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Anyone interested in a NES/Fami/Super Fami Super 8 converter


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Hey guys,


It just got booted off eBay (should have known). I'll take cash/trade offers if anyone's interested. You just don't see these things that often in the wild. Well, at least I don't.


For those not in the know, the converter plugs into the cart slot of a SNES deck and allows you to play 8-bit NES and Fami carts as well as having a pass-through slot for SNES/Super Fami carts. It works fine.




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Does it fit in a newer model SNES?


Yes it works fine with both models. I have one of these too. I use it quite a bit actually. The only down side to it is the picture quality. It's got the vertical lines like most Top loaders whenever you're playing NES or Famicom games. Although it is composite out so I think it's a bit better than a toploader. cheaper too! Well worth the money, if you have a failing Nes, or are just looking into starting a Famicom collection.

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Thanks for the interest...I didn't have a set price in mind. However, I know what I paid for it (it wasn't cheap). The high bid was $65 when it was pulled. I had seen them going for $99 on the 'net at one time. Can't seem to find them anymore.



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$65? Hmm, $20 would be quite a loss on it, I understand that. I'd be willing to go as high as $45 though if shipping is included. You said it also allows you to play Super Famicom games right? That's really the only reason I want it, so I can play Rockman & Forte and Rockman 7.

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I tried the "cut the tabs" bit and it didn't work, and I didn't want to fux0r my already working SNES any further and possibly ruin my only way to play the SNES Mega Man games I +already+ have. :(


Pick up an SNES game genie and take the case off. That's what I do for SNES imports. And Genies are cheap. Real cheap.

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I tried the "cut the tabs" bit and it didn't work, and I didn't want to fux0r my already working SNES any further and possibly ruin my only way to play the SNES Mega Man games I +already+ have. :(


Pick up an SNES game genie and take the case off. That's what I do for SNES imports. And Genies are cheap. Real cheap.

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Pick up an SNES game genie and take the case off. That's what I do for SNES imports. And Genies are cheap. Real cheap.


I'll see if they have one next time I'm at Gamers, but their trend lately seems to be to grossly overprice stuff. The loose Nomad I just got was $50, for the same thing they want $85 (that's with no games, no power supply, and in some cases no battery cover).

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Genies are rather plentiful here in damp ol Philly, and I picked one up for BeerGnome for like 10 or so if ya need one.


I may take you up on that. I'll see how much they want for one here and if it's more than that, I'll PM you. :D

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Checked Gamestop. They only had 1 left (and at $30) so I picked it up for myself. There is a Babbages nearby as well (same stock, management, etc) so I'll check there to be sure none moved over to that place.

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well I tried the *cut the tabs* method on my not so great snes ( its got cracks and its yellowed etc. ) so once I cut the tabs ( it only worked after I made sure the tabs were COMPLETELY gone) I decided to repaint it..so now its black and silver and grey and runs like a dream :D :D :D

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