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New Atari Console that Ataribox?


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Might I turn your attention to this as you might find it educational?


What does "Over your head" mean



It's always nice to meet people who appreciate the value of education. I've rather enjoyed your attempt at schoolin', it's perhaps a bit laboured and overwrought, but - practice makes perfect .You'll get it, eventually.


I'll include my own bit of advice though: firstly, I'd also be careful with using the "you didn't get the joke/irony" defence when there's very little (nothing?) in the source material to indicate that it really was. It makes you look a bit desperate.


Secondly, your reply indicates that you're one of these individuals who post on public forums but at the same time harbour a delusion that it's actually some sort of private conversation. It's especially amusing when it happens in a fast moving megathread with countless praticipants - such as this one.

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So the campaign never ended. Console prices were raised; numbers once again reset. The All-in Tribute edition is $399 now, compared to the $379 before. If you bought a "woody" edition, thinking they were only available during the campaign-proper then please pick up your sucker at the front desk.


Holy smokes.


All prices are now full. The Early Birds are dead. There were still plenty this morning.

A new (old) hotness has arrived (as predicted):







Edited for smaller pix.

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The door has been locked. o w o


Happy new year!

I think this door (and window) place would be of interest to you, so long as you do not tell your dad. https://castlewindows.com/doors/

The scion of this place also manages the "Coleco" trademark (poorly). They have even less talent and expertise than modern"Atari," and you (alone) will want to throw money at them. They do many ridiculous things, too.

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Yeah xD Part of me is annoyed that I asked for a refund, because I don't know if I just missed out on the collector's edition. I was a day 1 pledger. > w <

LOL. It's a difficult decision for sure, because it's like, you can't predict whether they actually end up delivering on their promise or not.


Had I seen footage of their prototype console taken apart, I would've definitely kept my pledge.

I think it was a 3d printed shell with a couple leds glued in. Not sure if filled with epoxy or not.


I did actually see a controlled prototype in action though...

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So the campaign never ended. Console prices were raised; numbers once again reset. The All-in Tribute edition is $399 now, compared to the $379 before. If you bought a "woody" edition, thinking they were only available during the campaign-proper then please pick up your sucker at the front desk.


And it already has three buyers. A strange choice -- too late for the "excitement" (Four updates! Tin Giant!) and small discounts of the campaign, but way too early for a sensible preorder -- nothing is expected for a full calendar year.


http://www.tingiant.com is still rocking the untouched default Wordpress templates, http://www.atarilife.com still hawks "spring blowout" sales on their dipshit $99 speaker hats, and Atari's persistent lack of substantial communication leaves us little to talk about.


I'm still mildly peeved that the "VCS" project exists, but at least they'll be out of the media eye. Atari is running out of cheap stunts to pull. I find it unlikely their crypto currency will capture the imagination of pigeons as much as game hardware.


I wish Tempest 4000 had a different publisher, as I hate the idea of giving money to "Atari."

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I promise I'm not joking. I need to stop looking at that damn indiegogo page. ><

Fuck man.


EDIT: Changed it to just the controller pack. So I'm only buying into the controllers. Hopefully that balances shit out.. I'm really indecisive.

Because joystick = sexy. I had to have one too! ;-)


Look on the bright side. The sting of losing your money isn't as bad if you only invested the controller rather than the whole kit and kaboodle. :P


I am curious if the stick has analog function or not. Not a lot of games though that would support analog plus one button. May be useful for playing trackball games like Centipede if you can configure MAME to modulate the speed....

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Because joystick = sexy. I had to have one too! ;-)


Look on the bright side. The sting of losing your money isn't as bad if you only invested the controller rather than the whole kit and kaboodle. :P


I am curious if the stick has analog function or not. Not a lot of games though that would support analog plus one button. May be useful for playing trackball games like Centipede if you can configure MAME to modulate the speed....

Who cares. You move it and it makes light!!!! They could just build in Simon and sell it as a stand alone. :)

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Who cares. You move it and it makes light!!!! They could just build in Simon and sell it as a stand alone. :)


By the way, I'm curious as to what the classic joystick for the VCS looks like inside, since that appears to be the most functional thing they have right now. o w o

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By the way, I'm curious as to what the classic joystick for the VCS looks like inside, since that appears to be the most functional thing they have right now. o w o

What is it with you wanting to see the inside of everything? If you open it, the laser flies escape.

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So the campaign never ended. Console prices were raised; numbers once again reset. The All-in Tribute edition is $399 now, compared to the $379 before. If you bought a "woody" edition, thinking they were only available during the campaign-proper then please pick up your sucker at the front desk.



I don't know how Indigogo works. Can Atari transfer the money from the original campaign, making refunds unavailable or do the funds have to stay put meaning refunds can still be had? If the latter, is Atari gambling they'll get more orders than people pulling out? Also if they can't pull the money out don't they need it to create this prototype they claim they don't have and pay all these engineers and PR members?

Edited by AtariLeaf
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For posterity's sake, this was the total about three hours after the campaign ended. As Flojo mentioned, three Tribute edition all-in were sold. I'm unsure of the rest ...

I wonder if the people who waited for the campaign to end have more rights to refunds? The in-campaign backers are locked in now, I believe.


The backer/funding curves are very much frontloaded, the vast majority of people got in early. Contrast this with OUYA, which had small but sustained interest throughout the campaign, as well as a bit of a surge at the end. They also had six times the backers as AtariBox, and their average daily take was almost ten times as much. OUYA came to retail stores and had a large number of registered developers (on paper, anyway) but remains the butt of "bad console" jokes. What will come of AtariBox?


These are AtariBox, from June 2018




And this is OUYA, from way back in 2012




"We're doing our own thing."

"So much more than an Ouya."

"Bells and whistles"

"Simple as that."

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By the way, I'm curious as to what the classic joystick for the VCS looks like inside, since that appears to be the most functional thing they have right now. o w o

I've yet to see anything indicating the classic stick is any more functional than the empty box. All we know is the stick waggles and the lights blink. Their videos are clearly fake random waggling with no connection to what happens on screen.

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I've yet to see anything indicating the classic stick is any more functional than the empty box. All we know is the stick waggles and the lights blink. Their videos are clearly fake random waggling with no connection to what happens on screen.

They do have a working joystick prototype. I cannot say the same about the console itself.


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They do have a working prototype. I cannot say the same about the console itself.


But again, that shows nothing but a plastic stick with blinky lights. I see no functionality in that video, especially the old shots of Feargal toying with it which were clearly faking the control of what was on screen. All that video did was cut out the part that showed he was faking movement which makes it that much more suspect.


Granted it's just a 4 way stick, so it shouldn't be that hard. Why the continued subterfuge if it's supposedly the one thing that actually functions?

Edited by JBerel
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Does anyone "pre-ordering" the joystick even care about the allegations Atari stole the only working prototype they have?


As for refunds, Atari themselves said there'd be none after the campaign ended.

It would seem that they do not ... though Curt's comments are buried pretty deep and to my knowledge have not received the YouTuber attention as other recent Atari cockups.


I peeped at the order page to see if I could find refund information ... I didn't get that far, because of all the "you really want to do this?" disclaimers in the way.




But it does seem like "InDemand" allows refunds within 10 days, so long as "the perk" hasn't been sent. That's about the same level of consumer protection as backing the campaign, which is to say, not much. From the refund page:


For campaigns in InDemand, backers can request a refund from Indiegogo within 10 days of the transaction provided the InDemand page is live, the perk has not been fulfilled, and the funds have not been disbursed to the campaigner.

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