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Pac_Man Eat n Run


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Thanks for the tips. I read that return otherbank and thisbank are faster than just return. I will look through the code to remove them where not needed.


For moving one ghost at a time. Is there any material to read up on that? I plan to look at the code some more tomorrow, thanks.

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Thanks for the tips. I read that return otherbank and thisbank are faster than just return. I will look through the code to remove them where not needed.


For moving one ghost at a time. Is there any material to read up on that? I plan to look at the code some more tomorrow, thanks.


you use return otherbank for the first four ghost routines in bank 5 but I think you only call them from bank 5



if you have a spare bit somewhere use it as a one bit frame counter

do two ghosts when it's 0 and the other two when it's 1

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If I'm tracking what you are saying. That the rand is wasting cycles and I should just go with a constant number to make the program run faster. I noticed if I turned off the fruit part the changing of rooms works better. If I turn off the ghosts of course it works a lot better.

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If I'm tracking what you are saying. That the rand is wasting cycles and I should just go with a constant number to make the program run faster. I noticed if I turned off the fruit part the changing of rooms works better. If I turn off the ghosts of course it works a lot better.


more pointing out that they're not very evenly distributed

but I don't know what you want

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Bb Team,


Does anyone know a trick to shut off a gosub routine. Meaning When I go do " temp1 = room_shape[room] : goto draw_room_shape bank6" I want to shut off the "gosub __Ghost_Direction bank5" then after the room is drawn turn the "gosub __Ghost_Direction bank5" bank on. What I found is if I turn the ghost off and move around the rooms the scalines are correct. If I turn them on then scalines jump. If I can get past this part I should be about complete with the game. The finishing touches should be fairly easy to complete after that . I can then use what I have learned from here to make the next homage game with 100 levels or rooms that I have in mind. Thanks again to everyone who has helped me with this game.


Also I did try to use a bit and a variable to turn on/off the gosub. I couldn't get it to work.



; **********************************
; Pac_Man and Ghost Controls
gosub __Ghost_Direction bank5
gosub __Pac_Man_Controls bank3

; Detrermines which maze to draw next
if player0y = 6 then gosub go_north
if player0x = 136 then gosub go_east
if player0y = 160 then gosub go_south
if player0x = 19 then gosub go_west
goto __Skip_Rooms

player0y = 154
room = move_north[room]
goto draw_room

player0x = 20
room = move_east[room]
goto draw_room

player0y = 6
room = move_south[room]
goto draw_room

player0x = 133
room = move_west[room]

; *************************************
; Location of fruits and palyfield detection

; Apple

; Pear

; Mushroom
; used for room 12 to end game
; Jack_o_lantern

P2_X = (player5x-8)/4 : P2_Y = (player5y)/8
P3_X = (player6x-8)/4 : P3_Y = (player6y)/8
P4_X = (player7x-8)/4 : P4_Y = (player7y)/8

if Red_Ghost = 1 then player5y = 57 : player6y = 153 : player7y = 105 : goto __Skip_Fruit
if Red_Ghost = 2 then player5y = 153 : player6y = 105 : player7y = 57 : goto __Skip_Fruit
if Red_Ghost = 3 || 4 then player5y = 105 : player6y = 57 : player7y = 153 : goto __Skip_Fruit

player6x = 23 : player7x = 56 : player5x = 83
if pfread(P2_X,P2_Y) then goto __Fruit_Location
if pfread(P3_X,P3_Y) then goto __Fruit_Location
if pfread(P4_X,P4_Y) then goto __Fruit_Location

; ***************************************************************
; on..goto code provided by Bogax
; you have to get temp1 in what ever bank has room_shape
temp1 = room_shape[room] : goto draw_room_shape bank6


Pac_Man_Eat_and_Run - 20 Oct 16 (DPC+).txt


Edited by Lewis2907
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I think this is complete (well for what I am able to do). Please let me know if you find any errors like the scalines etc. I will try to fix them. I took Wallaby's idea and started to sprinkle drawscreen here and there. It fixed the problem from what I can see. As always I welcome feedback, tips and tricks etc to further my knowledge of Bb, thanks.




; Instructions:


; Use the Joystick to move PacMan

; Use Selcet Switch to Pause Game

; Use BW / Color Switch to bring up and close Map

; Use switchleftb to set difficulty at titlescreen. "A" will have one life. "B" will have 3 lives

; There are a total of 25 rooms to move around

; You will start in one of 3 rooms in the lower left of the map

; Future fixes: Better Mazes. More fruit to eat with sound when eating the fruit.

; Add a secret level if possible. This is based upon space in the banks.

; Better Start, Game Over and End Game Screens

; implement suggestion from the feedback and reviews.


Pac_Man_Eat_and_Run - 23 Oct 16 (DPC+)v1.txt


Edited by Lewis2907
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  • 1 year later...

Well I have started to port the Pac_Man Ean n Run DPC version over to AFP Multisprite (Basically to play on the AFP). While in the initial stages. I ran into a problem. Should be simple, but maybe I am over thinking it or something or my eyes are tired. I know the sprite is currently upside down because I did a cut and past from DPC. My issue so far is that I can not get the sprite to move. I did some testing and notice if I put the gosub __Pac_Man_Controls bank3 in between "draw_room and temp1 = room_shape[room] : goto draw_room_shape bank6. The sprite will change directions but not move.



; ***************************************************************
; on..goto code provided by Bogax
; you have to get temp1 in what ever bank has room_shape
temp1 = room_shape[room] : goto draw_room_shape bank6


Hopefully someone can assist me in the minor glitch I have, thanks.




Disregard help for now. Basically I have to teach myself the Multisprite Kernel. Lessened learned so far from RT "http://www.randomterrain.com/atari-2600-memories-batari-basic-commands.html#pfread".It will be a while, but I am making progress, thanks.


; If you are using the multisprite kernel, you can use a special pfread module,
; called pfread_msk.asm, made just for this kernel. It is not enabled by default.
; To enable it, you can use the include or inline command in a 2K or 4K game.
; For a bankswitched game, only the inline command will work, and the command must be placed in the last bank.
inline pfread_msk.asm


20171104v1 - AFP PacMan Eat and Run.txt

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Bb Team,


Okay I made some progress. The cut and paste method to a certain degree didn't work from DPC to Multisprite. I hit the same road block again with the pfread conversion. Hopefully someone has pfread for dummies. Hopefully someone can assist me me with the conversion of RT's code that I am using. (Currently won't play on the AFP only in Stella)


; Converts player0 sprite coordinates and checks to see if
; any playfield pixels are in the way.
temp3 = (player0x-16)/4

temp6 = (player0y-3)/8


From what I understand of the code. Basically it aligns the sprite with the playfield exactly. I will continue to play with the number and try to make sense of what SeaGtGruff posted at the below link:




Thanks again if anyone can assist. Also some links to help me learn on my own would be helpful.


20171105 - AFP PacMan Eat and Run.txt

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Bb Team,


When moving left player0 will stop at the most left wall and that's about it. Otherwise runs over everything else on the playfield. I am currently testing going left. I think there is a correlation between the below codes and some math. I think I am missing the mark on where to make adjustments. Any insights or pointing in the right direction would be great. Thanks again to anyone who can help.



; set screenheight and pixels
const screenheight = 80


; Converts player0 sprite coordinates and checks to see if
; any playfield pixels are in the way.
temp5 = (player0x-17)/4

temp6 = (player0y)/8







20171108 - AFP PacMan Eat and Run.txt


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  • 1 month later...

Not sure if anyone can help me with this. I found a collision code that I do like and dosen't use a lot space up. I found it http://atariage.com/forums/topic/179314-help-with-pfread/?hl=%2Bmultisprite+%2Bkernel+%2Bpfread&do=findComment&comment=2242899(Credit to RT and Master_Programmer) for the code. I am able to do some things with the code in the Standard Kernel, but I can't get it to work correctly in the Multisprite Kernel. Any help as always would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

20171213 - Standard Kernel.txt


20171213 - Multisprite.txt


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I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "y-values are reversed". I read that portion on andomterrain.com, but I still don't get it. Do you mean try reversing: !pfread(temp6,p0_y) to !pfread(p0_y,temp6)? Is there an example code somewhere in the forum to look at? Thanks.

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Thanks. I did continue to play with the code. I have boundaries, but I think it was a step closer to understanding pfread and the math involved for collision. Thanks again for the support and code. I think once I have this portion complete I can move on to porting this game over to FBP.


20171215 - Multisprite.txt

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Since pfpixel doesn't work with the Multisprite Kernel, I'm having a hard time figuring out which numbers to use. Have you thought about using DPC+? At least the numbers work:


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Roger. I have a DPC+ "PacMan_N_Run" based off your game. I was trying to get some better collision for multusprite instead of the normal:


if collision (player0, playfield) then ....


Bogax, has a very good code at :http://atariage.com/forums/topic/213290-pfread-not-working/?hl=%2Bmsk_pf_rd+%2Bdemo#entry2772553


msk_pf_rd_demo.bas, but his code is in asm (still trying to learn that). I thought about using his code and making changes, but the asm would be a challenge for me for player0 let alnoe 2-5. Thanks again for trying to get this to work. I will play with the code and look around the forum and see if I can find something to assit me, thanks.

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I decided to go with Bogax's code from:


Bogax, has a very good code at :http://atariage.com/forums/topic/213290-pfread-not-working/?hl=%2Bmsk_pf_rd+%2Bdemo&do=findComment&comment=2772553


I made some modifications based upon what I know / think is going on with the program. The program is set up to detect a pixel (I think). The collision is smooth to a point. Up and Left works based off of 1 pixel, hence the way I shaped the block to see where it collides with the wall.


Next / improvements:


Figure out how to bankswitch up to 32k or 32kSC to have more space


Have the Down and Right more detectable (Or the entire block for the standard 8*8 sprite)


Figure out "temp2 = ((SWCHA ^ $FF) & sf)/16 : sf = SWCHA" to make it move more freely vice 1 pixel at a time and/or at different speeds.


Thanks in advance if anyone can assit. I plan to work on this some more and see if I can get closer to the goal.



201717 -Multisprite Collision Detection.txt

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I made some progress with the Multisprite Collision Detection (using pfread for smooth collisions).




There is a playfield to help with 8*8 detection and boundaries so the sprite will not go off screen. If it does the sprite does weird things.


I added some more remarks to help explain what I am doing to the code to make it work.


Ability to move freely and not 1 pixel at a time.


***Next / improvements***


Figure out how to bankswitch up to 32k or 32kSC to have more space.


Have the Down and Right more detectable (Or the entire block for the standard 8*8 sprite).


Figure out ho to adjust the player speeds. I have an idea (I think) to see if will work.


I will work on it some more. Hopefully I am not going down the rabbit hole again.


201719 -Multisprite Collision Detection.txt

Edited by Lewis2907
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Batari Basic Team,




Figured out ho to adjust the player speeds. I have remarks in the program to explain what I did.


; Don't move Left if pfpixel is in the way. (Works somewhat, 1 pixel)
; Don't move left off screen. Boundry set.
; To adjust the speed of the sprite .8 and .2 must = 1
; The 1 is related to the "data dtbl" 0, 1, 1, 0"
; Since you can't use fixed point math in the "data dbtl"
; this is the only work around "I know of"
if joy0left then _P0_L_R = _P0_L_R +.2
if joy0left && temp1 then _P0_L_R = _P0_L_R +.8
if player0x < 24 then player0x = player0x + 1


goto __Main_Loop


data dtbl
0, 1, -1, 0,


***Next / improvements***


Figure out how to bankswitch up to 32k or 32kSC to have more space. (Not sure of a way ahead on this.)


Have the Down and Right more detectable (Or the entire block for the standard 8*8 sprite). I think maybe reversing some of the code here and there. Basically just play with it. Not sure of a way ahead on this.


Add player 2-5. (probably the last item on the list to work)


Hopefully someone can assist with these.


201720 -Multisprite Collision Detection.txt

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