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atari2600land's Blog - Text decided to stop working.


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So I made a second maze for Mouse in the House. Which took a long time (at least a couple hours) to design it, and what's more, it's still easy. So I decided to see if I could make a menu and have the player press 1 for the first maze and 2 for the second one. This took another few hours because the message "PICK 1" decided to not show up on the screen on real hardware. But after wrestling with the stupid thing, I finally got it to show up. Pressing 3 will make a blank screen show up. Pressing RESET will make the game go back to the "PICK 1" message. But I was so angry because that dumb message insisted on not showing up until I guess it finally got tired of getting a kick out of me being angry and decided to show up. I don't know why, but I keep having to turn on the air conditioner even though it isn't 80 degrees. It just feels too hot and I'm in my room sweating profusely and it's not even 80? Why?

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