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atari2600land's Blog - Limit repositioning


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So I went back to work on My Knee Hurts. This time I felt that the leg looked really blocky, so I went to fix it. Discovered though by fixing it that the X positions have changed. Instead of the right limit being 140, the germ went off the screen and reappeared on the left side. So did the needle. So I changed it to 110 and that stopped it, and it was like before. I wonder what I did to change that, though. Then I went to bed and got up the next afternoon. Went for another short walk. My thighs hurt again during it. Someone has been annoying my sleep time lately. I got two calls while I was asleep. No messages. I walked back in the place after my walk and immediately the phone began to ring a third time. I checked and someone left a message the third time. It was some dumb survey. Why can't they leave me alone? Persistent buttholes they are. I have no opinions on anything. I wish voting time was over.

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