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Road Rash pre-alpha on Jaguar at 30 fps


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1 hour ago, DEATH said:

wtf is going on here ? is this a weather channel ?


Hey man it's not ALL about the weather. Im here too to discuss delicious BURGERS! ?


For example: what are YOUR favorite toppings on a burger?

Mine are:








Edited by WAVE 1 GAMES
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On 10/11/2019 at 7:35 PM, CyranoJ said:

They will, however, notice a condescending egomaniac with delusions of adequacy and an inexplicable superiority complex who's only release in around 7 years is currently in 17th (Or,  last, as it is more commonly known) in the lynx competition, with one of the only two votes presumably from him. 


So, one has to wonder... If it isn't quality or quantity... maybe its an octobuffered clusterf**k ?

Literally every post you make is an unnecessary attack of some sort. Going back through your posts, what good have you contributed at all? You just try, try and try to provoke but somehow we're supposed to see Vladd as the bad guy right? Get a life

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2 hours ago, Linndrum said:

Literally every post you make is an unnecessary attack of some sort. Going back through your posts, what good have you contributed at all? You just try, try and try to provoke but somehow we're supposed to see Vladd as the bad guy right? Get a life


@Welshworrier has a running tally, at least as-of 2016.  I recommend the Klax thread to see how helpful the people (like CJ) were, who had a better idea of hardware limitations than him.  Vladr is no saint, and instigates a lot himself.  Here's WW's list:  



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5 hours ago, Linndrum said:

Literally every post you make is an unnecessary attack of some sort. Going back through your posts, what good have you contributed at all? You just try, try and try to provoke but somehow we're supposed to see Vladd as the bad guy right? Get a life


Obviously you need to go back through more of my posts. LOL.  


However, as a counterpoint: What have you achieved for the Jaguar in the last 20 years? I'd bet its as much as vladr.

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1 hour ago, Linndrum said:

You're still missing the point, you're being pricks. Stop being pricks. There's no reason for it in a programming thread. Too many assholes in the world so let's reduce that number eh?

Yeah you seen to be missing something as well. Several years of condescending, backhanded jabs at others in multiple forums and threads, including outside of AA, all the while producing sweet fuck all. But go ahead and judge.

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19 minutes ago, Welshworrier said:

Have you been looking at your own games again?

Or are you actually just trying to appear relevant to jaguar development instead of the punchline to a joke? (Asking for a friend)


Lol naw man just spreading the LOVE like everyone else.


We know I wasn't looking at any of YOUR games because you don't have any. LMFAO


Asking for a friend? Lol you don't have any of those either lol stop playing!

Edited by WAVE 1 GAMES
talking shit
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4 minutes ago, CyranoJ said:


Wasn't under the impression you did, either.  Unless you call the Doger example your game.

Lol. Har har Good stuff mate.


Anyway we need to get back on topic and as far as I know Orion and Dr Typo are the ONLY people in the community who have made 3D, textured, polygonal game engines for the Atari Jaguar.


Orion being Osmosys from his compilation on Jaguar CD and Dr Typo on like 3 things.


Regardless of how much others may beat their chest arrogantly and pat themselves on the back NOBODY (including you Mr Stavely) can lay claim to doing such a thing.


So if VladR actually CAN pull this engine off (WITH SOUND DAMN IT) it will be quite an achievement for the Jaguar homebrew community. I think VladR should be more encouraged to do so and get more support instead of all of the hate that some of us around here seem to crave and live for. The classic saying of if you don't have anything positive to say then keep your mouth shut comes to mind here.




With that being said VladR even I must point out that at this point even I am starting to get kind of antsy.  Im not gonna clown you or make jokes at your expense for other immature members with no life here to har har at, but I will say this: I feel like you could at least give a screenshot or 2 or hell even 3 at this point. I have offered to upload video for you and my offer still stands. It does seem that the Lynx has distracted you from this project, I get it that can happen sometimes just remember there are still people who want to see something come out of this.


Also I call bullshit on the FPS. If you get this working the most will be 20-25 FPS. Prove me wrong

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From one of the "most beloved" actors in the jag scene (aka the devil incarnate):


https://books.google.com/books?id=KBWMDwAAQBAJ&pg=PT80&lpg=PT80&dq=vladr+klax+jaguar&source=bl&ots=IM9BS_SD23&sig=ACfU3U1rYArQ9VrI-y4CV8kvEY5ydyweyg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiu-Z-BsJ3lAhVQHDQIHbJxCOYQ6AEwBnoECAgQAQ#v=onepage&q=vladr klax jaguar&f=false


"Unfortunately for all of us VladR has a long history of proof of concept ....."




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3 hours ago, WAVE 1 GAMES said:

So if VladR actually CAN pull this engine off (WITH SOUND DAMN IT) it will be quite an achievement for the Jaguar homebrew community. I think VladR should be more encouraged to do so and get more support instead of all of the hate that some of us around here seem to crave and live for. The classic saying of if you don't have anything positive to say then keep your mouth shut comes to mind here.


Please apply to that hate chamber facebook group you moderate dedicated to trashing other people out. Typically hypocrit nonsense. 


Edited as was being unfair to several idiots who are also nice people with the comparison. 

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On 10/13/2019 at 10:48 AM, Linndrum said:

Literally every post you make is an unnecessary attack of some sort. Going back through your posts, what good have you contributed at all? You just try, try and try to provoke but somehow we're supposed to see Vladd as the bad guy right? Get a life

I really appreciate a lot that you expose yourself on my behalf but attempting to reason with them is a futile exercise as I am sure you noticed I attempted quite a few times.


The only proper way that works is to thicken your skin and get down to their level. Which, admittedly, is hard if one wasn't born a sociopath, psychopath or malignant narcissist.


Then, at least, it becomes a fun exercise in sarcasms :)



Either way I am grateful to you - that someone still sees the situation for what it is. 

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14 hours ago, WAVE 1 GAMES said:


With that being said VladR even I must point out that at this point even I am starting to get kind of antsy.  

Alright, looks like I proved the ridiculous reboot claim of 'only looking for attention" to be false, right?


It's been over a year without a video update now. Would be impossible to resist for that long.



So, after PRGE, I will resume screenshot and video updates, deal?

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Alright, a screenshot - well - cell phone photo.


It's a shot of the short scripted sequence when leaving the hangar. Originally, I designed the engine to not have to handle clipping against top screen edge, as tracks aren't supposed to be built like that for maximum frame rate.


My second engine that will be used in the mini game handles all cases of clipping, but I figured it would be nice if the primary game had some generic meshes even if it's just in scripted scenes.

Because the fallback codepath for top edge clipping is now processing all invisible scanlines, fps drops but I will implement that when I come back from PRGE.


I don't now have time to do the script of approaching the hangar , so for PRGE, this will have to do.


Here's the photo:


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