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Question on 2600 Hacking


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You just point and click...that "crossword" is actually the bits (pixels) of each memory location in the rom file, eight across by two thousand or more down. The memory locations can contain program code, bitmap sprites, data tables, etc...so you need to take care not to change random locations. Instead, scroll around the file until you come across recognisable shapes (like the invader ships in Space Invaders). Then, use the mouse button to "turn on" or off the pixels that make up the shapes. Since the program itself dictates how large or small the sprite is, you need to keep your sprite the same size or smaller than the original shape. If the original used 8 bytes (lines), you must keep yours within that limit.


Hacking colors, making larger shapes, controller conversions, etc. isn't practical with HackOmatic (since you would need to change specific bits). Hacks of that nature are more easily done by disassembling the program code and altering that...which is to say that it isn't easy at all. ;) If you want to go that route, you need to study and learn assembly programming. The fully labelled disassemblies of games can be a real help here, since they will contain comments about what each or most of the program lines are doing. Those disassemblies can be found at The Dig.

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although they look like crossowords, close one eye. Actually if you scroll down about midway if you look closely, you will see the character graphics of the game. For example, pitfall: you can spot harry, the scorpion etc. partially after scrolling down a bit. Just look close and you will notice the squares make em up! 8)

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