+Lee Stewart Posted January 12, 2023 Share Posted January 12, 2023 1 hour ago, TheBF said: DUH! I think it's just X 8 MOD is the same as 7 AND. OK That will remove 3 more instructions. I am pretty sure the fbForth DOT word for Bitmap graphics does something like this, but I should probably revisit the code to make sure. As I recall, it was pretty painful working with that code and it will surely take me a little time to reorient myself to it. ...lee 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted January 16, 2023 Author Share Posted January 16, 2023 I was reading the site and saw @RXB 's post about how GCHAR in BASIC is being a pain the *ss in getting sped up. Out of curiosity I took this program in TI-BASIC 10 CALL GCHAR(24,1,X) 20 GOTO 10 And looked at the Classic99 Heatmap to see how much code was running. OMG. That's a lot of stuff. BASIC code heat map My only point of reference of course is my system which I know does a lot less stuff than BASIC has to accomplish. (parsing multiple reads in one call, floating point conversions, re0interpreting each time) The equivalent Camel99 Forth code is below. It also calls the ROM "BREAK" routine with the ?TERMINAL key-word to be closer to the BASIC code. All that to say I am amazed that this so much harder for BASIC do faster than the stock code. But I know Jack Squat about the innards of the GPL interpreter. VARIABLE X : GCHAR ( x y -- char) >VPOS VC@ ; : RUN BEGIN 0 23 GCHAR X ! ?TERMINAL UNTIL ; Forth code heat map 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted January 20, 2023 Author Share Posted January 20, 2023 Here is something I have just started using that is almost as convenient as a cartridge. I compiled my Super-Cart development system version (tools, assembler, vocabularies, elapse and ANS-Files) as UTIL1,UTIL2 If you put these two files on DSK1 you can start Forth with four keystrokes under Editor/Assembler in Classic99 or on real hardware with Supe-Cart installed. From the title screen press 2,2,5,<enter> CAMEL99-UTIL1.ZIP 2 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted January 31, 2023 Author Share Posted January 31, 2023 (edited) I put in a lot of work on the vi99 project but one vi function it doesn't have yet is jumping the cursor from word to word, backwards or forwards. I remember over 30 years ago adding that feature to an editor I wrote for MVP Forth for the PC. I remember it being harder than I thought it should be and I think I used something like a state machine with a variable. It was hard coded for the editor and not useful for anything else. (I actually just found the code because I ported that block editor to HsForth. It used a lot of DO LOOPS and LEAVE) I am happy to say that after only 30 something years I have learned something. Find next word Going Forward: The word SKIP lets you skip past the char that you specify. The word SCAN lets you look for the presence of the char that you specify. Find next word Going Backward: The word -TRAILING scans a string backwards There is no "standard" function to scan backward past anything that is NOT a space. Here is mine. (couldn't think of a better name) : -ASCII ( addr len -- addr len') \ scan back until BL 1- OVER + ( -- start end ) BEGIN 2DUP <> \ test end of string WHILE DUP C@ BL <> WHILE \ test for blank 1- \ dec address REPEAT THEN OVER - 0 MAX ; I am testing this out on the VIBE block editor because it's a simpler system to play with. Without going into all the dirty details inside the editor it works like this: Treat the block like a big string. From the cursor position, compute the bytes "after the cursor" and make a stack string (addr,len) Just do BL SKIP BL SCAN and you have a new string that begins with the next word! to go backwards create string from the beginning of the block to the cursor address in the form (addr,len) do -TRAILING -ASCII and the first LAST word in the string is the previous word. After that it's just some address math to convert the address to the col and row for the cursor. It's nice to know that it only took me 30+ years to grok Forth. Inside VIBE it looks like this: Spoiler \ VIBE Release 2.2 \ Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Samuel A. Falvo II \ All Rights Reserved \ Highly portable block editor -- \ * Use with written permission for Camel99 Forth * \ USAGE: VI <filepath> opens BLOCK FILE, \ VI (no parameter) goto last used block \ VIBE ( n -- ) Edits block 'n'. Sets SCR variable to 'n'. \ \ 2.1 -- Fixed stack overflow bugs; forgot to DROP in the non-default \ key handlers. \ \ 2.2 Ported to CAMEL99 Forth B. Fox 2019 \ Removed some character constants to save space. \ Changed TYPE for VTYPE. \ Removed shadow block function \ Added some block navigation commands \ 2.3 Fixed keyboard bugs for TI-99/4A \ VI command takes a filename parameter like real VI \ simplfied wipe screen logic and saved bytes \ Add $ command: goto end of line \ Add PC delete KEY for Classic99 \ 2.4 Change CMOVE, CMOVE> to MOVE for Camel99 2.69 \ 2.5 Changed [ ] key bindings to ^f ^b like vi \ Added w and b commands for word jumping ( libary includes for Camel99 Forth) NEEDS WORDLIST FROM DSK1.WORDLISTS ONLY FORTH DEFINITIONS NEEDS DUMP FROM DSK1.TOOLS NEEDS 80COLS FROM DSK1.80COL NEEDS RKEY FROM DSK1.RKEY NEEDS BLOCK FROM DSK1.BLOCKS NEEDS -TRAILING FROM DSK1.TRAILING NEEDS MARKER FROM DSK1.MARKER MARKER /VIBE VOCABULARY EDITOR ONLY FORTH ALSO EDITOR DEFINITIONS HERE ( Editor Constants ) CHAR i CONSTANT 'i \ Insert mode CHAR c CONSTANT 'c \ Command mode \ camel99 values DECIMAL 64 CONSTANT WIDTH WIDTH 1- CONSTANT LENGTH 80 CONSTANT MAXBLKS 1024 CONSTANT 1K ( Editor State ) VARIABLE SCR \ Current block VARIABLE X \ Cursor X position 0..LENGTH VARIABLE Y \ Cursor Y position 0..15 VARIABLE MODE \ current mode: INSERT or command ( 'i OR 'c \ CMDNAME the command string, is built, found and executed CREATE CMDNAME 5 C, CHAR $ C, CHAR $ C, 0 C, 0 C, 0 C, ( Editor Display ) DECIMAL : BLANKS BL FILL ; \ BF add : MODE. LENGTH 0 AT-XY MODE @ EMIT ; : VTYPE ( addr len -- ) TUCK VPOS SWAP VWRITE VCOL +! ; : SCR. 0 0 AT-XY S" Block: " VTYPE SCR @ . ( S" " VTYPE ) ; : HEADER SCR. MODE. ; : 16-S S" ----------------" VTYPE ; : WIDTH-S 16-S 16-S 16-S ; : BORDER SPACE WIDTH-S CR ; : ROW ( addr -- addr') DUP LENGTH VTYPE 64 + ; \ FAST \ : ROW ( addr -- addr') DUP LENGTH TYPE LENGTH + ; \ SLOW : LINE ( addr -- addr') [CHAR] | (EMIT) ROW CR ; : 4LINES ( addr -- ) LINE LINE LINE LINE ; : 'BLOCK ( -- addr) SCR @ BLOCK ; : 16LINES 'BLOCK 4LINES 4LINES 4LINES 4LINES DROP ; : CARD 0 1 AT-XY BORDER 16LINES BORDER ; : CURSOR X @ 1+ Y @ 2+ AT-XY ; : SCREEN HEADER CARD CURSOR ; ( Editor State Control ) : INSERT 'i MODE ! 30 CURS ! ; \ change cursor character to show mode : REPLACE [CHAR] r MODE ! ; : CMD 'c MODE ! 31 CURS ! ; : BOUNDED ( addr n -- ) 0 MAX MAXBLKS MIN SWAP ! ; : PREVBLOCK SCR DUP @ 1- BOUNDED ; : NEXTBLOCK SCR DUP @ 1+ BOUNDED ; \ : TOGGLESHADOW 1 SCR @ XOR SCR ! ; ( Editor Cursor Control ) : FLUSHLEFT X OFF ; : BOUNDX X @ 0 MAX LENGTH MIN X ! ; : BOUNDY Y @ 0 MAX 15 MIN Y ! ; : BOUNDXY BOUNDX BOUNDY ; : LEFT X 1-! BOUNDXY ; : RIGHT X 1+! BOUNDXY ; : UP Y 1-! BOUNDXY ; : DOWN Y 1+! BOUNDXY ; \ : beep 7 EMIT ; : NEXTLINE Y @ 15 < IF FLUSHLEFT DOWN THEN ; : NEXT X @ LENGTH = IF NEXTLINE EXIT THEN RIGHT ; ( Editor Insert/Replace Text ) : 64* 6 LSHIFT ; \ x64 : WHERE ( col row -- addr) 64* + 'BLOCK + ; : WH X @ Y @ WHERE ; : SOL 0 Y @ WHERE ; : EOL LENGTH Y @ WHERE ; : PLACE WH C! UPDATE NEXT ; : -EOL? X @ LENGTH < ; : OPENR WH DUP 1+ LENGTH X @ - MOVE ; : OPENRIGHT -EOL? IF OPENR THEN ; : INSERTING? MODE @ 'i = ; : CHR INSERTING? IF OPENRIGHT THEN PLACE ; : EOTEXT SOL LENGTH -TRAILING NIP X ! ; : BELOW ( -- n) 'BLOCK 1K + WH - ; \ n=bytes below cursor : NXTWRD ( addr n -- addr' ) BL SKIP BL SCAN DROP ; : >OFFSET ( addr n -- n') 'BLOCK - 1K 1- MIN ; : ADR>XY ( addr --) WIDTH /MOD Y ! 1+ X ! BOUNDXY ; \ scans entire block for next word : NEXTWORD WH BELOW NXTWRD >OFFSET ADR>XY ; : -ASCII ( addr len -- addr len') \ scan back until BL 1- OVER + ( start end ) BEGIN 2DUP <> WHILE \ test end of string DUP C@ BL <> WHILE \ test for blank 1- \ dec address REPEAT THEN OVER - 0 MAX ; : PRVWRD -TRAILING -ASCII ; : PREVWORD 'BLOCK WH OVER - PRVWRD NIP ADR>XY ; ( Editor Keyboard Handler CMDWORD encoding) \ CMD name key: $ $ _ _ _ \ | | | \ 'c'=command mode --+ | | \ 'i"=ins/repl mode | | \ | | \ Key code (hex#) -----+-+ \ \ Called with ( k -- ) where k is the ASCII key code. ( Editor COMMANDS: Quit, cursor, block, et. al. ) ( Modified for Ti-99 keyboard ) : $$c30 DROP FLUSHLEFT ; \ 0 goto start of line : $$c24 DROP EOTEXT ; \ $ goto end of line : $$c69 DROP INSERT ; \ i : $$c49 DROP FLUSHLEFT INSERT ; \ I : $$c52 DROP REPLACE ; \ R : $$i0F DROP 31 CURS ! CMD ; \ (esc) GOTO command mode : $$c68 DROP LEFT ; \ h : $$c6A DROP DOWN ; \ j : $$c6B DROP UP ; \ k : $$c6C DROP RIGHT ; \ l : $$c06 DROP NEXTBLOCK ; \ ^F ( CHANGE FROM VIBE ) : $$c02 DROP PREVBLOCK ; \ ^B ( CHANGE FROM VIBE ) \ : $$c5C DROP TOGGLESHADOW ; \ \ : $$c77 DROP NEXTWORD ; \ w : $$c62 DROP PREVWORD ; \ b : $$c5E DROP X OFF Y OFF CURSOR ; \ ^ ( Editor Backspace/Delete ) : PADDING BL EOL C! UPDATE ; : DEL WH DUP 1+ SWAP LENGTH X @ - MOVE ; : DELETE -EOL? IF DEL THEN PADDING ; : BS LEFT DELETE ; : BACKSPACE X @ 0 > IF BS THEN ; ( Editor Carriage Return ) : NEXTLN EOL 1+ ; : #CHRS 'BLOCK 1K + NEXTLN - WIDTH - ; : COPYDOWN Y @ 14 < IF NEXTLN DUP WIDTH + #CHRS MOVE THEN ; : BLANKDOWN NEXTLN WIDTH BLANKS UPDATE ; : SPLITDOWN WH NEXTLN 2DUP SWAP - MOVE ; : BLANKREST WH NEXTLN OVER - BLANKS ; : OPENDOWN COPYDOWN BLANKDOWN ; : SPLITLINE OPENDOWN SPLITDOWN BLANKREST ; : RETRN INSERTING? IF SPLITLINE THEN FLUSHLEFT NEXTLINE ; : RETURN Y @ 15 < IF RETRN THEN ; ( Editor Wipe Block ) \ simplified by BFox HEX : >UPPER ( c -- c') 5F AND ; DECIMAL : PROMPT 0 19 AT-XY ; : MSG PROMPT ." Are you sure? (Y/N) " ; : CLRMSG PROMPT WIDTH SPACES ; : NO? MSG KEY >UPPER CLRMSG [CHAR] Y <> ; : ?CONFIRM NO? IF R> DROP THEN ; : WIPE ?CONFIRM 'BLOCK 1K BLANKS UPDATE X OFF Y OFF ; ( Editor Commands: backspace, delete, et. al. ) : $$i04 DROP DELETE ; \ ^D : $$i03 DROP DELETE ; \ PC delete key : $$i08 DROP BACKSPACE ; \ Backspace \ : $$i7F DROP BACKSPACE ; \ DEL -- for Unix : $$i0D DROP RETURN ; \ Enter : $$c5A DROP WIPE ; \ Z : $$c6F DROP OPENDOWN DOWN $$c49 ; \ o : $$c4F DROP OPENDOWN ; \ O : $$i15 DROP X OFF Y OFF ; \ i INSERT mode : >FORTH PROMPT ." Forth" CR .S QUIT ; : $$c51 DROP >FORTH ; \ Q -- quit editor, enter Forth : $$c3A DROP >FORTH ; \ ':' for vi compatibility HEX 0F CONSTANT $0F F0 CONSTANT $F0 : KEYBOARD RKEY 7F AND ; \ for TI-99 we need to mask upper bit DECIMAL : CMD? MODE @ 'c = ; : INS? MODE @ 'i = MODE @ [CHAR] r = OR ; : MODE! INS? 'i AND CMD? 'c AND OR CMDNAME 3 + C! ; : >HEX DUP 9 > IF 7 + THEN [CHAR] 0 + ; : H! DUP $F0 AND 4 RSHIFT >HEX CMDNAME 4 + C! ; : L! $0F AND >HEX CMDNAME 5 + C! ; : NAME! MODE! H! L! ; : NOMAPPING ['] HONK CMD? AND ['] CHR INS? AND OR ; \ : .CMDNAME 68 0 AT-XY CMDNAME COUNT TYPE ; \ debugging : HANDLERWORD NAME! CMDNAME FIND 0= IF DROP DROP NOMAPPING THEN ; : HANDLER DUP HANDLERWORD EXECUTE ; : EDITLOOP 'c MODE ! 31 CURS ! BEGIN KEYBOARD HANDLER SCREEN AGAIN ; : VIBE ( n -- ) DECIMAL SCR ! PAGE SCREEN EDITLOOP ; : EDIT SCR @ VIBE ; \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ VIBE ENDS \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ VI command additions : USE ( <path>) \ open a block file to use PARSE-NAME DUP 0> IF OPEN-BLOCKS SCR OFF THEN ; : LIST ( n -- ) SCR ! PAGE SCREEN 50 18 AT-XY ; : INDEX ( from to -- ) 1+ SWAP ?DO CR I 4 .R 2 SPACES I BLOCK 64 TYPE ?BREAK LOOP ; SCR OFF HERE SWAP - DECIMAL . .( bytes) USE DSK7.BLOCKS Edited January 31, 2023 by TheBF changed first to last 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Lee Stewart Posted January 31, 2023 Share Posted January 31, 2023 12 hours ago, TheBF said: Here is mine. (couldn't think of a better name) : -ASCII ( addr len -- addr len') \ scan back until BL 1- OVER + ( -- start end ) BEGIN 2DUP <> \ test end of string WHILE DUP C@ BL <> WHILE \ test for blank 1- \ dec address REPEAT THEN OVER - 0 MAX ; What’s the matter with just inverting the logic in -TRAILING ? \ -ASCII from -TRAILING code : -ASCII ( addr len --- addr len' ) DUP 0 DO OVER OVER + 1- \ Inversion of IF..ELSE..THEN is only change to -TRAILING C@ BL - IF 1- ELSE LEAVE THEN LOOP ; ...lee 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted January 31, 2023 Author Share Posted January 31, 2023 4 hours ago, Lee Stewart said: What’s the matter with just inverting the logic in -TRAILING ? \ -ASCII from -TRAILING code : -ASCII ( addr len --- addr len' ) DUP 0 DO OVER OVER + 1- \ Inversion of IF..ELSE..THEN is only change to -TRAILING C@ BL - IF 1- ELSE LEAVE THEN LOOP ; ...lee That would work just as well. I have -TRAILING as code version in a library file so I just needed a Forth way to do what you have here. I hate to admit it but I have grown accustomed to those weird double WHILE statements. For the longest time I thought they were an abomination, but now I just see them as jumps like you would see in ALC. However I think your version uses less instructions so mine might be changing. 🙂 Thanks 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted February 1, 2023 Author Share Posted February 1, 2023 I wanted to update some fonts and realized that the source I had was for previous ways that I defined patterns. Wouldn't it by nice to read the font out of VDP RAM and generate the source code? I made a BASIC version just because it was possible. \ font2src.fth generates CALLCHAR statements FORTH & BASIC Feb 1, 2023 INCLUDE DSK1.TOOLS INCLUDE DSK1.OUTFILE \ redefines TYPE EMIT CR INCLUDE DSK1.UDOTR HEX 800 CONSTANT PDT DECIMAL : ]PDT ( c-- Vaddr) 8* PDT + ; \ character markup : <BL> BL EMIT ; : <"> [CHAR] " EMIT ; : <\> [CHAR] \ EMIT <BL> ; : <S"> [CHAR] S EMIT <"> <BL> ; : <(> [CHAR] ( EMIT ; : <)> [CHAR] ) EMIT ; : <,> [CHAR] , EMIT ; : V@++ ( Vaddr -- VAddr++, n) DUP V@ SWAP 2+ SWAP ; : .#### ( ) BASE @ >R HEX 0 <# # # # # #> TYPE R> BASE ! ; : .PATTERN ( char -- ) ]PDT V@++ .#### V@++ .#### V@++ .#### V@++ .#### DROP ; : FTH.PATTERN ( char -- ) CR <S"> DUP .PATTERN <"> <BL> DUP 3 .R S" CALLCHAR " TYPE <\> EMIT ; : BASIC.PATTERN CR DUP 2000 + 4 .R <BL> S" CALL CHAR" TYPE <(> DUP 3 .R <,> <"> .PATTERN <"> <)> ; : FTH.FONT ( 1st last --) 1+ SWAP ?DO I FTH.PATTERN LOOP CR ; : BASIC.FONT ( 1st last --) 1+ SWAP ?DO I BASIC.PATTERN LOOP CR ; DECIMAL S" DSK7.FONT0230-S" MAKE-OUTPUT 0 126 FTH.FONT CLOSE-OUTPUT S" DSK7.BASIC230-S" MAKE-OUTPUT 0 126 BASIC.FONT CLOSE-OUTPUT FONT-SOURCE-GENERATOR.mp4 2 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted February 8, 2023 Author Share Posted February 8, 2023 VIBE updated After all my work on VI99 I am much more familiar with the vi key commands so I went back into VIBE by Sam Falvo and made it a bit more vi-like even with a ':" command that takes you to an interpreted command line. I tried to use Sam's writing style with the extensions. The results are in a separate repository bfox9900/VIBE99: A vi like editor for Forth BLOCK files for TI-99 (github.com) The one thing I don't like about the architecture is that every keystroke goes through the Forth interpreter. This is fine for commands but when typing it slows down the speed at which you can type. Dictionary searches are not super speedy on TI-99. The other thing is that this editor is now huge. Other than that it makes serviceable block editor, especially if you prefer vi. This version has a pretty big command set: \ Forth VIBE Key : $$c06 DROP NEXTBLOCK ; \ ^F ( CHANGE FROM VIBE ) : $$c02 DROP PREVBLOCK ; \ ^B ( CHANGE FROM VIBE ) : $$c1A DROP PAGE .NOTSAVED CONSOLE ; \ ^Z to command shell : $$c24 DROP EOTEXT ; \ $ goto end of line : $$c30 DROP FLUSHLEFT ; \ 0 goto start of line : $$c41 DROP EOTEXT REPLACE ; \ A append at end of line : $$c47 DROP FLUSHLEFT 15 Y ! ; \ G bottom line : $$c48 DROP FLUSHLEFT Y OFF ; \ H goto home, top left : $$c49 DROP FLUSHLEFT INSERT ; \ I : $$c4D DROP WIDTH 2/ X ! ; \ M middle of line : $$c52 DROP REPLACE ; \ R replace 1 char at cursor : $$c50 DROP PASTE ; \ P paste before cursor line : $$c61 DROP NEXT REPLACE ; \ a append after cursor : $$c62 DROP PREVWORD ; \ b : $$c64 DROP DELINE ; \ d delete line : $$c68 DROP LEFT ; \ h : $$c69 DROP INSERT ; \ i : $$c6A DROP DOWN ; \ j : $$c6B DROP UP ; \ k : $$c6C DROP RIGHT ; \ l : $$c72 DROP KEY PUTC UPDATE ; \ r replace char at cursor : $$c75 DROP EMPTY-BUFFERS SCREEN ; \ u undo since last flush : $$c77 DROP NEXTWORD ; \ w : $$c78 DROP DELETE ; \ x delete char at cursor : $$c79 DROP KEY 'y = IF YANK THEN ; \ yy yank line "colon" commands execute at command line have aliases in upper and lower case : Q! .FORTH CR .NOTSAVED CONSOLE ; : q! Q! ; : w FLUSH SCREEN ; : W w ; : wq FLUSH .FORTH CONSOLE ; : WQ wq ; : vibe ( n -- ) VIBE ; : G ( n -- ) VIBE ; : KC TP OFF ; \ kill clipboard : edit EDIT ; Utility Commands : USE ( <path>) close then open block file, open new path : LIST ( n -- ) list a block but stay in Forth : INDEX ( n n2 -- ) show top line of blocks from n to n2 I cheated by using 80 column mode just to get everything working smoothly. I don't think I will go any further with it. And of course, when I tried to save VIBE99 as a binary image something is not working correctly even though two other editors I made save perfectly. It may have something to do with initializing the BLOCK file system since I have never saved that as a program image, so I will have to look into that. VIBE99-SHORT-DEMO.mp4 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted February 8, 2023 Author Share Posted February 8, 2023 It is always a welcome surprise when a big project compiles on a different compiler. I had to update DSK1.BLOCKS to my newer version and I updated DSK1.80COL as well on spec. and it compiled and ran under the direct-threaded compiler. VIBE99 with the required libraries, uses almost 10K of dictionary under DTC but with super cart that still gives 13.8K remaining for the programmer. VIBE99-DTC-FORTH.mp4 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted February 10, 2023 Author Share Posted February 10, 2023 With @Retrospect making a new game everyday it seems, I thought I would try to drink some of my own Koolaid. I have long thought that the Forth task system was up to the job but as one who never played games much I was never motivated to prove it. I have very little visual imagination so I stole some resources that @Retrospect generated a year ago or so and turned them into a simple game. The unique thing about this game is that it combines multi-tasking sprite motion and interrupt driven sprite motion. The Asteroid field which just flies across the screen is Auto-motion. (it started on a task but I changed it) In my sprite system you can state how many sprites are moving with the word MOVING. By putting the asteroids first and saying 4 MOVING, the AUTOMOTION only tries to move 4 sprites, saving processor time. The bouncing and rotation of the ball figures are four separate tasks, two for each ball. The flying comet weapon is running on a task that is started and runs until the comet hits the screen edge, at which point it puts itself to sleep. The sound that runs when an asteroid is struck is another task. The 6th task is sequencing the asteroid patterns. (that could be made better looking but I just wanted to see if this could be done) I found it took more planning to put things together this way in the beginning but once you decide on "who" is doing what its a nice way to make a game. Like having trained dogs to move things for you. I should add that there are no sound lists used. Sound is created with Forth code and simple primitives. Spoiler \ BILLYBALL XB256 DEMO by @Retrospect on atariage.com Nov 1 2021 \ Used for Multi-tasking Game Demo for Camel99 Forth B Fox INCLUDE DSK1.TOOLS \ DEBUG ONLY INCLUDE DSK1.MARKER INCLUDE DSK1.MALLOC INCLUDE DSK1.GRAFIX INCLUDE DSK1.RANDOM INCLUDE DSK1.SOUND INCLUDE DSK1.DIRSPRIT \ direct control sprites INCLUDE DSK1.AUTOMOTION INCLUDE DSK1.MTASK99 INCLUDE DSK1.MTOOLS \ DEBUG ONLY INCLUDE DSK1.RANDOM INCLUDE DSK1.JOYST INCLUDE DSK1.UDOTR 1 CONSTANT Transparent 2 CONSTANT Black 5 CONSTANT Blue 7 CONSTANT DKRed 8 CONSTANT Cyan 9 CONSTANT Red 11 CONSTANT Yellow 16 CONSTANT White \ *********************** \ task management \ *********************** \ A TASK: returns its process ID (PID) (ie: an address) \ USIZE = 192 bytes, for workspace, task variables and 2 stacks : TASK: ( n -- ) USIZE MALLOC DUP FORK CONSTANT ; \ stop a running task and give control to next task : STOP ( pid -- ) SLEEP PAUSE ; DECIMAL TASK: JOB1 \ Billy ball rotator TASK: JOB2 \ Bill ball mover TASK: JOB3 \ Bobby ball rotator TASK: JOB4 \ Bobby ball mover TASK: JOB5 \ cannon TASK: JOB6 \ (Unused) former Asteroid mover TASK: JOB7 \ Asteroid spinner TASK: PLAYER \ sound code player \ Background player takes the execution token of a Forth word. : BG-SOUND ( xt -- ) PLAYER ASSIGN PLAYER RESTART ; \ *********************** \ Local variables for each task \ *********************** HEX 50 USER SPIN \ user variable for rotation speed 52 USER SPEED \ speed of motion \ *********************** \ Fast mulitplier: R4 5 SLA, \ *********************** HEX CODE 32* ( n -- n') 0A54 , NEXT, ENDCODE \ *********************** \ CHAR DEFINITION HELPERS \ *********************** DECIMAL \ def 2 chars at once (32 bytes) : CHARDEF32 ( data[] ascii# -- ) ]PDT 32 VWRITE ; \ Convert long text string to 16 bit HEX numbers at COMPILE time \ Compile each number into memory sequentially : HEX#, ( addr len --) BASE @ >R \ save radix HEX \ converting string to hex numbers BEGIN DUP WHILE \ while len<>0 OVER 4 \ used 4 digits from left end of string NUMBER? ?ERR \ convert string to number , \ compile the integer into memory 4 /STRING \ cut 4 digits off left side of string REPEAT 2DROP R> BASE ! \ restore radix ; \ ********************* \ * ASTEROIDS * \ ********************* DECIMAL CREATE ASTEROIDS S" 000F191032434964504C23100C0700000000C020501098CC1272941CF0000000" HEX#, S" 000000050A10121410181C13110D03000000F008104844CC9A12648418600000" HEX#, S" 00000001020509181F10100E07000000000000F02804E4063EE2020CF0000000" HEX#, S" 00000000031C382E212018070000000000000070888C5262828C90E000000000" HEX#, S" 0000000007182F2524150E000000000000000000E01078C4042CD80000000000" HEX#, S" 00000000000F18282F28311E0000000000000000E05844C43C0428F000000000" HEX#, S" 000000000304041D161414181108070000000000789412729A06024438C08000" HEX#, \ array of 7 asteroid patterns (0..6) : ]ASTEROID ( n -- addr) 32* ASTEROIDS + ; : ROCK-SPINNER ( char speed -- ) SPIN ! BEGIN 7 0 DO I ]ASTEROID OVER CHARDEF32 SPIN @ MS PAUSE LOOP AGAIN ; \ ************************ \ * THE GROUND * \ ************************ 251 CONSTANT DIRT.CHAR CREATE EARTH S" 10183C3C7E7EFFFF0000001010387CFF0000000000000FFF08080818387C7EFF" HEX#, EARTH DIRT.CHAR CHARDEF32 : .DIRT DIRT.CHAR SET# 15 1 COLOR 3 18 252 26 HCHAR 2 19 252 28 HCHAR 1 20 252 30 HCHAR 0 21 252 32 HCHAR ; \ *********************** \ * BALL ANIMATION DEFS * \ *********************** \ Compile contiguos data for each frame of Ball animation CREATE BALLS ( patterns for 23 chars ) S" 00030F1F3F3C787A787F7F3C3E1F0F0300E0F8FCFE9E8FAF8FFFFF1E3EFCF8E0" HEX#, S" 00030F1F3F397175717F7F383C1F0F0300E0F8FCFE3E1F5F1FFFFF3E7EFCF8E0" HEX#, S" 00030F1F3F32626A627F7F30381F0F0300E0F8FCFE7E3FBF3FFFFF7EFEFCF8E0" HEX#, S" 00030F1F3F244455447F7F20311F0F0300E0F8FCFEFE7F7F7FFFFFFEFEFCF8E0" HEX#, S" 00030F1F3F09082A087F7F01231F0F0300E0F8FCFEFEFFFFFFFFFFFEFEFCF8E0" HEX#, S" 00030F1F3F131155117F7F03071F0F0300E0F8FCFEFEFFFFFFFFFFFEFEFCF8E0" HEX#, S" 00030F1F3F27232B237F7F070F1F0F0300E0F8FCFEFEFFFFFFFFFFFEFEFCF8E0" HEX#, S" 00030F1F3F0F4757477F7F0F3F1F0F0300E0F8FCFEFEFFFFFFFFFFFEFEFCF8E0" HEX#, S" 00030F1F3F1F0F2F0F7F7F1F3F1F0F0300E0F8FCFEFEFFFFFFFFFFFEFEFCF8E0" HEX#, S" 00030F1F3F1F1F5F1F7F7F3F3F1F0F0300E0F8FCFEFEFFFFFFFFFFFEFEFCF8E0" HEX#, S" 00030F1F3F3F7F7F7F7F7F3F3F1F0F0300E0F8FCFEFEFFFFFFFFFFFEFEFCF8E0" HEX#, S" 00030F1F3F3F7F7F7F7F7F3F3F1F0F0300E0F8FCFEFEFFFFFFFFFFFEFEFCF8E0" HEX#, S" 00030F1F3F3F7F7F7F7F7F3F3F1F0F0300E0F8FCFEFEFFFFFFFFFFFEFEFCF8E0" HEX#, S" 00030F1F3F3F7F7F7F7F7F3F3F1F0F0300E0F8FCFEFEFFFFFFFFFFFEFEFCF8E0" HEX#, S" 00030F1F3F3F7F7F7F7F7F3F3F1F0F0300E0F8FCFEFCFCFDFCFFFFFEFEFCF8E0" HEX#, S" 00030F1F3F3F7F7F7F7F7F3F3F1F0F0300E0F8FCFEFCF8FAF8FFFFFCFEFCF8E0" HEX#, S" 00030F1F3F3F7F7F7F7F7F3F3F1F0F0300E0F8FCFEF8F1F5F1FFFFF8FEFCF8E0" HEX#, S" 00030F1F3F3F7F7F7F7F7F3F3F1F0F0300E0F8FCFEF2E2EAE2FFFFF0F8FCF8E0" HEX#, S" 00030F1F3F3F7F7F7F7F7F3F3F1F0F0300E0F8FCFEE4C4D5C4FFFFE0F0FCF8E0" HEX#, S" 00030F1F3F3F7F7F7F7F7F3F3F1F0F0300E0F8FCFEC888AA88FFFFC0E2FCF8E0" HEX#, S" 00030F1F3F3F7F7F7F7F7F3F3F1F0F0300E0F8FCFE92115511FFFF82C6FCF8E0" HEX#, S" 00030F1F3F3F7E7E7E7F7F3F3F1F0F0300E0F8FCFE2623AB23FFFF068EFCF8E0" HEX#, S" 00030F1F3F3E7C7D7C7F7F3E3F1F0F0300E0F8FCFE4E475747FFFF0E1EFCF8E0" HEX#, \ expose BALLS as an array of 32 byte records \ Animate the BALL by sequencing from 0 ]BALL to 22 ]BALL OR reverse : ]BALL ( n -- addr ) 32* BALLS + ; CREATE EXPLOSION S" 0030787C3E1C0070FCF8F83103030100000E1E1C382000071F0F8680C0E08000" HEX#, \ ******************************** \ * BILLY BALL'S MAGICAL MISSILE * \ ******************************** S" 0000000000000211AF02000000000000000000000034FDDFEFF6280000000000" 136 CALLCHAR \ ************** \ * STAR CHR'S * \ ************** DECIMAL CREATE STARS 160 , 168 , 176 , 184 , 192 , 200 , 208 , : ]STAR ( n -- addr) CELLS STARS + ; PAD CHAR . CHARPAT \ read '.' char pattern PAD 0 ]STAR CHARDEF \ assign to star characters PAD 1 ]STAR CHARDEF PAD 2 ]STAR CHARDEF PAD 3 ]STAR CHARDEF PAD 4 ]STAR CHARDEF PAD 5 ]STAR CHARDEF PAD 6 ]STAR CHARDEF \ ***************************** \ MAKE SPRITES \ ***************************** DECIMAL \ Characters used 128 CONSTANT Billy 132 CONSTANT Bobby 136 CONSTANT Missle 140 CONSTANT Rock \ sprite numbers begin with # 0 CONSTANT #Rock 1 CONSTANT #Rock2 2 CONSTANT #Rock3 3 CONSTANT #Rock4 5 CONSTANT #Bill 6 CONSTANT #Bob 7 CONSTANT #Weapon : CREATE_SPRITES ( char colr x y sp# -- ) Rock DKRed 127 10 #Rock SPRITE Rock DKRed 112 40 #Rock2 SPRITE Rock DKRed 134 80 #Rock3 SPRITE Rock DKRed 106 100 #Rock4 SPRITE Billy White 10 10 #Bill SPRITE Bobby Blue 215 10 #Bob SPRITE Missle 1 20 20 #Weapon SPRITE ; \ ***************************** \ Multi-Task actions must be in an endless loop. Control with WAKE/SLEEP \ ***************************** DECIMAL : SPIN-RATE ( n spr# -- ) SPIN LOCAL ! ; : ROTATOR ( char speed -- ) SPIN ! BEGIN 23 0 DO I ]BALL OVER CHARDEF32 SPIN @ MS PAUSE LOOP AGAIN ; DECIMAL : BOUNCER ( spr# speed --) SPEED ! \ each task has it's own bounce speed BEGIN 130 10 DO PAUSE I OVER SP.Y VC! SPEED @ MS LOOP 10 130 DO PAUSE I OVER SP.Y VC! SPEED @ MS -1 +LOOP AGAIN ; \ INC/DEC byte in VDP RAM : +!V ( n Vaddr -- ) S" TUCK VC@ + SWAP VC!" EVALUATE ; IMMEDIATE DECIMAL : LASER-ON GEN1 115 HZ 12 DB GEN2 117 HZ 12 DB ; : LASER-OFF GEN1 MUTE GEN2 MUTE ; DECIMAL : EXPLODE ( -- ) 5 NOISE 0 DB \ impact sound LASER-OFF \ kill the laser beam 100 MS 6 NOISE 16 0 DO PAUSE I DB \ fade impact noise I #Bob SP.COLR VC! \ change Bobby's color 4000 TICKS LOOP Blue #Bob SP.COLOR SILENT ; \ increment/decrement sprite x,y values in VDP RAM : SP.X++ ( n spr# -- ) SP.X +!V ; : SP.Y++ ( n spr# -- ) SP.Y +!V ; : FIRE_THE_LASER 6 NOISE 0 DB \ initial shot LASER-ON 200 TICKS \ brief ontime GEN4 14 DB \ reduce noise to cruise volume. ; VARIABLE YVECT VARIABLE XVECT : AIM ( x y --) YVECT ! XVECT ! ; \ sets dir/speed weapon travels : MOVE-WEAPON ( -- ) XVECT @ #Weapon SP.X++ YVECT @ #Weapon SP.Y++ ; \ ***************************** \ sound loops that run as a task must end with STOP \ ***************************** : BLEEP SILENT GEN1 31 2 DO 200 I * HZ I DB 200 TICKS LOOP MYSELF STOP ; ' BLEEP PLAYER ASSIGN \ runs this as task. It's simpler : FADE-BLAST SILENT 5 NOISE GEN4 31 6 DO I DB 50 MS LOOP ; : Y.DELTA ( spr1 spr2 -- c) SP.Y VC@ SWAP SP.Y VC@ - ( difference in Y position) DUP 0> IF 2 MIN EXIT THEN DUP 0< IF ABS 2 MIN NEGATE EXIT THEN 0 ; ( bounces straight back ) VARIABLE POINTS VARIABLE SHOTS : COLLISION ( spr# -- ) \ test ROCK collision with #weapon #Weapon OVER 9 COINC 0= IF DROP EXIT THEN #Weapon Y.DELTA YVECT ! \ change y direction proportional to hit XVECT @ NEGATE XVECT ! \ reverse X direction MOVE-WEAPON MOVE-WEAPON MOVE-WEAPON POINTS 1-! PLAYER RESTART ; DECIMAL : LAUNCHER ( -- ) #Bill POSITION #Weapon LOCATE \ #Weapon on top of #bill sprite FIRE_THE_LASER 5 0 AIM SHOTS 1-! \ polling loop for coincidence BEGIN PAUSE Red #Weapon SP.COLOR \ give it a color MOVE-WEAPON #Weapon #Bob 10 COINC IF ( we hit Bobby) Transparent #Weapon SP.COLOR \ #Weapon goes invisible -3 XVECT +! 2 JOB3 SPIN-RATE \ change Bobby's spin rate EXPLODE \ make some sound and change Bobby's color 60 JOB3 SPIN-RATE \ make Bobby slowdown again POINTS 1+! MYSELF STOP \ we are done with this for now THEN PAUSE Yellow #Weapon SP.COLOR \ change color while fire travels #Rock COLLISION #Rock2 COLLISION #Rock3 COLLISION #Rock4 COLLISION #Weapon SP.X VC@ 248 10 WITHIN \ test for #Weapon at edge of screen UNTIL Transparent #Weapon SP.COLOR LASER-OFF FADE-BLAST 60 JOB3 SPIN-RATE \ make Bobby slowdown again Blue #Bob SP.COLOR \ reset Bobby's color MYSELF STOP ; \ ******************** \ Motion Code runs in separate tasks \ ******************** \ Char Speed ( big is slower) \ ----- ----- : SPIN-BILL Billy 60 ROTATOR ; : SPIN-BOB Bobby 60 ROTATOR ; : SPIN-ROCK Rock 70 ROCK-SPINNER ; \ Sprite Speed \ ----- ----- : BOUNCE-BILL #Bill 25 BOUNCER ; : BOUNCE-BOB #Bob 9 BOUNCER ; \ faster movement, harder to hit : BOUNCE-ROCK #Rock 12 BOUNCER ; \ ******************** \ Assign routines to tasks \ ******************** : ASSIGN-JOBS ['] SPIN-BILL JOB1 ASSIGN ['] BOUNCE-BILL JOB2 ASSIGN ['] SPIN-BOB JOB3 ASSIGN ['] BOUNCE-BOB JOB4 ASSIGN ['] LAUNCHER JOB5 ASSIGN \ this is your blaster ['] SPIN-ROCK JOB7 ASSIGN ; : WAKE-TASKS JOB1 WAKE JOB2 WAKE JOB3 WAKE JOB4 WAKE JOB7 WAKE ; \ asteroids move under automotion : ASTEROID_BELT ( bug in my negative vertical motion, need the 1) -21 1 #Rock MOTION -23 1 #Rock2 MOTION -24 1 #Rock3 MOTION -25 1 #Rock4 MOTION ; : .TITLE 5 0 AT-XY ." Billy's Space Balls" ; : .SCORE 0 23 AT-XY ." Points: " POINTS @ 3 .R 15 23 AT-XY ." Ammo: " SHOTS @ 3 .R ; : SETUP CLEAR 0 19 White 1 COLORS 1 SCREEN .TITLE .DIRT .SCORE 2 MAGNIFY CREATE_SPRITES 4 MOVING ASTEROID_BELT ASSIGN-JOBS MULTI WAKE-TASKS AUTOMOTION ; : FINISH STOPMOTION DELALL SINGLE 8 SCREEN 0 19 Black Cyan COLORS ; \ shoot by waking up the launcher TASK : FIRE JOB5 RESTART 500 MS ; : ?BREAK ?TERMINAL IF FINISH ABORT THEN ; \ ********************* \ GAME PROCESS \ ********************* : GAME SETUP 50 SHOTS ! POINTS OFF BEGIN SHOTS @ WHILE 0 JOYST 1 = IF FIRE THEN .SCORE PAUSE ?BREAK REPEAT SILENT 6 11 AT-XY ." O U T O F A M M O" BEGIN KEY? UNTIL FINISH ; BILLYBALLS-GAME.mp4 3 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Retrospect Posted February 10, 2023 Share Posted February 10, 2023 @TheBF this is great! Forth seems quite fast to be able to handle all that and you did good, it doesn't miss a single coincidence. Edit: And that's the only source code I've ever seen that clearly states "expose balls" and doesn't even have any hidden meaning! 1 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted February 11, 2023 Author Share Posted February 11, 2023 3 hours ago, Retrospect said: @TheBF this is great! Forth seems quite fast to be able to handle all that and you did good, it doesn't miss a single coincidence. Edit: And that's the only source code I've ever seen that clearly states "expose balls" and doesn't even have any hidden meaning! Thanks. The BASIC compiler is actually using the same technology as Forth to link the various routines together. (called threaded code) I think when we did the sevens test the @willsy started, compiled BASIC was faster but the Forth version was not ideal Forth code. Once @Lee Stewart re-wrote the Forth version, Forth was quicker. So it probably depends on the coder which one is faster. The COINC routine used here is one I wrote that just does a comparison of the X,Y values for each sprite, not fancy but faster than the one in TI Forth. 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Retrospect Posted February 11, 2023 Share Posted February 11, 2023 2 hours ago, TheBF said: comparison of the X,Y values for each sprite And can't fail either by the sound of that ... nice one Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted February 12, 2023 Author Share Posted February 12, 2023 (edited) On 2/10/2023 at 10:41 PM, Retrospect said: And can't fail either by the sound of that ... nice one After thinking about this I realize that part of the reason COINC is working well is because I am not using AUTOMOTION for the weapon sprite _AND_ my multi-tasker is cooperative. This means that nothing is "interrupting" a task in the middle of something. The programmer controls when the code gives up control. The coincidence loop is part of a single task that launches the weapon so that's even better control. If we look the cleaned up version of the coincidence loop we see this: \ polling loop for coincidence BEGIN PAUSE Red #Weapon SP.COLOR \ give it a color MOVE-WEAPON ENEMY-HIT ASTEROID-HIT SELF-DESTRUCT \ test if weapon bounced back at shooter Yellow #Weapon SP.COLOR \ change color while fire travels #Weapon SP.X VC@ 248 1 WITHIN \ test for #Weapon at edge of screen UNTIL Notice we MOVE-WEAPON then we test for an ENEMY-HIT, ASTEROID-HIT and a new feature, you can accidently kill yourself from the rebound. Since the weapon can't move while these three tests are underway, COINC has a much easier time of it to catch a hit. So in short... I cheated. Edited February 12, 2023 by TheBF typo 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted February 13, 2023 Author Share Posted February 13, 2023 (edited) One of the problems with using your own tools is that you have to learn how to use them. I spent some time making the BillyBall game usable to the masses and had to deal with handling all these tasks that I thought were so cool. The short story is it is probably advisable to create some way of messaging to allow tasks to know what the others are doing. In an earlier post I showed a way to give each task a mailbox and send and receive code but that is overkill until you really need something that fancy. For a simple game like this you can get away with global variables. The message I needed was called DEAD so the main task could know that the user killed themselves, which happens in the launcher task. Something else that needed work was starting up all these tasks from a cold machine. I made the choice to instantiate each task in low RAM to save dictionary space. If I put the tasks in the dictionary they would need to be saved in the program files which is waste. Fortunately the word FORK lets us dynamically create a task workspace. The key was to use VALUEs to hold each task's address (PID) when they are created at boot time. You can see how that's done with word NEW-TASK and CREATE-TASKS. Another interesting thing I had to do was restart the game from within the game. There is a lot of initializing with these tasks. It took me a few minutes to realize that the best way was to just call COLD. duh! Since the program start word is patched to the BOOT variable, COLD kicks it off just fine. So attached are the program files and little readme DV80 file and the source code is in the spoiler. (567 lines) It's a lazy man's game because there is only button! The joystick fire button. (tab key on Classic99) BUT... it is harder than it looks. I give you 50 shots. The highest score I have gotten is 12. (But I suck at games) Spoiler \ BILLYBALL XB256 DEMO by @Retrospect on atariage.com Nov 1 2021 \ Used for Multi-tasking Game Demo for Camel99 Forth B Fox INCLUDE DSK1.TOOLS \ DEBUG ONLY INCLUDE DSK1.MARKER INCLUDE DSK1.MALLOC INCLUDE DSK1.GRAFIX INCLUDE DSK1.RANDOM INCLUDE DSK1.SOUND INCLUDE DSK1.DIRSPRIT \ direct control sprites INCLUDE DSK1.AUTOMOTION INCLUDE DSK1.MTASK99 \ INCLUDE DSK1.MTOOLS \ DEBUG ONLY INCLUDE DSK1.RANDOM INCLUDE DSK1.JOYST INCLUDE DSK1.UDOTR INCLUDE DSK1.VALUES 1 CONSTANT Transparent 2 CONSTANT Black 3 CONSTANT Green 5 CONSTANT Blue 7 CONSTANT DKRed 8 CONSTANT Cyan 9 CONSTANT Red 11 CONSTANT Yellow 16 CONSTANT White \ *********************** \ task management \ *********************** \ NEW-TASK returns a Process ID (PID) (ie: an address) in LOW RAM HEAP \ USIZE = 192 bytes, for workspace, task variables and 2 small stacks : NEW-TASK ( -- pid) USIZE MALLOC DUP FORK ; \ ****************************************** \ reset the HEAP memory pointer before allocating memory HEX : RESET-HEAP 2000 H ! ; \ QUIT key enable/disable HEX : QUIT-OFF ( -- ) 83C2 DUP C@ 70 AND 10 OR SWAP C! ; : QUIT-ON ( -- ) 83C2 DUP C@ 60 AND SWAP C! ; 6 CONSTANT REDO \ fctn 8 KEY : WAIT-FOR-QUIT QUIT-ON BEGIN KEY? REDO = IF COLD THEN PAUSE AGAIN ; \ ******************************************* \ task PIDs are saved in VALUEs DECIMAL 0 VALUE JOB1 0 VALUE JOB2 0 VALUE JOB3 0 VALUE JOB4 0 VALUE JOB5 0 VALUE JOB7 0 VALUE SOUND \ allocate memory in HEAP for all the tasks in the game : CREATE-TASKS RESET-HEAP NEW-TASK TO JOB1 \ Billy ball rotator NEW-TASK TO JOB2 \ Bill ball mover NEW-TASK TO JOB3 \ Bobby ball rotator NEW-TASK TO JOB4 \ Bobby ball mover NEW-TASK TO JOB5 \ cannon \ NEW-TASK JOB6 \ (Unused) former Asteroid mover NEW-TASK TO JOB7 \ Asteroid spinner NEW-TASK TO SOUND \ sound code SOUND ; \ stop a running task and give control to next task : STOP ( pid -- ) SLEEP PAUSE ; \ *********************** \ Local variables for each task \ *********************** HEX 50 USER SPIN \ user variable for rotation speed 52 USER SPEED \ speed of motion \ *********************** \ Fast mulitplier: R4 5 SLA, \ *********************** HEX CODE 32* ( n -- n') 0A54 , NEXT, ENDCODE \ *********************** \ CHAR DEFINITION HELPERS \ *********************** DECIMAL \ def 2 chars at once (32 bytes) : CHARDEF32 ( data[] ascii# -- ) ]PDT 32 VWRITE ; \ COMPILER Extension: Makes stealing BASIC code easier :-) \ Convert long text string to 16 bit HEX numbers at COMPILE time \ Compile each number into memory sequentially : HEX#, ( addr len --) BASE @ >R \ save radix HEX \ converting string to hex numbers BEGIN DUP WHILE \ while len<>0 OVER 4 \ used 4 digits from left end of string NUMBER? ?ERR \ convert string to number , \ compile the integer into memory 4 /STRING \ cut 4 digits off left side of string REPEAT 2DROP R> BASE ! \ restore radix ; \ ********************* \ * ASTEROIDS * \ ********************* DECIMAL CREATE ASTEROIDS S" 000F191032434964504C23100C0700000000C020501098CC1272941CF0000000" HEX#, S" 000000050A10121410181C13110D03000000F008104844CC9A12648418600000" HEX#, S" 00000001020509181F10100E07000000000000F02804E4063EE2020CF0000000" HEX#, S" 00000000031C382E212018070000000000000070888C5262828C90E000000000" HEX#, S" 0000000007182F2524150E000000000000000000E01078C4042CD80000000000" HEX#, S" 00000000000F18282F28311E0000000000000000E05844C43C0428F000000000" HEX#, S" 000000000304041D161414181108070000000000789412729A06024438C08000" HEX#, \ array of 7 asteroid patterns (0..6) : ]ASTEROID ( n -- addr) 32* ASTEROIDS + ; : ROCK-SPINNER ( char speed -- ) SPIN ! BEGIN 7 0 DO I ]ASTEROID OVER CHARDEF32 SPIN @ MS \ PAUSE LOOP AGAIN ; \ *********************** \ * BALL ANIMATION DEFS * \ *********************** \ Compile contiguos data for each frame of Ball animation CREATE BALLS ( patterns for 23 chars ) S" 00030F1F3F3C787A787F7F3C3E1F0F0300E0F8FCFE9E8FAF8FFFFF1E3EFCF8E0" HEX#, S" 00030F1F3F397175717F7F383C1F0F0300E0F8FCFE3E1F5F1FFFFF3E7EFCF8E0" HEX#, S" 00030F1F3F32626A627F7F30381F0F0300E0F8FCFE7E3FBF3FFFFF7EFEFCF8E0" HEX#, S" 00030F1F3F244455447F7F20311F0F0300E0F8FCFEFE7F7F7FFFFFFEFEFCF8E0" HEX#, S" 00030F1F3F09082A087F7F01231F0F0300E0F8FCFEFEFFFFFFFFFFFEFEFCF8E0" HEX#, S" 00030F1F3F131155117F7F03071F0F0300E0F8FCFEFEFFFFFFFFFFFEFEFCF8E0" HEX#, S" 00030F1F3F27232B237F7F070F1F0F0300E0F8FCFEFEFFFFFFFFFFFEFEFCF8E0" HEX#, S" 00030F1F3F0F4757477F7F0F3F1F0F0300E0F8FCFEFEFFFFFFFFFFFEFEFCF8E0" HEX#, S" 00030F1F3F1F0F2F0F7F7F1F3F1F0F0300E0F8FCFEFEFFFFFFFFFFFEFEFCF8E0" HEX#, S" 00030F1F3F1F1F5F1F7F7F3F3F1F0F0300E0F8FCFEFEFFFFFFFFFFFEFEFCF8E0" HEX#, S" 00030F1F3F3F7F7F7F7F7F3F3F1F0F0300E0F8FCFEFEFFFFFFFFFFFEFEFCF8E0" HEX#, S" 00030F1F3F3F7F7F7F7F7F3F3F1F0F0300E0F8FCFEFEFFFFFFFFFFFEFEFCF8E0" HEX#, S" 00030F1F3F3F7F7F7F7F7F3F3F1F0F0300E0F8FCFEFEFFFFFFFFFFFEFEFCF8E0" HEX#, S" 00030F1F3F3F7F7F7F7F7F3F3F1F0F0300E0F8FCFEFEFFFFFFFFFFFEFEFCF8E0" HEX#, S" 00030F1F3F3F7F7F7F7F7F3F3F1F0F0300E0F8FCFEFCFCFDFCFFFFFEFEFCF8E0" HEX#, S" 00030F1F3F3F7F7F7F7F7F3F3F1F0F0300E0F8FCFEFCF8FAF8FFFFFCFEFCF8E0" HEX#, S" 00030F1F3F3F7F7F7F7F7F3F3F1F0F0300E0F8FCFEF8F1F5F1FFFFF8FEFCF8E0" HEX#, S" 00030F1F3F3F7F7F7F7F7F3F3F1F0F0300E0F8FCFEF2E2EAE2FFFFF0F8FCF8E0" HEX#, S" 00030F1F3F3F7F7F7F7F7F3F3F1F0F0300E0F8FCFEE4C4D5C4FFFFE0F0FCF8E0" HEX#, S" 00030F1F3F3F7F7F7F7F7F3F3F1F0F0300E0F8FCFEC888AA88FFFFC0E2FCF8E0" HEX#, S" 00030F1F3F3F7F7F7F7F7F3F3F1F0F0300E0F8FCFE92115511FFFF82C6FCF8E0" HEX#, S" 00030F1F3F3F7E7E7E7F7F3F3F1F0F0300E0F8FCFE2623AB23FFFF068EFCF8E0" HEX#, S" 00030F1F3F3E7C7D7C7F7F3E3F1F0F0300E0F8FCFE4E475747FFFF0E1EFCF8E0" HEX#, \ expose BALLS as an array of 32 byte records \ these patterns are written to VDP continuosly to rotate the faces \ Animate the BALL by sequencing from 0 ]BALL to 22 ]BALL OR reverse : ]BALL ( n -- addr ) 32* BALLS + ; \ character patterns are recorded in RAM as integers using a string and HEX#, \ This is smaller that storing a string in the program CREATE EXPLOSION \ S" 0030787C3E1C0070FCF8F83103030100000E1E1C382000071F0F8680C0E08000" HEX#, S" 0004281208294723" HEX#, S" 4703290026100A00" HEX#, S" 0000288A24508AC0" HEX#, S" C0E2942046104800" HEX#, \ ******************************** \ * BILLY BALL'S MAGICAL MISSILE * \ ******************************** CREATE COMET S" 0000000000000211AF02000000000000000000000034FDDFEFF6280000000000" HEX#, \ ************************ \ * THE GROUND * \ ************************ 251 CONSTANT DIRT.CHAR CREATE EARTH S" 10183C3C7E7EFFFF0000001010387CFF0000000000000FFF08080818387C7EFF" HEX#, : .DIRT DIRT.CHAR SET# 15 1 COLOR 3 18 252 26 HCHAR 2 19 252 28 HCHAR 1 20 252 30 HCHAR 0 21 252 32 HCHAR ; \ ******************************** \ put patterns in VDP RAM \ ***************************** : WRITE-PATTERNS EARTH DIRT.CHAR CHARDEF32 COMET 136 CHARDEF32 ; DECIMAL \ Characters used 128 CONSTANT Billy 132 CONSTANT Bobby 136 CONSTANT Missle 140 CONSTANT Rock \ sprite numbers begin with # 0 CONSTANT #Rock 1 CONSTANT #Rock2 2 CONSTANT #Rock3 3 CONSTANT #Rock4 5 CONSTANT #Bill 6 CONSTANT #Bob 7 CONSTANT #Weapon \ ***************************** \ MAKE SPRITES \ ***************************** : CREATE_SPRITES ( char colr x y sp# -- ) Rock DKRed 127 188 #Rock SPRITE Rock 1+ Red 112 189 #Rock2 SPRITE Rock 2+ Green 134 192 #Rock3 SPRITE Rock 3 + Yellow 106 190 #Rock4 SPRITE Billy White 10 10 #Bill SPRITE Bobby Blue 215 10 #Bob SPRITE Missle 2 20 20 #Weapon SPRITE ; \ ***************************** \ Multi-Task actions must be in an endless loop. Control with WAKE/SLEEP \ ***************************** DECIMAL : SPIN-RATE ( n spr# -- ) SPIN LOCAL ! ; : ROTATOR ( char speed -- ) SPIN ! BEGIN 23 0 DO PAUSE I ]BALL OVER CHARDEF32 SPIN @ MS LOOP AGAIN ; DECIMAL : BOUNCER ( spr# speed --) SPEED ! \ each task has it's own bounce speed BEGIN 130 10 DO PAUSE I OVER SP.Y VC! SPEED @ MS LOOP 10 130 DO PAUSE I OVER SP.Y VC! SPEED @ MS -1 +LOOP AGAIN ; \ INC/DEC byte in VDP RAM : +!V ( n Vaddr -- ) S" TUCK VC@ + SWAP VC!" EVALUATE ; IMMEDIATE DECIMAL : LASER-ON GEN1 141 HZ 14 DB GEN2 143 HZ 14 DB ; : LASER-OFF GEN1 MUTE GEN2 MUTE ; DECIMAL : EXPLODE ( spr# -- ) 5 NOISE 0 DB \ impact sound LASER-OFF \ kill the laser beam 150 MS 6 NOISE 4 DB 17 1 DO PAUSE GEN4 I DB \ fade impact noise I OVER SP.COLOR \ change spr# color 3400 TICKS LOOP DROP SILENT ; : FIRE_THE_LASER 4 NOISE 0 DB \ initial shot NOISE 300 TICKS \ brief ontime LASER-ON 4 NOISE 10 DB \ HISS noise at cruise volume. ; VARIABLE YVECT VARIABLE XVECT : AIM ( x y --) YVECT ! XVECT ! ; \ sets dir/speed weapon travels \ increment/decrement sprite x,y values in VDP RAM : SP.X++ ( n spr# -- ) SP.X +!V ; : SP.Y++ ( n spr# -- ) SP.Y +!V ; : MOVE-WEAPON ( -- ) XVECT @ #Weapon SP.X++ YVECT @ #Weapon SP.Y++ ; \ ***************************** \ sound loops that run as a task must end with STOP \ ***************************** : BLEEP SILENT GEN1 31 2 DO 200 I * HZ I DB 200 TICKS LOOP MYSELF STOP ; \ : TINK GEN3 2200 HZ 16 0 DO GEN3 I DB LOOP GEN3 MUTE ; : THUMP GEN4 0 DB 16 0 DO 5 NOISE 6 NOISE 5 NOISE GEN4 I DB 16 TICKS LOOP GEN4 MUTE ; : DEFLECTED ( -- ) SILENT THUMP MYSELF STOP ; : FADE-BLAST SILENT 5 NOISE GEN4 31 6 DO PAUSE I DB 50 MS LOOP ; : Y.DELTA ( spr1 spr2 -- c) SP.Y VC@ SWAP SP.Y VC@ - DUP 0> IF 2 MIN EXIT THEN DUP 0< IF ABS 2 MIN NEGATE EXIT THEN 0 ; ( bounces straight back ) VARIABLE POINTS VARIABLE SHOTS VARIABLE HITFLAG : COLLISION ( spr# -- ) \ test ROCK collision with #weapon #Weapon OVER 9 COINC 0= IF DROP EXIT THEN EXPLOSION 136 CHARDEF32 HITFLAG ON #Weapon Y.DELTA YVECT ! \ change y direction proportional to hit XVECT @ NEGATE XVECT ! \ reverse X direction MOVE-WEAPON MOVE-WEAPON MOVE-WEAPON SOUND RESTART ; : ENEMY-HIT #Weapon #Bob 10 COINC IF ( we hit Bobby) Transparent #Weapon SP.COLOR \ #Weapon goes invisible -3 XVECT +! \ reverse weapon X direction & speed (bounce) 0 JOB3 SPIN-RATE \ change Bobby's spin rate #Bob EXPLODE \ make some sound and change Bobby's color 60 JOB3 SPIN-RATE \ make Bobby slowdown again POINTS 1+! Blue #Bob SP.COLOR \ reset Bobby's color MYSELF STOP \ we are done with this for now THEN PAUSE ; : ASTEROID-HIT #Rock COLLISION #Rock2 COLLISION #Rock3 COLLISION #Rock4 COLLISION ; : .SCORE 0 23 AT-XY ." Points: " POINTS @ 3 .R 15 23 AT-XY ." Ammo: " SHOTS @ 3 .R ; VARIABLE DEAD \ dead is a message that you are dead : SELF-DESTRUCT #Weapon #Bill 11 COINC HITFLAG @ AND IF Transparent #Weapon SP.COLOR 0 JOB1 SPIN-RATE #Bill EXPLODE 5 11 AT-XY ." S H O T Y E R S E L F" POINTS OFF .SCORE DEAD ON THEN ; DECIMAL : LAUNCHER ( -- ) #Bill POSITION #Weapon LOCATE \ #Weapon on top of #bill sprite FIRE_THE_LASER 5 0 AIM SHOTS 1-! HITFLAG OFF COMET 136 CHARDEF32 \ polling loop for coincidence BEGIN PAUSE Red #Weapon SP.COLOR \ give it a color MOVE-WEAPON ENEMY-HIT ASTEROID-HIT SELF-DESTRUCT \ test if weapon bounced back at shooter Yellow #Weapon SP.COLOR \ change color while fire travels #Weapon SP.X VC@ 248 1 WITHIN \ test for #Weapon at edge of screen UNTIL Transparent #Weapon SP.COLOR LASER-OFF FADE-BLAST 60 JOB3 SPIN-RATE \ make Bobby slowdown again Blue #Bob SP.COLOR \ reset Bobby's color MYSELF STOP ; \ ******************** \ Motion Code runs in separate tasks \ ******************** \ Char Speed ( big is slower) \ ----- ----- : SPIN-BILL Billy 60 ROTATOR ; : SPIN-BOB Bobby 60 ROTATOR ; : SPIN-ROCK Rock 70 ROCK-SPINNER ; \ Sprite Speed \ ----- ----- : BOUNCE-BILL #Bill 25 BOUNCER ; : BOUNCE-BOB #Bob 9 BOUNCER ; \ faster movement, harder to hit : BOUNCE-ROCK #Rock 12 BOUNCER ; \ ******************** \ Assign routines to tasks \ ******************** \ *IMPORTANT* \ When building a binary program it is simplest to ASSIGN code to all tasks. \ If a task will be assiged later in the program assign it STOP at boot-time. \ STOP will put itself to sleep and pass control. : ASSIGN-JOBS ['] SPIN-BILL JOB1 ASSIGN ['] BOUNCE-BILL JOB2 ASSIGN ['] SPIN-BOB JOB3 ASSIGN ['] BOUNCE-BOB JOB4 ASSIGN ['] LAUNCHER JOB5 ASSIGN \ this is your blaster ['] SPIN-ROCK JOB7 ASSIGN ['] DEFLECTED SOUND ASSIGN ; \ RESTART re-assigns the local BOOT variable & resets the stacks before \ waking the task : START-TASKS JOB1 RESTART JOB2 RESTART JOB3 RESTART JOB4 RESTART \ JOB5 RESTART \ launcher is re-started by the fire button JOB7 RESTART \ SOUND RESTART \ sound is re-started when a collision occurs ; \ asteroids move under automotion : ASTEROID_BELT ( bug in my negative vertical motion, need the 1) -21 1 #Rock MOTION -23 1 #Rock2 MOTION -24 1 #Rock3 MOTION -25 1 #Rock4 MOTION ; \ NOTES 147 CONSTANT D1 185 CONSTANT F#1 220 CONSTANT A1 : HAPPY GEN1 D1 HZ 2 DB 80 MS F#1 HZ 80 MS A1 HZ 200 MS MUTE ; : .TITLE 5 0 AT-XY ." Billy's Space Balls" ; : SETUP DECIMAL QUIT-OFF DEAD OFF CLEAR HAPPY 0 19 White 1 COLORS 1 SCREEN WRITE-PATTERNS .TITLE .DIRT .SCORE 2 MAGNIFY CREATE_SPRITES 4 MOVING ASTEROID_BELT CREATE-TASKS ASSIGN-JOBS MULTI START-TASKS AUTOMOTION ; \ shoot by waking up the launcher TASK : FIRE JOB5 RESTART 650 MS ; \ ********************* \ GAME PROCESS \ ********************* : GAME SETUP 50 SHOTS ! POINTS OFF BEGIN SHOTS @ WHILE 0 JOYST 1 = IF FIRE THEN .SCORE PAUSE DEAD @ IF WAIT-FOR-QUIT THEN REPEAT 6 11 AT-XY ." O U T O F A M M O" SINGLE SILENT MULTI WAIT-FOR-QUIT ; : RUN WARM GRAPHICS INIT-MULTI GAME ; LOCK INCLUDE DSK1.SAVESYS ' RUN SAVESYS DSK7.BILLYBALL BILLYBALL.ZIP Edited February 13, 2023 by TheBF Fixed spoiler 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted February 19, 2023 Author Share Posted February 19, 2023 ASMFORTH II Revenge of the Registers As the old saying goes "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em" After looking over the efficiency of @Reciprocating Bill 's sieve code I had an epiphany. What if I just stop trying to force the square peg of the stack machine into the round hole of machine Forth on the TMS9900? (OK That sounded dirty but get your mind out the gutter) 🙂 So here is what I have prototyped: What if we say that in ASM Forth the registers can be explicitly accessed just like we do in Assembly language? In fact we make it mandatory. Yes we keep the data stack and the return stack and we can even keep an accumulator, a TOS register. So now the top of stack is not explicit. It has a name TOS. So does the next on stack, NOS. With indexed addressing we can get further down as well, 3RD 4TH 5TH ... but we won't need to because we have scratch registers that we can use. In this scheme you manage the stack as needed but if you want performance you just "load" registers and operate on them. Load a register now has Forth arg order but uses the LI instruction HEX BEEF R5 LD Some cool things happen when we accept the architecture as is: Many of the 9900 instructions are one-to-one with their Forth instructions ( ABS INVERT NEGATE 1+ 2+ 1- 2- etc.) We can explicitly use the different addressing mode that 9900 provides Registers are directly referenced like local variables ! is just a MOV, C! is just a MOVB, @ replaces the ** indirect addressing word to fetch via a register @+ becomes a "fetch" with with auto-increment @@ operator is still used for symbolic addressing Registers in brackets are indexed addressing: (R1) (R2) etc. TOS register is used as the accumulator for computation DATA stack is available with PUSH POP DUP DROP SP Register Return stack is available with RPUSH RPOP R@ RP register We also can use the immediate operators easily. Names have been changed to Forth names with square brackets HEX 1234 R0 LD R0 00FF [AND] R0 0080 [OR] R0 F000 [+] You get the idea. It's just a heck of lot simpler. And if we need the stacks they're there as always. I have not solidified how to do math yet. It is so easy to push args onto the stack and add them up or use other math operations. I think I have to keep that for the complex operations like UM* * and / That will mean I need to keep + for stack math and something like ADD for register addition I guess. I am also going to keep Chuck's FOR NEXT loop structure because we all do the same thing in Assembler. Count a register down to zero. The difference is that I am using the top of the return stack for the index so these loops are nest-able. Example: ASMFORTH DECIMAL CODE FORNEXT \ .9 seconds 65535 # FOR NEXT ;CODE CODE UPCOUNT \ 1.2 seconds 0 # ( counter in TOS register ) 65535 # FOR TOS 1+ ( this is: INC R4 ) NEXT DROP ;CODE \ 1,000,000 iterations CODE FORNEST \ 13.5 seconds 1000 # FOR 1000 # FOR NEXT NEXT ;CODE CODE NESTED \ 14.5 seconds 100 # FOR 100 # FOR 100 # FOR NEXT NEXT NEXT ;CODE Using memory ASMFORTH \ code words are callable from Forth as normal CODE FILL ( addr len char -- ) TOS R0 ! R0 >< \ reverse bytes TOS POP \ len in TOS register R2 POP FOR \ FOR takes TOS register as its count argument R0 R2 @+ C! \ write R0 to byte location and auto-inc NEXT ;CODE FILL compiles to: DA78 C004 mov R4,R0 DA7A 06C0 swpb R0 DA7C C136 mov *R6+,R4 DA7E C0B6 mov *R6+,R2 DA80 0647 dect R7 DA82 C5C4 mov R4,*R7 DA84 C136 mov *R6+,R4 DA86 DC80 movb R0,*R2+ DA88 0617 dec *R7 DA8A 18FD joc >da86 DA86 DC80 movb R0,*R2+ DA88 0617 dec *R7 DA8A 18FD joc >da86 DA8C 05C7 inct R7 DA8E 045A b *R10 ( return to Forth ) There is still a bit of stack shuffling to get a parameter to FOR and to push it onto the Rstack, but the loop is tight and the indirect auto-inc. is just what you would code by hand. I will try my hand at converting Bill's code to this form and see what happens. Comments and ideas are welcome. 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted February 19, 2023 Author Share Posted February 19, 2023 I re-wrote the Forth Assembler version of the sieve benchmark, based on @Reciprocating Bill 's code, in ASMFORTH II. For ASM Forth I have resolved to keep CMP and CMPB. Just like in Assembler if you can jump on the status register then the = <> etc operators work fine. If you need to compare two things then use the machine's way to do that. Changes from the original: uses the main Forth workspace at >8300. FILLW is a nest-able SUB: that takes parameters off the Forth stack. feed parameters to stack with '#'. Replaced outer loop with ASMFORTH FOR/NEXT. Loop counts down on the return stack saving a register Put the primes counter on the Forth data stack so it passed to the display code automatically So here is the sieve in ASMFORTH. It uses Conventional Forth for the screen I/O. I think ASMFORTH makes a pretty good machine Forth compiler since it is specially tailored to the 9900 rather than catering to one of Chuck's machines. The decision to keep the registers explicit means we can get all the advantages the old machine can give us. Spoiler \ SIEVE in ASMFORTH for Camel99 Forth Mar 1 2023 Brian Fox \ based on code by @Reciprocating Bill atariage.com \ Original notes by BIll. \ * SIEVE OF ERATOSTHENES ------------------------------------------ \ * WSM 4/2022 \ * TMS9900 assembly adapted from BYTE magazine 9/81 and 1/83 issues \ * 10 iterations 6.4 seconds on 16-bit console \ * ~10 seconds on stock console \ Removed use of size in R8. Used immediate compare HOST DECIMAL 8190 CONSTANT SIZE HEX 2000 CONSTANT FLAGS \ array in Low RAM ASMFORTH SUB: FILLW ( addr size char --) \ nestable sub-routine R0 POP \ size R1 POP \ base of array BEGIN TOS R1 @+ ! \ write ones to FLAGS R0 2- NC UNTIL DROP ;SUB HEX CODE DO-PRIME ( -- n) FLAGS # SIZE # 0101 # FILLW \ inits R0 OFF \ clear loop index R3 OFF \ 0 constant FLAGS R5 #! \ array base address 0 # \ counter on top of Forth stack SIZE # FOR R5 @+ R3 CMPB \ FLAGS C@+ byte-compared to R3 (ie: 0) <> IF \ not equal to zero ? R0 R1 ! \ I -> R1 R1 2* R1 3 #+ R0 R2 ! \ I -> R2 ( R2 is K index) R1 R2 + \ PRIME K +! BEGIN R2 SIZE #CMP \ K SIZE compare < WHILE R3 FLAGS (R2) C! \ reset byte FLAGS(R2) R1 R2 + \ PRIME K +! REPEAT TOS 1+ \ increment count of primes THEN R0 1+ \ bump index register NEXT ;CODE DECIMAL : PRIMES ( -- ) PAGE ." 10 Iterations" 10 0 DO DO-PRIME CR . ." primes" LOOP CR ." Done!" ; EDIT: Mar1, Replaced code with updated, ASMForthII version. Remove 1 instruction from Bill's original and used immediate compare. Added Dis-assembler output for sieve loop from Classic99 with comments Spoiler DAEA 0646 dect R6 * parameters onto DATA stack DAEC C584 mov R4,*R6 DAEE 0204 li R4,>2000 DAF2 0646 dect R6 DAF4 C584 mov R4,*R6 DAF6 0204 li R4,>1ffe DAFA 0646 dect R6 DAFC C584 mov R4,*R6 DAFE 0204 li R4,>0101 DB02 06A0 bl @>dac0 * CALL FILLW *************** sieve program ***************** DB06 04C0 clr R0 (14) DB08 04C3 clr R3 (14) DB0A 0205 li R5,>2000 (20) DB0E 0646 dect R6 (14) DB10 C584 mov R4,*R6 (30) DB12 0204 li R4,>0000 (20) > DB16 0646 dect R6 DB18 C584 mov R4,*R6 * loop index on DATA stack DB1A 0204 li R4,>1ffe DB1E 0647 dect R7 * FOR loop push TOS cache onto return stack DB20 C5C4 mov R4,*R7 DB22 C136 mov *R6+,R4 * refill TOS cache from DATA stack DB24 90F5 cb *R5+,R3 DB26 130E jeq >db44 DB28 C040 mov R0,R1 DB2A 0A11 sla R1,1 DB2C 0221 ai R1,>0003 DB30 C080 mov R0,R2 DB32 A081 a R1,R2 (18) DB34 0282 ci R2,>1ffe (22) DB38 1504 jgt >db42 (12) DB3A D883 movb R3,@>2000(R2) (38) DB3E A081 a R1,R2 (18) > DB40 10F9 jmp >db34 DB42 0584 inc R4 DB44 0580 inc R0 DB46 0617 dec *R7 * NEXT loop DB48 18ED joc >db24 DB4A 05C7 inct R7 * pop index from return stack DB4C 045A b *R10 * return to Forth ASMFORTHII-SIEVE.mp4 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted February 20, 2023 Author Share Posted February 20, 2023 The current version of ASMFORTH II is now on github for anybody who wants to see the source code. Let me know if you want binary program to play with. At this time the only docs are the source code and the examples programs. bfox9900/ASMFORTH: Experimental Assembler using Forth like syntax (github.com) 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted February 22, 2023 Author Share Posted February 22, 2023 I couldn't resist taking a look at @Vorticon 's combat project. I won't be submitting XB code but I might make some fighting tanks in Forth. When I looked at the code it is really cool to see the structure brought to the game with the new editor. When I tried to translate the code to build the screen I realized the entire screen was defined in the data statements. So with some name constants and the BYTE compiler extension I coded it so you can see the map in the code. Spoiler \ Named characters make it easier to remember the shapes DECIMAL 96 CONSTANT BKG BKG CONSTANT --- ( alias for bkg character ) 97 CONSTANT TANKUP 98 CONSTANT TANKR 99 CONSTANT TANKDN 100 CONSTANT TANKL 101 CONSTANT SQR 102 CONSTANT BULLET 103 CONSTANT BOX CREATE ScreenData BYTE SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR BYTE SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,--- BYTE ---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,---,SQR,SQR,SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,--- BYTE ---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR,SQR,SQR,---,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,--- BYTE ---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR,SQR,SQR,---,---,--- BYTE ---,---,---,SQR,SQR,SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR,---,---,---,---,--- BYTE ---,---,---,---,---,SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,SQR,SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,--- BYTE ---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR,SQR,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,---,SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,--- BYTE ---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR,---,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,---,SQR,---,---,SQR,SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,--- BYTE ---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR,SQR,---,---,SQR,---,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,---,SQR,---,---,SQR,SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,--- BYTE ---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR,SQR,---,---,SQR,---,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,---,SQR,---,---,SQR,SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,--- BYTE ---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR,SQR,---,---,SQR,---,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,---,SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,--- BYTE ---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR,---,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,SQR,SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,--- BYTE ---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR,SQR,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR,---,---,---,---,--- BYTE ---,---,---,---,---,SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR,SQR,SQR,---,---,--- BYTE ---,---,---,SQR,SQR,SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,--- BYTE ---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,---,SQR,SQR,SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,--- BYTE ---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR,SQR,SQR,---,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,--- BYTE ---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR BYTE SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR BYTE BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL BYTE BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL With the data organized so well by @Vorticon you can write it to the screen as a block. : .BATTLEFIELD ( -- ) ScreenData VPG @ C/SCR @ VWRITE ; It just needs a few patterns defined to finish it off : INITS CLEAR RANDOMIZE S" 0000000000000000" --- CALLCHAR S" 1818DBFFFFFFC3C3" TANKUP CALLCHAR S" FCFC383F3F38FCFC" TANKR CALLCHAR S" C3C3FFFFFFDB1818" TANKDN CALLCHAR S" 3F3F1CFCFC1C3F3F" TANKL CALLCHAR S" FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" SQR CALLCHAR S" 0000001818000000" BULLET CALLCHAR S" FFFFC3C3C3C3FFFF" BOX CALLCHAR 14 SCREEN 96 SET# 11 9 COLOR .BATTLEFIELD ; COMBAT-SCREEN.mp4 4 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted February 24, 2023 Author Share Posted February 24, 2023 Ok so I have a platform that I can work with. Here it is running four tanks in what I have read is called "alpha intelligence". This is the running program for each tank 🙂 If it's clear move ahead otherwise try a different direction. : ALPHA-TANK ( --) BEGIN PAUSE .TANK CLEAR-AHEAD? IF ADVANCE ELSE BOINK 8 RND DIRECTION THEN DELAY @ MS AGAIN ; There is more stuff of course to get things set up but once configured that's all a tank does at the moment. I chose not to use sprites to see how that would go. In theory I could pack the battlefield with tanks. Colour of course would be limited per normal color set rules Spoiler has the full code to date. Now I have to think about scanning for the enemy and shooting on detection. Might be fun to give one tank to a human with some ammunition. Thanks to @Vorticon for the inspiring idea. My visual brain is bankrupt. Spoiler \ COMBAT.FTH \ CCOMBAT HOST PROGRAM \ Version 02.14.23 \ by @VORTICON on Atariage.com \ PORTED & MODIFIED for Camel99 Forth 2023 Brian Fox NEEDS DUMP FROM DSK1.TOOLS NEEDS BYTE FROM DSK1.DATABYTE NEEDS RND FROM DSK1.RANDOM NEEDS COLOR FROM DSK1.GRAFIX NEEDS U.R FROM DSK1.UDOTR \ right justified numbers NEEDS HZ FROM DSK1.SOUND NEEDS TASK: FROM DSK1.MTASK99 NEEDS .TASKS FROM DSK1.MTOOLS NEEDS MALLOC FROM DSK1.MALLOC \ create a task in heap, fork it, assign Execution token & name : SPAWN ( xt -- pid) USIZE MALLOC DUP>R FORK R@ ASSIGN R> ; : TASK: ( xt -- ) SPAWN CONSTANT ; \ Named characters make it easier to remember the shapes DECIMAL 128 CONSTANT BKG ( background character) BKG CONSTANT --- ( alias for bkg character ) 129 CONSTANT TANK1 130 CONSTANT SQR 131 CONSTANT BULLET 132 CONSTANT BOX \ named colors for Graphics programs : ENUM ( 0 <text> -- n) DUP CONSTANT 1+ ; 1 ENUM TRANS ENUM BLACK ENUM MEDGRN ENUM LTGRN ENUM BLUE ENUM LTBLU ENUM RED ENUM CYAN ENUM MEDRED ENUM LTRED ENUM YELLOW ENUM LTYEL ENUM GREEN ENUM MAGENTA ENUM GRAY ENUM WHITE DROP TANK1 8 + CONSTANT TANK2 TANK2 8 + CONSTANT TANK3 TANK3 8 + CONSTANT TANK4 \ -------------------------------------- \ user variables are local for each tank task \ 6 VARIABLES define the tank HEX 60 USER Y 62 USER X 64 USER DY \ dx and dy can be accessed as a 2variable 66 USER DX 68 USER PANZER \ tank character 42 USER HEADING \ compass heading is the direction control \ -------------------------------------- \ words to access the tank data : XY@ ( -- x y) Y 2@ ; : XY! ( x y --) Y 2! ; : POSITION ( -- Vaddr) XY@ >VPOS ; : DXDY! ( x y --) DY 2! ; : DXDY@ ( -- X Y) DY 2@ ; \ battlefield layout CREATE ScreenData BYTE SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR BYTE SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,--- BYTE ---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,---,SQR,SQR,SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,--- BYTE ---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR,SQR,SQR,---,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,--- BYTE ---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR,SQR,SQR,---,---,--- BYTE ---,---,---,SQR,SQR,SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR,---,---,---,---,--- BYTE ---,---,---,---,---,SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,SQR,SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,--- BYTE ---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR,SQR,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,---,SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,--- BYTE ---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR,---,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,---,SQR,---,---,SQR,SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,--- BYTE ---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR,SQR,---,---,SQR,---,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,---,SQR,---,---,SQR,SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,--- BYTE ---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR,SQR,---,---,SQR,---,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,---,SQR,---,---,SQR,SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,--- BYTE ---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR,SQR,---,---,SQR,---,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,---,SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,--- BYTE ---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR,---,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,SQR,SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,--- BYTE ---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR,SQR,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR,---,---,---,---,--- BYTE ---,---,---,---,---,SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR,SQR,SQR,---,---,--- BYTE ---,---,---,SQR,SQR,SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,--- BYTE ---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,---,SQR,SQR,SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,--- BYTE ---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR,SQR,SQR,---,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,--- BYTE ---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,---,SQR BYTE SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR BYTE SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR,SQR BYTE BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL BYTE BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL ,BL : .BATTLEFIELD ( -- ) ScreenData VPG @ C/SCR @ VWRITE ; \ ---------------------------- \ tank patterns for 8 compass headings HEX CREATE NORTH[] 1010 , 547C , 7C7C , 7C44 , CREATE NE[] 0012 , 3478 , FE3C , 1810 , CREATE EAST[] 0000 , FC78 , 7F78 , FC00 , CREATE SE[] 1018 , 3CFE , 7834 , 1200 , CREATE SOUTH[] 447C , 7C7C , 7C54 , 1010 , CREATE SW[] 0818 , 3C7F , 1E2C , 4800 , CREATE WEST[] 0000 , 3F1E , FE1E , 3F00 , CREATE NW[] 0090 , 583C , FE78 , 3010 , DECIMAL CREATE TANKS ( -- addr) \ an array of patterns NORTH[] , NE[] , EAST[] , SE[] , SOUTH[] , SW[] , WEST[] , NW[] , \ select a pattern with a heading : ]TANK ( heading -- Pattern-addr) CELLS TANKS + @ ; : TANK-SHAPE ( heading -- ) \ set pattern based on HEADING variable \ RAM address VDP address bytes ]TANK PANZER @ ]PDT 8 VWRITE ; \ compass headings in clockwise order 0 CONSTANT NORTH 1 CONSTANT NE 2 CONSTANT EAST 3 CONSTANT SE 4 CONSTANT SOUTH 5 CONSTANT SW 6 CONSTANT WEST 7 CONSTANT NW \ random number funcions : RNDX ( -- x) 23 RND ; : RNDY ( -- y) 33 RND ; : RANDOM ( -- 0..7) 8 RND ; : RNDV ( -- -1 0 1 ) 3 RND 1- ; \ constant array of vectors, rotating clockwise CREATE VECTORS ( -- addr) \ Y X \ --- --- -1 , 0 , \ north -1 , 1 , \ NE 0 , 1 , \ east 1 , 1 , \ SE 1 , 0 , \ south 1 , -1 , \ SW 0 , -1 , \ west -1 , -1 , \ NW \ return the correct vectors for a given heading : ]VECTOR ( heading -- dx dy) 2 CELLS * VECTORS + 2@ ; : ?LEGAL ( n -- n ) DUP 8 0 WITHIN ABORT" Illegal heading" ; : DIRECTION ( heading -- ) ?LEGAL DUP HEADING ! \ remember the new heading DUP ]VECTOR DXDY! \ set tank's vectors for this heading TANK-SHAPE \ set the graphic for this heading ; \ add coordinates to a vector : VECT+ ( x y dx dy -- x' y') >R ROT + SWAP R> + ; : PUT-CHAR ( c -- ) POSITION VC! ; : ERASE-TANK ( -- ) BKG PUT-CHAR ; : .TANK ( --) PANZER @ PUT-CHAR ; : NEXT-POS ( -- x y) XY@ DXDY@ VECT+ ; : ADVANCE ( -- ) ERASE-TANK NEXT-POS XY! .TANK ; VARIABLE DELAY 50 DELAY ! : DECAY ( n -- ) -10 DB DUP MS \ CALL SOUND(165,1165,0):: -18 DB DUP MS \ CALL SOUND(165,1165,8):: -22 DB DUP MS \ CALL SOUND(165,1165,16):: -24 DB MS \ CALL SOUND(165,1165,24) MUTE ; : RADAR GEN1 1165 HZ DELAY @ 2/ DECAY ; : BOINK GEN1 200 HZ DELAY @ 2/ DECAY ; : CLEAR-AHEAD? ( -- ?) NEXT-POS GCHAR BKG = ; : CLIP ROT MIN MAX ; : ALPHA-TANK ( --) BEGIN PAUSE .TANK CLEAR-AHEAD? IF ADVANCE ELSE BOINK 8 RND DIRECTION THEN DELAY @ MS AGAIN ; \ Score display VARIABLE P1SCORE VARIABLE P2SCORE : .P1SCORE P1SCORE @ 3 U.R ; : .P2SCORE P2SCORE @ 4 U.R ; : .SCORE 2 23 AT-XY ." TANK 1: " .P1SCORE ." TANK 2: " .P2SCORE ; : INITS CLEAR RANDOMIZE S" 0000000000000000" BKG CALLCHAR S" FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" SQR CALLCHAR S" 0000001818000000" BULLET CALLCHAR S" FFFFC3C3C3C3FFFF" BOX CALLCHAR MAGENTA SCREEN .BATTLEFIELD .SCORE ; : GOOD-GUY NORTH DIRECTION TANK1 PANZER ! 15 12 XY! PANZER @ SET# YELLOW RED COLOR ALPHA-TANK ; : BAD-GUY1 TANK2 PANZER ! PANZER @ SET# GRAY RED COLOR 15 12 XY! SE DIRECTION ALPHA-TANK ; : BAD-GUY2 TANK3 PANZER ! PANZER @ SET# GREEN RED COLOR 15 12 XY! NW DIRECTION ALPHA-TANK ; : BAD-GUY3 TANK4 PANZER ! PANZER @ SET# CYAN RED COLOR 15 12 XY! NE DIRECTION ALPHA-TANK ; \ assign the configured tank programs to tasks ' GOOD-GUY TASK: TASK1 ' BAD-GUY1 TASK: TASK2 ' BAD-GUY2 TASK: TASK3 ' BAD-GUY3 TASK: TASK4 : RUN INITS 50 DELAY ! \ mS. controls traveling speed MULTI TASK1 RESTART 500 MS TASK2 RESTART 500 MS TASK3 RESTART 500 MS TASK4 RESTART 500 MS \ console task just updates the score and waits for break key BEGIN .SCORE ?TERMINAL PAUSE UNTIL SINGLE SILENT ABORT ; COMBAT-4-TANKS.mp4 2 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Vorticon Posted February 24, 2023 Share Posted February 24, 2023 You need this book 🙂 I used it as the basis of my Musings in AI program a few years ago (https://tigameshelf.net/edu.htm). 1 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted February 25, 2023 Author Share Posted February 25, 2023 (edited) Just order this. I believe I borrowed this from our local library some 30+ almost 40 years ago. 🤯 Edited February 26, 2023 by TheBF corrected years 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted February 26, 2023 Author Share Posted February 26, 2023 I knew there was a reason I try to emulate ideas from other programmers. Trying to duplicate the things I see people with do with the various BASIC dialects may seem silly but it really exercises my homebrew system and many times uncovers things I missed. (which is quite common) While playing with the Combat battlefield I came to realize that I had made some bad decisions in my sound library for multi-tasking. The program requirement was to have two types of Tanks make different "boink" sounds while running under different tasks. I quickly found out there was a problem that revolves around two variables. VARIABLE OSC VARIABLE ATT These variables hold the current sound channel (OSC) and the current Attenuator for the active channel. I chose to use variables so you could state the "generator" that was in use in your program (GEN1, GEN2, GEN3, GEN4) once and then the sound commands would use that channel until you change the channel. All great in a single task. But when to tasks try to make sounds on different channels they each need their own copy. The tempatation would be to use an array but don't go there. Solution The answer here is to leverage Forth's internal architecture. Forth's has something called USER variables. They were invented because Forth was originally a multi-user system. (PolyForth circa 1975?) They are part of the Fig-Forth model but for some reason, maybe fear of a law-suit from Forth Inc, the Fig-Forth authors did not finish the job with the tasking system. USER variables exist in a memory block that is local to each task. In Camel99 I chose to simply extend the workspace to include the registers, the user variables, the return stack and the data stack. The default size for this is a constant called USIZE which is 192 bytes, but you can make it bigger or smaller as long as you know how a task will use the space. (be careful) So all I did was change those variables to USER variables: \ "ACTIVE CHANNEL" control with these USER variables, LOCAL to each task \ These are in consecutive addresses in memory HEX 42 USER ATT \ holds the active ATTENUATOR value 44 USER OSC \ holds the active OSC value The numbers represent the distance in bytes from Register '0' in a task's workspace. Now if TASK1 references OSC or ATT it is working with a completely different "variable" than TASK2's copy. All this magic is seamless to the programmer. Once the USER variables are defined they automagically return the correct address inside a task. Here is what we have so far. One hunter (yellow) and three drone tanks. This is extra fast because I reduced the delay times so things would collide faster. COMBAT-TANKS-FAST_Trim.mp4 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted February 28, 2023 Author Share Posted February 28, 2023 Animating Characters and Sprites in Forth by Extending the Language @Retrospect sent me a note inviting me to try my hand at his Avaris game in Forth. (No pressure) I know it can be done but I may not have the mental stamina to see it through. G.E.M. has some really cool pixel scrolling that I don't have as well. However when I looked at the BASIC code I realized there was an opportunity to make some compiler tools that simplifies some things that take a lot of code in BASIC. As I said to Joe, in Forth you write the language then you write the program. This long winded post gives an example of my process to do that. If I wanted to use Joe's work I need a way to compile all his strings of pattern data easily. Many of the patterns are animations made of many patterns. Also integers are way more compact way to store the data we'll compile the strings as integers. I re-worked the guts of CALLCHAR to make this: : HEX, ( addr len --) \ n is a record counter BASE @ >R \ save radix HEX \ we are converting hex numbers in the string BOUNDS DO I C@ >DIG 4 LSHIFT \ convert, move to right nibble I 1+ C@ >DIG OR C, \ combine with left nibble and compile to RAM 2 +LOOP R> BASE ! \ restore radix ; : FRAME" ( <hexdata> ) [CHAR] " PARSE ( -- tib len ) HEX, ; This data, written in vanilla Forth, can be used to make a character appear to explode. But's it dumb. It gives you nothing but the address of the data. You do the rest. HEX CREATE SHRAPNEL \ :-) 0000 , 125C , 1E2C , 0000 , 0042 , 1498 , 0250 , 1400 , 1084 , 2200 , 1280 , 2400 , 2002 , 8001 , 0000 , 8104 , 0000 , 0000 , 0000 , 0000 , \ completely disappears This is better in that we can see that each pattern is a frame and the strings can be "borrowed" from BASIC as is. We can't access each frame without some math however. HEX CREATE SHRAPNEL FRAME" 0000125C1E2C0000" FRAME" 0042149802501400" FRAME" 1084220012802400" FRAME" 2002800100008104" FRAME" 0000000000000000" These magic brackets give us a way to measure how much data was compiled into memory. \ dictionary memory managers. Mark beginning and compute length of compiled data : { ( -- addr) HERE !CSP ; \ mark the dictionary address, record data stack : } ( addr -- addr n ) ?CSP HERE OVER - ; \ return data address & compute the size { FRAME" 0000125C1E2C0000" FRAME" 0042149802501400" FRAME" 1084220012802400" FRAME" 2002800100008104" FRAME" 0000000000000000" } With these simple tools, after the closing '}' we will have the address of the 1st frame and the size of the data in bytes. This can be thought of as Forth's "stack string" pair, a very useful data structure. In this case it is a "string" of binary bytes not ASCII. We can store those two numbers in a 2CONSTANT and give it a name. Camel99 doesn't have 2CONSTANT. No worries. \ 2CONSTANT holds 2 numbers and returns both onto the data stack when invoked : 2CONSTANT ( addr len -- ) CREATE , , DOES> 2@ ; Now we can say this: { FRAME" 0000125C1E2C0000" FRAME" 0042149802501400" FRAME" 1084220012802400" FRAME" 2002800100008104" FRAME" 0000000000000000" } 2CONSTANT EXPLOSION To animate a character we still need to access this "EXPLOSION" and apply it to the character. This has a bit of stack juggling but it works. (4TH is a Camel99 code word that gets the 4th item on the data stack up to the top) DECIMAL \ animate a single character : ANIMATE ( addr len char speed) >R \ save the speed on return stack ]PDT -ROT \ get the PDT address and put under addr len BEGIN DUP \ dup the length WHILE \ while <> 0 OVER 4TH 8 VWRITE \ write 8 bytes to PDT address 8 /STRING \ cut the string by 8 bytes R@ MS \ delay by speed milli-seconds REPEAT R> DROP \ clean up both stacks 2DROP DROP ; Now in our program we can say: EXPLOSION CHAR A 70 ANIMATE And it doesn't matter how many frames we put in our data. ANIMATE keeps chopping away at the data until there is nothing left. In the next post we will show sprites that animate themselves. EXPLODE-CHAR.mp4 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted March 1, 2023 Author Share Posted March 1, 2023 We can use the same concepts to animate a magnified sprite. We just need to work with 32 bytes in each frame. Here is one of @Retrospect 's flying saucers. It has 13 frames. DECIMAL { FRAME" 00000000030F005F9F9F00030000000000000000C0F000FEFFFF00C000000000" FRAME" 00000000030F006FCFCF00030000000000000000C0F000FEFFFF00C000000000" FRAME" 00000000030F0077E7E700030000000000000000C0F000FEFFFF00C000000000" FRAME" 00000000030F007BF3F300030000000000000000C0F000FEFFFF00C000000000" FRAME" 00000000030F007DF9F900030000000000000000C0F000FEFFFF00C000000000" FRAME" 00000000030F007EFCFC00030000000000000000C0F000FEFFFF00C000000000" FRAME" 00000000030F007FFFFF00030000000000000000C0F0007E3F3F00C000000000" FRAME" 00000000030F007FFFFF00030000000000000000C0F000BE9F9F00C000000000" FRAME" 00000000030F007FFFFF00030000000000000000C0F000DECFCF00C000000000" FRAME" 00000000030F007FFFFF00030000000000000000C0F000EEE7E700C000000000" FRAME" 00000000030F007FFFFF00030000000000000000C0F000F6F3F300C000000000" FRAME" 00000000030F007FFFFF00030000000000000000C0F000FAF9F900C000000000" FRAME" 00000000030F007FFFFF00030000000000000000C0F000FEFFFF00C000000000" } 2CONSTANT FLYING_SAUCER We need a slightly different program to animate it because of the larger records. This works. It's the same as ANIMATE but it use 32 byte records. One could make a universal "ANIMATOR" by adding a user variable to handle the the size or do a lot more stack juggling. As before we could add as many records as we want and ANIMATE4 just keeps cutting off 32 byte sections until it all gone. DECIMAL \ animate a 4 char sprite to the number of patterns in the array : ANIMATE4 ( addr len char speed) >R ]PDT -ROT BEGIN DUP WHILE PAUSE \ give time to another task OVER 4TH 32 VWRITE 32 /STRING R@ MS REPEAT R> DROP 2DROP DROP ; Here is something a bit different. What if we create a way to make an animation that contains the data and the program to animate it. This is advanced Forth so it looks pretty confusing but we are extending the compiler to record the information a compile name. At runtime, in other words what it "DOES" when invoked, is the word reaches into it's memory area, get the parameters and runs ANIMATE4. \ animator object does it's thing when invoked : ANIMATOR: ( addr len char speed) CREATE 2SWAP , , , , \ compile the arguments DOES> DUP 2 CELLS + ( pfa+4 pfa ) SWAP 2@ ( -- pfa+4 addr len ) 2@ ( -- addr len char speed ) ANIMATE4 ; The words ANIMATION1 and ANIMATION2 would be useful for animations that just run once and stop. If we had a lot of ANIMATIONS these word creators can save a lot of space. \ make objects that animate themselves \ Frame-data char speed FLYING_SAUCER 128 10 ANIMATOR: ANIMATION1 FLYING_SAUCER 132 10 ANIMATOR: ANIMATION2 If we wanted to keep those animations going all the time, we need to put each one in a task. First we package them up in an endless loop along with the code to make their sprite. They look funny because they are in an endless loop. The secret is that ANIMATOR4 runs PAUSE inside its loop. This gives time to other tasks in the system after each frame is written. To control them we RESTART the jobs or put them to SLEEP. : SAUCER1 128 BLACK 127 90 0 SPRITE BEGIN ANIMATION1 AGAIN ; : SAUCER2 132 RED 200 50 1 SPRITE BEGIN ANIMATION2 AGAIN ; \ assign the spinners to background tasks ' SAUCER1 TASK: JOB1 ' SAUCER2 TASK: JOB2 MULTI-TASK-SPRITE-ANIMATION.mp4 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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