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StudioVision - An RCA Studio II emulator for the Intellivision


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Turns out that I cannot get them to play on my Sears Super Video Arcade correctly in any format on the CC3.



the revisited studiovision "unplugged" runs now fine on my PAL inty, no further issues.

I have built all the StudioVision ROMs with the new initialisation code and -c flag and posted the updated versions at the top of thread. I believe this should fix the problems reported by KylJoy and Gernot when using StudioVision on a PAL Intellivision or with a Sears or INTV II EXEC. I am less certain it will fix the problems associated with trying to run it using a Cuttle Cart, but you never know. I have not had too much time to thoroughly test the new versions, so I hope I have not broken anything in the core JzIntv / NTSC configuration.


As always, if you find any problems please let me know.






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On 10/2/2022 at 10:57 PM, Sinjinhawke said:

I have these on my LTO and they do work on my hardware.

I am wondering if they need the LTO to fully load. 

I used a Cuttle Cart 3 and got them to boot -- but then just get a whine and no response.


Anyone have any other experience with these?

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I downloaded the source, and assembled it as a BIN + CFG instead of a ROM file. The mapping looks like this:

$0000 - $0FFF = $5000
$1000 - $1AB6 = $6000
$1AB7 - $294A = $8080
$294B - $314A = $9000
$314B - $3577 = $A800
$3578 - $367B = $D000
$367C - $3BD1 = $D200
$3BD2 - $3FD1 = $EC00
$3FD2 - $479A = $F000

$9800 - $99FF = RAM 8
$A000 - $A1FF = RAM 16

I don't know if the CuttleCart supports RAM areas, or if the ROM areas mentioned above are compatible with it?


Those of us who use IntyBASIC have been "told" to target the following areas:

$2100 - $2FFF

$4810 - $4FFF

$5000 - $6FFF (default)

$7100 - $7FFF

$A000 - $BFFF

$C040 - $FFFF


I don't know what the areas $8080 and $9000 otherwise are used for, and if it matters here.

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5 minutes ago, carlsson said:

I downloaded the source, and assembled it as a BIN + CFG instead of a ROM file. The mapping looks like this:

$0000 - $0FFF = $5000
$1000 - $1AB6 = $6000
$1AB7 - $294A = $8080
$294B - $314A = $9000
$314B - $3577 = $A800
$3578 - $367B = $D000
$367C - $3BD1 = $D200
$3BD2 - $3FD1 = $EC00
$3FD2 - $479A = $F000

$9800 - $99FF = RAM 8
$A000 - $A1FF = RAM 16

I don't know if the CuttleCart supports RAM areas, or if the ROM areas mentioned above are compatible with it?


Those of us who use IntyBASIC have been "told" to target the following areas:

$2100 - $2FFF

$4810 - $4FFF

$5000 - $6FFF (default)

$7100 - $7FFF

$A000 - $BFFF

$C040 - $FFFF


I don't know what the areas $8080 and $9000 otherwise are used for, and if it matters here.

Given the size of the ROM, that could be the problem. 

I will have to hook up my LTO.



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From what I managed to understand on this page, the CC3 should support both 64K x 16-bit ROM as well as 16-bit and 8-bit RAM, but perhaps it has a preference where to map it? Perhaps @decle has something to add on the subject.


For that matter, this may be some ROMs for @Caleb Garner to try on the BackBit, if those haven't been tested before, now that it appears it both uses a rich ROM mapping and two areas of RAM mapping.

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@carlsson if we're talking RAM for games like Chess and Triple Challenge..  @evietron has got all of the original ram games working that i know of except Land Battle which is only because I hadn't actually known it was a ram game or really that the game existed.. so at some point i have to go back to her about that one. :)



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13 hours ago, Caleb Garner said:

@carlsson if we're talking RAM for games like Chess and Triple Challenge..  @evietron has got all of the original ram games working that i know of except Land Battle which is only because I hadn't actually known it was a ram game or really that the game existed.. so at some point i have to go back to her about that one. :)



Land Battle uses the same memory map with 8-bit cartridge RAM as USCF Chess, have you tried it?



"...I don't know what the areas $8080 and $9000 otherwise are used for, and if it matters here."


They're used by the Keyboard Component, so it's okay for cartridges to use.

Edited by mr_me
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