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KAT5200 Input configure (controller setup)


I would like to try and clear up how to setup a controller in KAT 5200 emulator


When you open Kat5200 you see this menu (If you employ the launcher just close the launcher)

KAT5200 should detect your controller from your control panel (windows) and populate the necessary fields

Click on OPTIONS the INPUT




You should the see this screen




The Profile box should say Joystick Input or whatever name you assigned it

The second box should have your current controller name in it.

Make sure that you are on the Player 1 tab

Notice the green arrow next to START..

You then click on the button that want to assign to your controller then click on Auto-Detect (other green arrow and you will see this screen




you then press the button on your controller you want to assign for the button you clicked on in the Controller section


All of the buttons in the Controller section are assignable you just have to go through the steps mentioned for each button.

Once you have assigned all the buttons and such make sure the Simulate Analog is unchecked then click on OK (VERY IMPORTANT!)

If you do not click OK then NONE of the changes will take hold...on the flip side when you do click OK all the changes will remain that same until you change them again and click on OK.

Then click on FILE and Back to Game then begin playing.


I hope this clears up any confusion about setting up a controller in the KAT5200 emulator.

Edited by NIKON
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Hi, I am the author of the emulator. Thanks NIKON for posting. I'll just add something that I mentioned to jblenkle while messaging with him.


  • One thing that can mess you up is if you happen to have the same PC joystick part / keyboard key mapped to multiple players. The last player to have said mapped item *wins*. I really need to fix this to either allow both or warn the user (or as last resort, always have player 1 get the mapped item). But it has bit me before. So one thing you can do to be sure this isn't the issue is set the "A5200 Controller" to NONE for players 2-4.
  • The other thing I would say is at last resort grab the default db3 file from the zip package, replace your config (you can see where your db3 file is in the GUI now) and start over.



  • 6 years later...

Here we are, 6 years later. I am still having issues with Kat5200.
I consider myself smart I guess. IT guy, built computers, web developer.


In 6 years of downloading Kat5200 at least a half dozen times I have never figured out how to successfully get joysticks working. I am not sure if it is the interface, or something in my brain does not work right with it I just cant do it.

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