/C
3	N/C	N/C
4	PIN19	A9
5	PIN20	A11
6	PIN21	!OE
7	N/C	N/C
8	N/C	N/C
9	N/C	N/C
10	N/C	N/C
11	N/C	N/C
12	PIN1	A14
13	N/C	N/C
14	PIN28	D3
15	PIN9	A1
16	PIN7	A3
17	N/C	N/C
18	PIN2	A12
19	PIN3	A7
22	PIN4	A6
23	PIN5	A5
24	PIN6	A4
25	PIN8	A2
26	PIN10	A0
28	PIN13	D2
29	PIN12	D1
30	PIN11	D0
31	PIN25	D6
32	PIN26	D5
33	PIN27	D4
34	PIN24	D7
35	PIN23	!CRAM
36	PIN22	A10
37	PIN18	A8
38	N/C	N/C
39	PIN16	!WE
40	PIN17	A13

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Hmm, something seems off:

Let me put the EPROM pin names down in the list:

PIN    EPROM    SIGNAL      RAM SIGNAL RAM SIGNAL (if we assume you numbered 15-28 backwards)
1    PIN14      GND         GND        GND
2    N/C        N/C         
3    N/C        N/C
4    PIN19      A9          D7         A9
5    PIN20      A11         !CS        A11
6    PIN21      !OE         A10        !OE
7    N/C        N/C
8    N/C        N/C
9    N/C        N/C
10    N/C       N/C
11    N/C       N/C
12    PIN1      A14         A14        A14
13    N/C       N/C
14    PIN28     D3          VCC        D3
15    PIN9      A1          A1         A1
16    PIN7      A3          A3         A3
17    N/C       N/C
18    PIN2      A12         A12        A122
19    PIN3      A7          A7         A7
20    VCC       DIODE1      ?          ?
21    !CROM     RESISTOR2   ?          ?
22    PIN4      A6          A6         A6
23    PIN5      A5          A5         A5
24    PIN6      A4          A4         A4
25    PIN8      A2          A2         A2
26    PIN10     A0          A0         A0
27    BATT-     GND         ?          ?
28    PIN13     D2          D2         D2
29    PIN12     D1          D1         D1
30    PIN11     D0          D0         D0
31    PIN25     D6          A8         D6
32    PIN26     D5          A13        D5
33    PIN27     D4          !WE        D4
34    PIN24     D7          A9         D7
35    PIN23     !CRAM       A11        !CS  (hmm, this seems strange, as it means the RAM only present in RAM space)
36    PIN22     A10         !OE        A10
37    PIN18     A8          D6         A8
38    N/C       N/C
39    PIN16     !WE         D4         !WE
40    PIN17     A13         D5         A13

I think the numbering of the EPROM on the second side is backwards. It matches up if I flip the pinout.



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Hi Jim,

OK, after a lot of work and hunting I found my

Original owners/ operation manual for my TI-99/8

Hexbus Disk Drive HX5102 . I also rebuilt one of

My CC40 Computers , maxed out memory for this test

and HX1300 TI99/4a Hexbus interface , so I could

Test the Hexbus double sided ,double density drive

On each computer.


The error code for the CC40 open lever with disk in

Drive is Error 102 on 101


The error code for the CC40 open lever with no disk in

Drive is Error 102 on 101


CC40 is a little different using commands with the

Hexbus Floppy drive then the TI-99/4a or the TI-99/8

Commands. The CC40 computer does not support the use

Of the commands old dsk1.test, save dsk1.test, rather it

Uses only old "101.test" , save "101.test" . It also supports

Up to 4 Hexbus floppy drives , just like the TI-99/4a and the

TI-99/8 computers.


More error codes


CC40 .... Error #97 no disk or no drive , trying to access a drive

That is not there, I.e like old "102.test" or old "103.test" or old "104.test"

When you only have the first floppy drive 101. The TI-99/4a and TI-99/8

See first floppy drive as drive 100 , second as 101 and third as 102 and forth as

103 or they also use DSK1 , DSK2, DSK3, DSK4.


The Texas instruments Disk Manager Cart also can access all 4 Hexbus Floppy

Drives as well.


Hope this info helps

TI998owner Lee

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I can see why the old is not working. HexBus lad commands want the full size of the file. On the PEB and Sidecar, how does the code know how many bytes to expect?


Save should work, though, as there is not ambiguity there. I can definitely support save, but without load, it would be kinda tough to use. Can anyone shed some light on how the DSR handles the unknown length of the file when loading?




With OLD.RS232 and SAVE.RS232 you connect two TI-99 and get them in a certain communication mode. They then start an initial handshake including transmit of the program filesize. The computers then transmit sector per sector with some CRC and the receiving unit either answers with acknoledge or not acknoledge. If not, then the current sector is repeated. After the last sector was acknolegded, the system returns to the prompt.

I am using this technique to get the Web99 Program loader on any TI-99 with no requirements than a working RS232 connection to the PC. TI Basic is sufficient. No Disk Drive, no Memory Expansion, no Tape Recorder is required.


The specs are explained here:





I hope this is a bit of help.

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I am happy to create any amount of peripherals, provided there is demand and folks can decide just what they want.


RS232 is trivial, and I can whip that one up immediately using the same HW


Printer would be best implemented as a simple printer interface (like is on the rs232 interface)


Video Display suggests some questions:


  • Output to composite? VGA? HDMI? internal LCD?
  • Use actual period correct video IC, or something newer?




Not sure I would be interested in creating a real disk drive version, or a wafertape version. Plotter? What else?


I have been a fan of your work for quite some time and have several of your go4retro creations. I would be more than happy to beta test anything that would be helpful to you. I have an expanded cc40 , hexbus rs232, and modem and would be very interested in an sd storage solution as well as a 40/80 column video solution.


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With OLD.RS232 and SAVE.RS232 you connect two TI-99 and get them in a certain communication mode. They then start an initial handshake including transmit of the program filesize. The computers then transmit sector per sector with some CRC and the receiving unit either answers with acknoledge or not acknoledge. If not, then the current sector is repeated. After the last sector was acknolegded, the system returns to the prompt.

I am using this technique to get the Web99 Program loader on any TI-99 with no requirements than a working RS232 connection to the PC. TI Basic is sufficient. No Disk Drive, no Memory Expansion, no Tape Recorder is required.


The specs are explained here:





I hope this is a bit of help.

Hmm, I *think* I can implement the same protocol on the AVR on the RS232 pak. DO you have source right now I can peruse?


The spec seems incomplete to me, but it's my first reading.


I see where the loading PC sends SYN chars to the other side, and the other side sends back 2 bytes (size) and 2 bytes CRC for those 2 bytes. Then, it looks like it sends data blocks.


The next figure shows 16 byte data blocks, but the next text discusses 256 byte data blocks. Thus, I am confused.



Edited by brain
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Hmm, I *think* I can implement the same protocol on the AVR on the RS232 pak. DO you have source right now I can peruse?



Do you mean the Assembler code or my Web99 C# code?

Here is the DSR dissassembly by Nouspikel:




I can look up the Web99 C# code for the communication if you want it.

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