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Addresses for Acquisition of TI ICs in Low Quantities as a Private Person


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Hello folks,


Where can I purchase (plastic and ceramic DIPs) TI ICs in low quantities as a private person? Are there existing any other addresses beside eBay?




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Pretty much the only low-volume sources left are on eBay, and a lot of those are fake (and don't work) or knockoff copies (that actually work). Littlediode is one of the few regular sellers that has original parts, but their asking prices are pretty high (they usually do accept reasonable offers though).

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What "TI ICs are you talking about? TI produces thousands of ICs, and many that were used in the 80's computers are still available. Google is your friend, did you search?








I make $10 orders from digikey, mouser, and jameco all the time. I *never* buy from ebay unless I have absolutely no other choice (which is almost never). Also, a part specific search engine that will search those sites for you and put the prices side-by-side:




If you are talking about the old CPU-type ICs, like the 9900 or the 9918A VDP, etc. then no, those chips can only be found as used (pulls) or new-old stock. You can usually find a lot of suppliers if you put the part number in a search engine. Sometimes you have to buy the parts in quantity, but then you can give the extras away to other hobbyists and be a hero. ;-)


By the way, Jameco has a lot of the retro ICs in stock. They will get old circuit boards and remove the ICs from them to refresh their stock (they indicate when you are buying new vs. a pull or refurb). They don't have so much in the way of TI's CPUs and such, but all the 8-bit CPUs are there (8080, 8088, Z80, 6502, etc.) Lots of TI logic and memory ICs though.


Also, arcade (coin-op video and pinball games) part suppliers carry a lot of ICs since the computers in the games used the same chips as the home computers. A lot of times with will have hard to find memory chips, CPUs (like Nintendo chips), etc.

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Dear matthew180,


If you are talking about the old CPU-type ICs, like the 9900 or the 9918A VDP, etc. then no, those chips can only be found as used (pulls) or new-old stock. You can usually find a lot of suppliers if you put the part number in a search engine. Sometimes you have to buy the parts in quantity, but then you can give the extras away to other hobbyists and be a hero. ;-)

About what do you think I am talking here in the forum for the TI 99 4a :sad:? Also I spoke about ceramic DIPs. Are modern day ICs realized as ceramic DIPs? Of course I am talking about the old TI ICs like the 9900, 9918A etc.


Sometimes you have to buy the parts in quantity, but then you can give the extras away to other hobbyists and be a hero.

Now, if I don't want to be or can't be a hero, where can I purchase old TI ICs? Do you know trustworthy, concrete addresses, where you can buy these old TI ICs in not too big quantities and therefore at an expensive total price as a private person, not as a company? Some companies don't even talk with private persons at all...


You can usually find a lot of suppliers if you put the part number in a search engine.

Yes, I know that I can help myself on my own.




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Hello barry.peterson,


I buy often from BG Micro, (Dallas, Texas?) but you're probably better off with Germany sources.

No, you won't believe it: I am not better off with German sources ;-). Thank you for your hint.




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About what do you think I am talking here in the forum for the TI 99 4a :sad:? Also I spoke about ceramic DIPs. Are modern day ICs realized as ceramic DIPs? Of course I am talking about the old TI ICs like the 9900, 9918A etc.

You said "(plastic and ceramic DIPs) TI ICs". When I look at the 99/4A motherboard that's all I see, TI ICs. It is not obvious that you were only looking for the main chips like the CPU, VDP, etc. My apologizes for not being clairvoyant about your needs.


Now, if I don't want to be or can't be a hero, where can I purchase old TI ICs? Do you know trustworthy, concrete addresses, where you can buy these old TI ICs in not too big quantities and therefore at an expensive total price as a private person, not as a company? Some companies don't even talk with private persons at all...

I disagree. I have never found a supplier that would not sell product. Sometimes you have to buy a minimum, of course, but I've never been turned away because I was not some sort of business entity. This is also a hobby and these chips are 30 years old, so expecting to pay low-ball prices is unreasonable. Someone has been holding on to these chips for a long time, and you have to pay for that service.


Yes, I know that I can help myself on my own.

Your original post was so vague that I wondered if you had bothered to search before posting.

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Hi towmater,


I think it might be a German-English translation issue.

You joker :grin:. I bet that matthew180 has read dips instead of DIPs. The acronym DIP stands for dual in-line package according to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dual_in-line_package. They have been mainstream in the 1970s and 80s. In addition, all TI ICs of the TI 99 have been realized in DIP technology.




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