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Updating your TI while keeping the aesthetics somewhat normal.


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With the TIPI in our collective futures, I've started to think about the aesthetics of the system and keeping with the stock black & silver color combination. While I don't know what version of RPi is going to be used, I've been looking at RPi 3 cases as possible options.


I've noticed a few out there at reasonable prices in black, but it looks like they may need a little 'after-market painting".


Below are a few examples:








Honestly, what I'd like to see is a homebrew 3D printed box with STYLE to match our TI's.

Maybe something similar to the P-Box? I'm uncertain, but it looks like a niche just aching to be filled.

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I have personally chosen this case:




The only issue I have with it is the TIPI data cable I'm using now doesn't fit inside. I'm waiting for some 2x5 dupont cables to come from china, before I shift into this box.

And we'll see, the data cable has to slip out the left bottom... I might have to add a new avenue out the back.



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Hey Matt, That sure is a pretty case. I'd love to see photos when you finish the transition into the case. Honestly, I'd prefer to not hack away on a perfectly good case, but if it looks good afterwards, I might go the same route and do a little Dremel action on it. The one stainless steel case I saw with the slot for cable was $75.00... not exactly cheap.


EDIT -- Slinkeey found a place with the same exact case for a much more affordable price in a message below!

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The one ohm posted appears to have a slot for a ribbon cable.




FYI guys, with shipping and exchange rate it comes in at a little over $31 and change.


There was just something about this one that sucked me in. Besides the slot for the cable, the vent on top are the closest I could find to the one on top of the TI behind the cartridge port.

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I need to say it would be wise to wait for a product to exist before buying accessories for it. Or be prepared to use a dremel.




From the height of the pins in relation to the USB connectors and the little extra smidgen of height provided by the case, it appears there should be enough clearance for Dupont type connectors, either the individual wire or ribbon variety. If not, oh well, someone has to be the Guinea Pig, might as well be me. :)



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If we need a taller case, 3D printer technology has never let us TI'ers down yet. :grin: I bet we could even get one with the TI logo on the top!


I looks like I may end up getting a second Rpi for the TI anyway, as the more I read about the Rpi, the more I think I'll dedicate this first one towards 'other things'.

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Just got home from Olympia an hour ago and found the Rpi in my mailbox. I plugged it in, installed Raspbian and am now typing this message from bed with a wireless keyboard and mouse using my 42 inch TV as a monitor. Slick! I may have to buy a second Rpi for the TIPI when it comes out as I could get used to this.


As a complete newbie, I can tell you a monkey could setup a Raspberry Pi while being only semi conscious.

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Use IDC connector?


No, I installed Raspbian using NOOBS from the 32GB micro SD card. That makde it a snap... for that part anyway. It looks like it will be more difficult to install anything else. So for the immediate future, I'll be running with what I have, because I'm too busy and pre-occupied with other things to find, locate and learn how to install stuff on it. Normally, "what's next" comes to mind, and I start looking for "must have" goodies. Not this time. :(


I'm just happy that when TIPI comes out it'll be 'mostly' configured.

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A 2x5 IDC connector doesn't fit on a PI's GPIO without a stacking header, which, again makes it too tall for cases that enclose the top of the PI.


I can only recommend at this stage, that if the target is TIPI, the PI case should have open sky over the GPIO. That is generally true of the good and cheap cases.



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A 2x5 IDC connector doesn't fit on a PI's GPIO without a stacking header, which, again makes it too tall for cases that enclose the top of the PI.


I can only recommend at this stage, that if the target is TIPI, the PI case should have open sky over the GPIO. That is generally true of the good and cheap cases.




Yea, I forgot about the sides of the 2x5.

What about something like this, but of course a 2x20 instead of 2x25.

People could even make their own shorten the remainder.




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