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my start with RB+ - barbarian project- need help


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and to add to the above, if you're hearing the audio replay slower than it should, the division might be off by 1. So it'll be converting to the correct frequency, but as your replay freq. is off, it'll jump to the next one. I think you should try adding 1 to, or subtracting 1 from, the replay when it sounds slow. It's been some time though so I'm only half remembering.

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i have a question again : how to stop the sfx ? in the tutorial post, it mention len=0, so i must do this :

SNDZEROPLAY(1, strptr(sfx_tete), (strptr(sfx_tete_end)-strptr(sfx_tete)+3) and 0x0, 46168/10233, Zero_Audio_8bit_muLaw|0)




It really shouldn't matter what parameters you pass except channel number and 0 size. So I expect this should work:


SNDZEROPLAY(1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
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thanks to all for your help

now all sfx and the intro and gameover musics are in the game

some little settings and the Amstrad cpc version will be will be finished ! :thumbsup:

after, i will try to add in the same rom the C64 version

it could be nice to switch beetwen the two versions with one button !


for the music theme, i have a question:

it is possible to do it in .ul format with an external software ?

rb+ limits the source at 2 megas. if i could already have it in.ul, i could integrate it with in the game ;)


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for the music theme, i have a question:

it is possible to do it in .ul format with an external software ?

As far as I know you can use any program that can save μLaw (it might be written as uLaw - it's the same thing). Then you should import the file without any specific conversion in assets.txt. So something like


should do the trick (raw_binary_import could be anything except the registered keywords like sfx_rawxxx etc).


May I ask why you need this in the first place? The reason this was added during build is to just feed the build system wav files (or whatever) and automatically get the proper format.


rb+ limits the source at 2 megas. if i could already have it in.ul, i could integrate it with in the game ;)

Here's a secret - you ran out of RAM, but not out of ROM :). Looking at your latest rom file, the actual size of your game in rom is about 330kb. So there is still about 3.6mb free - you can put your .ul in rom space while importing and play the sound directly from there.


I have written a few words in this tutorial but generally it's more or less changing the import type from ABS to ROM[/u] in assets.txt in the music file. So the above line would be:


...and it should work, with just one tiny caveat! The syntax to zeroplay changes ever so slightly. From


SNDZEROPLAY(channel, strptr(sfx_tete), (strptr(sfx_tete_end)-strptr(sfx_tete)+3) and 0xfffffffc, 46168/10233, Zero_Audio_8bit_muLaw|0)


SNDZEROPLAY(channel, (void *)(sfx_tete), (sfx_tete_end-sfx_tete)+3) and 0xfffffffc, 46168/10233, Zero_Audio_8bit_muLaw|0)
Hope this clears things up a bit
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oh yeah it works and it works very fine !!!!


thanks ggn !

i just had an error with your example , there was a wrong ")" but now it works :thumbsup:

SNDZEROPLAY(channel, (void *)(sfx_tete), (sfx_tete_end-sfx_tete)+3) and 0xfffffffc, 46168/10233, Zero_Audio_8bit_muLaw|0)

SNDZEROPLAY(1, (void *)(sfx_theme), (sfx_theme_end-sfx_theme)+3 and 0xfffffffc, 46168/11542, Zero_Audio_8bit_muLaw|Zero_Audio_Looping)


now, this atari jaguar rom of barbarian is the most faithful version of the game i have ever done on a console !

some little settings to do again and it's finished !

the final rom maybe tomorrow

the big work is over but after, i will begin the 6 other versions of the game (c64, atari, amiga, pc, appleII,Spectrum) there is some coding to do ;)

see ya


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I have forgetten to mention that the rom works good with "project tempest" emulator (available in the zip)

With virtual jaguar the tempo of the music and the game can be wrong...

If someone can test on the real hardware, it will be nice

Thanks in advance !

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  • 2 weeks later...


now the cpc version of barbarian for jaguar is finished ! ;-)

i'm proud to give you the final rom

this jaguar rom is the most faithful remake of the original i have done since 2012

in this zip you can find the rom all the source and ressources :


what's new on this final rom:

- random moves for demo

- blood splot at better places

- C button for launch/stop music

- B button is unused ;)

- speed of music slow down

i hope the speed of music is good on the real jaguar.

today i have bought a skunkboard to test this.



the project is not finished, now i will begin the C64 version

thanks to all who have helped me for making this now :thumbsup:

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  • 2 weeks later...

the project is not finished, now i will begin the C64 version

thanks to all who have helped me for making this now :thumbsup:

this is epic effort! :thumbsup: Is this the project that has the poll running at Jaguar Sector on facebook?

I'm wondering, is there a specific reason why you've chosen CPC and C64 versions as opposed to the ST?

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Thanks !

I dont know for facebook, i dont use it a lot...

I have choose the cpc version first because its the version of my chilhood

Now i'd like to make the others 8bit versions because they are easy to do and finish with 16bit version.

I hope i will found free time to do all this.

I'm still waiting for my skunkboard....

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I have my skunkboard and i have tested it!

The roms runs good but there is a problem with the main theme....

All the sound are ok but this one have like a whistling while playing....?

Have anyone an idea why ?

Have someone tested it and have the same problem ?

Is my sfx file too big ?

Maybe a bug with zerosquare? Must i try to run with u235 ?

I will make a video tomorrow

Thanks in advance

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here is a video :


at the end of the video you can hear that the second music works good (at the end of the round) but not the main theme

a few days a friend had burned a new cartridge and the sound works perfectly

what does it mean ? the main theme is too heavy for the skunkboard ??

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here is a video :


at the end of the video you can hear that the second music works good (at the end of the round) but not the main theme

a few days a friend had burned a new cartridge and the sound works perfectly

what does it mean ? the main theme is too heavy for the skunkboard ??



I'm going to take a guess here. Check the size of the particle/text layer.


I am guessing it is fullscreen - if so, make it just the size you actually need and test again. A fullscreen transparent image eats up a lot of bandwidth on the bus.

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Ok, I think I know what's happening:


The only difference between the theme music and the sfx is that the former is in ROM space. Since the cart your friend made works ok and the skunkboard version sounds bad, it can only be rom width issues.


TL;DR just add the following lines in your rapapp.s


			move.w	MEMCON1,d0
			bset	#1,d0
			bclr	#2,d0
			bset	#3,d0
			bset	#4,d0
			bclr	#7,d0
			move.w	d0,MEMCON1
but only when testing from Skunkboard!


Read this thread for a longer explanation. Sadly this fix never made it into the rb+ repo since we couldn't find people to verify all cases.


Anyway, hopefully this fixes your issues :).

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no, i have tried with a text layer opaque and the code of ggn, and always the same problem.... :(

maybe i have not put the code in the right place, i'm not familiar with asm...

here is my rapapp.s

the must important for me is that the rom works good on the real hardware but i have no luck for this problem of skunkboard....



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