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New, HOT STUFF from Poland ;)


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I have been playing Time Pilot to death. It is an awesome conversion. Love it!

Crazy Cat and Hot & Cold Adventure are also really fun games. All three of these are gems to add to the collection.


BTW, I have also noticed that I can't change the A in the score table in Time Pilot. So, You can call me AAAA for the time being.

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I have been playing Time Pilot to death. It is an awesome conversion. Love it!

Crazy Cat and Hot & Cold Adventure are also really fun games. All three of these are gems to add to the collection.


BTW, I have also noticed that I can't change the A in the score table in Time Pilot. So, You can call me AAAA for the time being.

not cool man, my name is AAAA too !

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Time Pilot is pretty impressive. Lots of objects and the slowdown is noticable at times but doesn't hurt the gameplay.

What is annoying though is the enemy bullets, they seem to linger a long time and aren't always influenced a lot by turning away. The lower resolution means you have somewhat less of a viewport than the arcade version.

After 3 or 4 games, I made it to the helicopter stage. Back in the day I used to play the arcade version a lot, and fairly regularly got through all the stages multiple times, best score was near 500,000.

This one though... out of practice and a bit harder, I made about 24,000.

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Does anybody know how to input one's name properly in the score table? I don't catch to get something different than "A"...


- Y -

It is party versions - one for standard Atari and second for Rapidus accelerator (65816). Author said, that finally all will be in one com files (both version). All things working fine, but games has few things not implement yet (yes, HiScore name too). But for me it still is good (best) conversion of this game for 8-bit computers ;)


One more - UFOs stage was replaced from 2001 to 2077 year. Yes, for pilot (Time Pilot ;P) it will be future... ;)

Edited by Sikor
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A video from "Crazy Cat" game created by Koala (code, gfx) & Aceman (music). A pink cat is collecting donuts:



two things, I am sure the "donuts" are cat kibble. 2 - I have never .. ever .. never seen a cat so willing to go into water.. totally unrealistic game :) :P

Edited by Bikerbob
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Time Pilot is very nice. With some refinement it could be a top-notch conversion, right up there with Bosconian.


Nice to see this one arrive on the A8's.

Edited by MrFish
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Hi, im one of TimePilot coders.
Final version should arrive soon. It going to have almost all missing stuff so far (like enemy bombs/rockets, squadrons, better enemy movement, different balance, airscrew animations). Global pacing (velocity) is slower because of lower playfield (it could be same as original). When the game is done we will release second .XEX with arcade pacing for TimePilot veterans.
Our goal is to have TimePilot A8 version close to original as possible and running on Atari8 xl/xe 64k and of course to have best 8 bit conversion on Atari :)



Do any/all of these only run on PAL machines?


TimePilot should run without problems (pacing is a bit different but is fully playable); final version will have few tweaks for NTSC.


Time Pilot is pretty impressive. Lots of objects and the slowdown is noticable at times but doesn't hurt the gameplay.

What is annoying though is the enemy bullets, they seem to linger a long time and aren't always influenced a lot by turning away. The lower resolution means you have somewhat less of a viewport than the arcade version.

After 3 or 4 games, I made it to the helicopter stage. Back in the day I used to play the arcade version a lot, and fairly regularly got through all the stages multiple times, best score was near 500,000.

This one though... out of practice and a bit harder, I made about 24,000.


Thanx for the feedback. It should be fixed in final version (enemy shots) we are aware of that.

Smaller viewport forced us to slow pacing a bit, but we will also release second .xex with full arcade pacing/velocities (it gonna be hard as hell but of well;).

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