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HSC13 R17: Zaxxon + Bonus: Rain of Terror

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attachicon.gifzaxxon - A8.PNG


Zaxxon: 11,200


There are better versions, especially the one for the Colecovision.

The collision detection is truly terrible on this version.


Mostly luck to get through space fights.


EDIT: Worked out a method, so to speak. Stay high, move right, aim for top right corner, spam the fire button, kind of edge across screen to left and try to get right as you go along.

Always try to get back to the purple box area.


Graphic to try and explain...


Edited by RedThunder
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The collision detection is truly terrible on this version.


Mostly luck to get through space fights.

Saying that it is fairly consistent so with a batch more goes I've reached 60,200 and 3 robots splattered. It would have been more but I was stopping to get screenshots of the walls and paused it thinking I was lined up but Kaboom! -The wall gaps are significantly reduced on the 4th go round. Despite everything I'm finding Zaxxon a good challenging game ;)


Trbb's Zaxxon Hints

First Stage - learn what kills you (usually sweeping right when firing) and avoid it. Don't be too aggressive, you shouldn't lose any men here.

2nd Stage - Not worth going for the 1000pt bonus but not much fun just hiding so I'm going for pick a height (1 or on the ground) and stick to it - look for them changing to that height and fire four shots as they cross you. Stay Mid/Right avoid left perhaps.

3rd Stage - Duck down immediately. Take out several fuels in a sweep across, immediately get up a bit, keep firing look for the missiles passing the gap under the forcefield - tap stick down a bit as required. Do not use the height gauge at all.

4th Stage - take out 3 fuels, set height to 1.5-2 and fire like crazy in the middle, take Mr. Robot out for a little destruction :-o


Gets more and more intense :)

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Those gaps get pretty small on the 5th round (4 Robots sent to the repair yard) low fuel got me, it looks v.tough



I've had to go to 2 Zaxxon sessions today, the more I play it the more I like it... it's a battle against the coding. Those planes are pretty well programmed but the bonuses are too low, perhaps I can hack this one day :)

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wow! I've been stuck around the 40,000 mark. And my fire button thumb is killing me!

40K is very respectable :thumbsup: Get a trigger!! My usual weapon of choice is the Quickshot 137F (aka python) but I'm finding I get too tense on the barriers and push forward under pressure after lining up, so I've dug out a less used / stiffer stick (same model). Really I should try another stick altogether, I have some Comp Pro's and others in the Atari draw (not to be confused with the Atari Cupboard or Atari Cave) :)

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So we have until Sunday morning to improve - checkout my Zaxxon hints on Post #29 and RedThunder's diagram on Post # 28 :thumbsup:

Latest Tables


1st Dope (n) 105,500 13pts#(6)
2nd RedThunder (n) 77,150 12pts*
3rd therealbountybob (p) 71,950 10pts

4th erichenneke (n) 40,000 10pts*
5th Lord Thag (n) 30,500 9pts*
6th Deteacher (n) 22,800 8pts*
7th McKong (p) 15,100 6pts
8th devwebcl (n) 9,550 5pts

*includes bonus point for completing 1st robot guy (not top 3 in current standings)

# bonus for most robot's destroyed (if more than 1!)


Bonus Game: Rain of Terror

1st Deteacher (n) 412,500 6pts
2nd Bunsen (p) 387,000 5pts
3rd therealbountybob (p) 331,000 4pts
4th McKong (p) 197,750 3pts
5th RedThunder (n) 103,500 2pts
6th CharlieChaplin (p) 49,500 1pt

Round 18 Poll OPEN

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I couldn't agree more with RedThunder's Zaxxon comments. If you work out the collision issues: sweeping right firing on the guns that face left is a no-no and not getting too close to undestroyed objects from behind, it's very playable for those who like a challenge. I didn't see much difference on the first section as the levels progressed; I guess they had to keep the space down, but the tighter walls, higher fuel burn rate and planes' aggression were more than enough. Plus you have to change strategy on the later levels to target more fuels.

Anyhoo it's congratulations to RedThunder !! At last someone to challenge Dope for world supremacy (well maybe next season!). Hope everyone enjoyed playing this classic, I only added it to the poll as I saw some Zaxxon talk and thought hmm we've not played it :)


Rain of Terror from this year's abbuc software contest is a really good game and worthy of getting a set of paddles they are not expensive - seriously it's very good indeed and offers long term playability :thumbsup:



Final Tables (ROT will end tonight so still time for scores - yes I will be playing Deteacher! )


1st RedThunder (n) 120,500 14pts #*
2nd Dope (n) 105,500 12pts
3rd therealbountybob (p) 72,500 10pts
4th erichenneke (n) 40,000 10pts*
5th Lord Thag (n) 30,500 9pts*
6th Deteacher (n) 22,800 8pts*
7th McKong (p) 15,100 6pts
8th devwebcl (n) 9,550 5pts
*includes bonus point for destroying 1st robot(not top 3 in current standings)

# bonus for most robot's destroyed (if more than 1!)

Rain of Terror
1st therealbountybob (p) 526,500 6pts

2nd Deteacher (n) 473,500 5pts
3rd Bunsen (p) 387,000 4pts
4th McKong (p) 197,750 3pts
5th RedThunder (n) 103,500 2pts
6th CharlieChaplin (p) 49,500 1pt

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