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atari2600land's Blog - Giving up on Game Gear oranges.


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I decided that after I could not get the collision detection working for Oranges Game Gear version, I decided to just give up. I tried lots of stuff and nothing works. It says there's a collision when there really isn't one. So I ditched that attempt and tried to program a collision detection routine of my own, but that failed too. Makes one wonder why I actually finished the Game Boy one. I'm guessing it's mostly because Game Boy uses C while Game Gear uses assembly. I don't understand assembly. I finish games using it and I still don't understand it. On the other hand, I understand C and BASIC. I guess you have to be really smart to understand assembly. But the odd thing is I do quite well using the Odyssey 2 assembly. I made an Oranges game for the Odyssey 2. It was going to be released last month but it's been delayed. This Odyssey 2 version is a little different than the other versions. And what's more, it's done. I need to go right now and eat my dinner.

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