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Worst Jaguar cartridge title?


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  • 4 months later...


Not as much hate for Bubsy in this thread as I would have thought...lol (and even a few positive comments!!!!)


I don't recall white men cant jump as being as bad as all the mentions (but its no NBA JAM)


WMCJ got so much bad press that I avoided it for years. Finally a few years ago I picked it up for five bucks. I was pleasantly surprised me and my friends enjoyed the hell out of it for quite a while. We all found it very playable.


Even now my roommates seven year old son plays the hell out of it with me.


But somewhere along the way it became fashionable to bash White Men Can't Jump. Just like in the last few years it seems to have become fashionable to elevate Bubsy above what it may really be.


Advertising goes a long way.

Edited by JagChris
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WMCJ got so much bad press that I avoided it for years. Finally a few years ago I picked it up for five bucks. I was pleasantly surprised me and my friends enjoyed the hell out of it for quite a while. We all found it very playable.


Even now my roommates seven year old son plays the hell out of it with me.


But somewhere along the way it became fashionable to bash White Men Can't Jump. Just like in the last few years it seems to have become fashionable to elevate Bubsy above what it may really be.


Advertising goes a long way.


This is true. Would love to see some gameplay photage of you guys playing Bubsy if that is possible.


Other than DoctorClu, who is elevating Bubsy?


Quite a few actually. Over the years Bubsy (on the Jaguar at least) has had quite a few like the account above where people gave the game a chance and liked it. Or managed to get past the learning curve and enjoy the game.

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Over the years Bubsy (on the Jaguar at least) has had quite a few like the account above where people gave the game a chance and liked it. Or managed to get past the learning curve and enjoy the game.

Look what you've done! People start enjoying Bubsy, and it goes downhill from there!

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I personally think Club Drive, mainly for the terrible graphics. I like the concept of being in mini cars riding around in a living room, but the graphics were painful to my eyes! This game would have been killer if it was anything like the Micro Machines game on NES, with the little cars riding around all over the place. That's something I enjoyed as a kid (as well as micro machines themselves).

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I personally think Club Drive, mainly for the terrible graphics. I like the concept of being in mini cars riding around in a living room, but the graphics were painful to my eyes! This game would have been killer if it was anything like the Micro Machines game on NES, with the little cars riding around all over the place. That's something I enjoyed as a kid (as well as micro machines themselves).

I don't know.

I hear that kind of reasoning a lot. If the Jag had micro-machine it would have made no difference at all let's be honest.

As to what fixes some of the dreadful Jag releases needed in order to become "killer" .... I think it's moot.

Maybe Checkered Flag with a better control would have been more successful but killer? (there's a fix for that) ... or maybe not at all, the same could be said for Daytona on the DC for example and there's a fix for that too.

Maybe Club Drive with a totally different engine, gfx assets, sfx, gameplay, producer, development team, test team, secretaries, janitors, facilities, catering etc... would have been great .... or not.


My point being some of the most wretched games in the Jag library are marred by more than one single issue.

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You're right. But there's something different about Club Drive. A "you know, if it wasn't horribly botched, it could actually be fun to play" feeling.


Checkered Flag or Supercross 3D are different. Even if the technical issues were fixed, they're just generic clones of much better games. They don't have anything original enough to make them interesting.

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I played Fight For Life right to the end a few times. Wasn't great, but the fact that I was willing to play repeatedly counts for something.


I thought Checkered Flag and Club Drive were worse. Especially Checkered Flag. Was like steering with soap.


Too bad, because the crappiness of the Jag version tends to hang over the Lynx version being well rated.

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Jeeeze, the worst? That's a really tough one....kind of akin to asking which puddle of animal diarrhea/vomit smells the worst. I mean, it's all pretty damned horrible at the end of the day.



But seriously, being a lifelong Atari fan I tried to enjoy the Jag. I really did. Bought a bunch when they hit deep clearance along with a pile of $1.99-$5 games. We set out one weekend to play them all and have a (hopefully) rockin time!

Well, after popping in around a dozen different games - Cyberwhatever, Hoverthing, generic shooter, Bruce Lee, generic racer, subpar generic fighter, etc.etc. - it was painfully apparent that none of us were exactly having a 'rockin time', sigh. In fact, as the host, I was actually a bit embarrassed.


Wolfenstein and the giant mech game were mildly amusing for an hour or so, to be fair. We already had Wolfenstein on 3DO and plenty of giant robo games on other platforms by that point, though.


Poor Jag. I felt deeply disappointed (this was ATARI, after all!!) even at $19.99 for the system and a few bucks each per game, I can only imagine how I'd have felt if I shelled out $150+ for the system and $50 each for the games! :(

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Poor Jag. I felt deeply disappointed (this was ATARI, after all!!) even at $19.99 for the system and a few bucks each per game, I can only imagine how I'd have felt if I shelled out $150+ for the system and $50 each for the games! :(

Imagine how people who are paying today's prices for Jag CD units feel.

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all too true! Which is why I won't be getting one :( Could you imagine how awesome it would be to have gotten them for clearance prices and games for a few bucks!


It seems like just yesterday; rows of discounted systems and bins of $2 games.....I flipped quite a few systems for $40-$75, sure wish I'd held on to a few....


Similar situation with the Virtual Boy, Dreamcast, and 3DO. We watched them drop from full retail to $20-$50 within a matter of months in some cases.

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It seems like just yesterday; rows of discounted systems and bins of $2 games.....I flipped quite a few systems for $40-$75, sure wish I'd held on to a few....


Similar situation with the Virtual Boy, Dreamcast, and 3DO. We watched them drop from full retail to $20-$50 within a matter of months in some cases.

I may be one of the chosen few, but I bought a Jaguar AND a Virtual Boy. Because I couldn't afford the "good systems" back at the time. So I have both of them. Now they are collectors items but I remember getting them both for so cheap. I do wish that the places I went had more Jaguar games tho so I wouldn't be buying them now at these prices.

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