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atari2600land's Blog - I hurt my head thinking too much.


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Like Mr. Gumby in the Monty Python sketch: "My brain hurts!" It's summer now. Hard to believe the first day of summer was 10 days ago. And I forgot to tell here I made another comic book issue. I do these to keep myself busy, much like playing and making video games, making music, animation, and other stuff I do. All various projects going all at once because if I don't, I'd be very bored just sitting and watching TV. And besides, there's nothing good on anyway. Yet I have all my DVDs in case I get bored with my projects!

So anyway, here is issue 9 of "Bill and George Quarterly." I have been making this comic called Bill and George for the past 22 years. I started with issue 1 in October 1994. I used to make three or four a month, but now I hardly make any. But I am making the quarterly thing. I've been working on drawing for issue 10 now, so that should be out this fall. here's a link to it.It's in pdf format. I don't know how else I would do it and post it on the internet. So now I will do something that requires little thinking so that I can rest my head.

I slept for 14 hours last night. Went to bed @ 8pm, woke up @ 10am. The stupid cat woke me up @ about 6am. I was only half asleep for a few hours while the cat was in here bothering me. I was too sleepy to kick the cat out and close the door. I thought I did close the door when I went to sleep, but the cat managed to open it.

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