+TheBF Posted April 8, 2023 Author Share Posted April 8, 2023 I messed up my ticker. In my last version of the kernel I thought I could make a single timer that ran with 1mS resolution and save some space. That was a mistake. In order to not block any other processes the timer always called PAUSE to give other tasks a turn while waiting. If the time to get back from servicing all the tasks is greater than 1MS which it almost always is, this messes up the delays. They become way longer than they should be. To prevent this I have decided it is best to reduce the resolution of the timer to 32mS so that even under the worst circumstances when multitasking the MS delays will be closer to real time . I will post new version of the kernel and the super-cart kernel after I am satisfied with the result. It should be ok since 16mS was used in the distance past. The upside I guess is that I invented a little code word that makes the loop faster so we are wasting less time in the delay loop itself. For the curious here is the code \ TICKTOCK.HSF TMS9901 hardware timer interface for Camel 99 Forth \ credit to: http://www.unige.ch/medecine/nouspikel/ti99/tms9901.htm#Timer \ improvements based on code from Tursi Atariage \ TMR! now loads from the Forth stack \ Apr 2023 Went back to a new TICKS word that is more efficient. \ MS min= 32 milliseconds \ timer resolution: 64 clock periods, thus 64*333 = 21.3 microseconds \ Max Duration : ($3FFF) 16383 *64*333 ns = 349.2 milliseconds [CC] DECIMAL TARGET-COMPILING CODE TMR! ( n -- ) \ load TMS9901 timer from stack 0 LIMI, R12 CLR, \ CRU addr of TMS9901 = 0 0 SBO, \ SET bit 0 to 1, Enter timer mode R12 INCT, \ CRU Address of bit 1 = 2 , I'm not kidding TOS 14 LDCR, \ Load 14 BITs from TOS into timer -1 SBZ, \ reset bit 0, Exits clock mode, starts decrementer 2 LIMI, TOS POP, NEXT, ENDCODE CODE TMR@ ( -- n) \ read the TMS9901 timer 0 LIMI, TOS PUSH, R12 2 LI, \ cru = 1 (honest, 2=1) -1 SBO, \ SET bit 0 TO 1, Enter timer mode TOS 14 STCR, \ READ TIMER (14 bits) -1 SBZ, \ RESET bit 1, exit timer mode 2 LIMI, NEXT, ENDCODE [PRIVATE] CODE DT ( T1 T2 -- n) *SP TOS SUB, \ t1-t2 TOS ABS, *RP TOS SUB, \ subtract from value on Return stack NEXT, ENDCODE [PUBLIC] : TICKS ( n -- ) \ ** n(max) = 4000 ~= 100 ms ** >R TMR@ BEGIN TMR@ DT 0< WHILE PAUSE REPEAT R> 2DROP ; \ 1500 TICKS ~= to 32mS : MS ( n -- ) 5 RSHIFT 0 ?DO 1500 TICKS LOOP ; 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted April 9, 2023 Author Share Posted April 9, 2023 (edited) Had a lot of guests at home the last few days. Here is a test of this new timer that let's us see the round trip time (I call it pulse) on 42 tasks that each do a simple fill up the stack and collapse the stack job. We can see that with 42 tasks the PULSE in in the 8..10 millisecond range and this task is not stealing large blocks of time. It is very "cooperative". Even when we have all the tasks asleep, we can see that just reading through the list of 42 sleeping tasks took 1.6 milliseconds. So clearly my 1mS timer before was a big mistake. This 32 mS version has a good margin for safety. Here is the SPAWN code used in the test. Spoiler \ mtask spawn tasks demo updated for V2.5 Feb 2020 NEEDS DUMP FROM DSK1.TOOLS NEEDS MALLOC FROM DSK1.MALLOC NEEDS FORK FROM DSK1.MTASK99 NEEDS .TASKS FROM DSK1.MTOOLS INIT-MULTI \ create a task in heap, fork it, assign Execution token and run it : SPAWN ( xt -- ) USIZE MALLOC DUP >R FORK R@ ASSIGN R> WAKE ; HEX 10 CONSTANT STKSIZE \ each task has ONLY 20 cells for each stack VARIABLE X \ used to test if tasks are running : DROPS ( n --) 0 DO DROP PAUSE LOOP ; \ drop items from the stack : STKTHING \ fill and clear data stack so it can be seen in debugger BEGIN STKSIZE 0 DO PAUSE DEAD LOOP STKSIZE DROPS STKSIZE 0 DO PAUSE BEEF LOOP STKSIZE DROPS 1 X +! AGAIN ; \ create and wake n tasks. VARIABLE #TASKS : TASKS ( n -- ) DUP #TASKS ! 0 DO ['] STKTHING SPAWN LOOP ; : KILLALL SINGLE USIZE #TASKS @ * MFREE INIT-MULTI ; DECIMAL CR .( Commands to RUN the demo) CR .( type: DECIMAL 42 TASKS) CR .( 42 is the maximum number using LOW RAM) CR CR .( MULTI to start tasker) CR .( .TASKS to see task list) CR .( X ? to see X increment) CR .( MONITOR to see round-robin time) CR .( Hold FCTN 4 to stop MONITOR) 42TASK TEST.mp4 Edited April 9, 2023 by TheBF typo 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted April 9, 2023 Author Share Posted April 9, 2023 So here are replacement files for CAMEL99 and the super-cart version renamed to CAMEL99SC with the new MS word that has a resolution of 32mS. This is fine for a general purpose delay in the 200 mS to 65000 mS range. We have also put back TICKS (n --) where n is in 21.3 micro-second "ticks" and the maximum reliable number is decimal 4700 which will be about 100 mS. Low values of n, below 500 are probably not linear because the overhead of the Forth code gets in the way. And TICKS call PAUSE so if you use it as a multi-tasking delay keep the value higher the the maximum "pulse" time (round-trip time) of all your tasks. <Removed files> 4 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted April 19, 2023 Author Share Posted April 19, 2023 My grandkids showed me a web based game that looked like something I could handle on TI-99. I thought I would show the user group how I make use of Magellan for Camel99 Forth. I use the Assembly language output files and I "extend" Forth to handle the data in a similar format with the DATABYTE library. So here are the characters and sprites that I have made so far exported as "ASSEMBLY DATA" right out of Magellan. Spoiler **************************************** * Character Patterns **************************************** PAT128 DATA >0000,>0000,>FF00,>0000 ; PAT129 DATA >0000,>1E61,>8000,>0000 ; PAT130 DATA >0000,>609E,>0100,>0000 ; PAT131 DATA >0000,>0000,>C040,>3E00 ; PAT132 DATA >0000,>0000,>0304,>F800 ; PAT133 DATA >0000,>0000,>FF00,>3800 ; PAT134 DATA >0000,>0000,>FF00,>6060 ; PAT135 DATA >0000,>0000,>FF00,>0400 ; PAT136 DATA >0000,>0000,>FF00,>1010 ; PAT137 DATA >0000,>0000,>FF00,>7004 ; **************************************** * Sprite Patterns **************************************** SPR0 DATA >0000,>0101,>0181,>81C1 ; Color 1 DATA >E377,>7F3F,>1F06,>0406 ; DATA >00FE,>FFBF,>FFF0,>FEE0 ; DATA >E0F8,>E8E0,>C040,>6000 ; SPR1 DATA >0000,>0101,>0181,>81C1 ; Color 1 DATA >E377,>7F3F,>1F04,>0600 ; DATA >00FE,>FFBF,>FFF0,>FEE0 ; DATA >E0F8,>E8E0,>C0C0,>80C0 ; SPR2 DATA >0000,>0001,>1E20,>4048 ; Color 1 DATA >8700,>0000,>0000,>0000 ; DATA >0000,>E010,>1C22,>0201 ; DATA >FF00,>0000,>0000,>0000 ; SPR3 DATA >0001,>0303,>3333,>3333 ; Color 1 DATA >333F,>1F0F,>0303,>0303 ; DATA >0080,>C0C0,>C0C0,>CCCC ; DATA >CCFC,>F0C0,>C0C0,>C0C0 ; SPR4 DATA >0000,>0000,>0000,>0001 ; Color 1 DATA >0109,>0907,>0101,>0101 ; DATA >0000,>0000,>0000,>0080 ; DATA >80A0,>A0A0,>E080,>8080 ; SPR5 DATA >0103,>3333,>3333,>333B ; Color 1 DATA >1F03,>0303,>0303,>0303 ; DATA >0080,>8080,>8098,>9898 ; DATA >9898,>98F0,>E080,>8080 ; And here is the edited version that allows you to compile it under Forth. A bit of search and replace and add the word CREATE for labels. Notice all the > characters are removed from the DATA but you must preface everything with HEX. Spoiler \ **************************************** \ * Character Patterns \ **************************************** INCLUDE DSK1.DATABYTE HEX CREATE PAT128 DATA 0000,0000,FF00,0000 \ CREATE PAT129 DATA 0000,1E61,8000,0000 \ CREATE PAT130 DATA 0000,609E,0100,0000 \ CREATE PAT131 DATA 0000,0000,C040,3E00 \ CREATE PAT132 DATA 0000,0000,0304,F800 \ CREATE PAT133 DATA 0000,0000,FF00,3800 \ CREATE PAT134 DATA 0000,0000,FF00,6060 \ CREATE PAT135 DATA 0000,0000,FF00,0400 \ CREATE PAT136 DATA 0000,0000,FF00,1010 \ CREATE PAT137 DATA 0000,0000,FF00,7004 \ \ **************************************** \ * Sprite Patterns \ **************************************** HEX CREATE SPR0 DATA 0000,0101,0181,81C1 \ Color 1 DATA E377,7F3F,1F06,0406 \ DATA 00FE,FFBF,FFF0,FEE0 \ DATA E0F8,E8E0,C040,6000 \ CREATE SPR1 DATA 0000,0101,0181,81C1 \ Color 1 DATA E377,7F3F,1F04,0600 \ DATA 00FE,FFBF,FFF0,FEE0 \ DATA E0F8,E8E0,C0C0,80C0 \ CREATE SPR2 DATA 0000,0001,1E20,4048 \ Color 1 DATA 8700,0000,0000,0000 \ DATA 0000,E010,1C22,0201 \ DATA FF00,0000,0000,0000 \ CREATE SPR3 DATA 0001,0303,3333,3333 \ Color 1 DATA 333F,1F0F,0303,0303 \ DATA 0080,C0C0,C0C0,CCCC \ DATA CCFC,F0C0,C0C0,C0C0 \ CREATE SPR4 DATA 0000,0000,0000,0001 \ Color 1 DATA 0109,0907,0101,0101 \ DATA 0000,0000,0000,0080 \ DATA 80A0,A0A0,E080,8080 \ CREATE SPR5 DATA 0103,3333,3333,333B \ Color 1 DATA 1F03,0303,0303,0303 \ DATA 0080,8080,8098,9898 \ DATA 9898,98F0,E080,8080 \ But remember, this code has only compiled the data into CPU RAM. To use these things these chunks of data must be written into VDP RAM to redefine the character patterns. Something like this will work. NEEDS CHARDEF FROM DSK1.GRAFIX \ load graphics 1 mode stuff DECIMAL : DEFINE-CHARS PAT128 128 CHARDEF PAT129 129 CHARDEF PAT130 130 CHARDEF PAT131 131 CHARDEF PAT132 132 CHARDEF PAT133 133 CHARDEF PAT134 134 CHARDEF PAT135 135 CHARDEF PAT136 136 CHARDEF ; \ for magnified 4 character sprites : SPRITE-DEF ( addr char -- ) ]PDT 64 VWRITE ; : DEFINE-SPRITES SPR0 142 SPRITE-DEF SPR1 146 SPRITE-DEF SPR2 150 SPRITE-DEF SPR3 154 SPRITE-DEF SPR4 160 SPRITE-DEF SPR5 164 SPRITE-DEF ; \ change the patterns now and set all the colors to green 128 SET# 168 SET# 3 1 COLORS DEFINE-CHARS DEFINE-SPRITES EDIT: Well after I tried to use this I found out that 16 bytes x 4 = 64 bytes. Changed the 32 in SPRITE-DEF. There are three kinds of people. Those who get math and those who don't. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted April 20, 2023 Author Share Posted April 20, 2023 Over on Reddit /Forth a post was made about making random number generators in Forth for fun. The poster was new to Forth and the code was not ideal so I took a run a trying what he wanted to do. The task is to produce thousands of random letters between A and Z and count them. The original version just printed letters to the GForth screen and piped the output to a sort program to count the number of unique letters. I couldn't let that stand so I wrote a way to do it in Forth and in this version I created a fuller report to do some analysis. We generate 32000 letters and count them in a little array. The PRNG is a variation of the GForth code that I use in Camel99. It takes about 40 seconds on TI99. In GForth, on my old Dell PC, to do 2,600,000 letters, it is done when you press enter. Of note to people who are learning Forth: lack of variables in the report code (replaced with functions) Use of */ operator to compute the percentage value Forth formatting words (<# #S #> ) to print a percentage value with a decimal. ** I am curious if there is a better way to analyze the output. (Lee?) Spoiler \ Random character test of PRNG INCLUDE DSK1.UDOTR INCLUDE DSK1.MARKER MARKER REMOVE : ERASE 0 FILL ; DECIMAL 28645 CONSTANT PRIME# CREATE SEED 7 , DECIMAL : RNDW ( -- n ) PRIME# SEED @ * 1+ DUP SEED ! ; : RND ( n -- 0..n-1 ) RNDW UM* NIP ; \ generates a letter between A and Z : RNDCHAR ( --c) [CHAR] A [CHAR] Z 1+ OVER - RND SWAP + ; CREATE LETTERS 100 CELLS ALLOT : ]LETTER ( n -- addr) CELLS LETTERS + ; \ index into LETTERS : CLEARALL LETTERS 100 CELLS ERASE ; : .RECORD ( n --) SPACE DUP ]LETTER @ 5 .R SPACE EMIT ; : RANGE ( -- last 1st) [CHAR] Z 1+ [CHAR] A ; : ?CR VCOL @ 30 > IF CR THEN ; : .COUNTS CR RANGE DO I .RECORD ?CR LOOP ; \ : 1+! ( addr --) 1 SWAP +! ; \ inc. value in address 32000 CONSTANT SIZE : RNDCHARS SIZE 0 DO RNDCHAR ]LETTER 1+! LOOP ; \ analysis : OUTMAX ( -- n) 0 RANGE DO I ]LETTER @ MAX LOOP ; : OUTMIN ( -- n) SIZE RANGE DO I ]LETTER @ MIN LOOP ; : SPREAD ( -- n) OUTMAX OUTMIN - ; : IDEAL ( -- n) SIZE 26 / ; : .% ( n --) 0 <# # # [CHAR] . HOLD #S #> TYPE ." %" ; : DEVIATION ( -- n) SPREAD 10000 IDEAL */ ; : .SPREAD CR ." Spread = " SPREAD . ; : .DEVIATION CR ." Deviation= " DEVIATION .% ; : .IDEAL CR ." Ideal = " IDEAL . ; : .MIN CR ." Min = " OUTMIN . ; : .MAX CR ." Max = " OUTMAX . ; : .REPORT CR .COUNTS .IDEAL .MIN .MAX .SPREAD .DEVIATION ; : RUNTEST CLEARALL RNDCHARS .REPORT ; 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted April 20, 2023 Author Share Posted April 20, 2023 And yet another update I am pretty sure I was not drunk when I posted the last update but I mistakenly posted ver 2.68 of the normal kernel that resides at >A000. I did have a bad cold so that'll be my excuse. You can dispose of V2.68 Here are the latest kernels with the new MS and TICKS as before. There is also a new EVALUATE that properly saves/restores >IN. ( Standard says >IN is set to TRUE when EVALUATE runs. Done here by 'ON') : EVALUATE ( c-addr u -- j*x) SOURCE-ID DUP @ >IN @ 2>R ON SOURCE 2>R INTERPRET 2R> 'SOURCE 2! 2R> >IN ! SOURCE-ID ! ; These are fresh off the compiler and converted to TIFILES. CAMEL99 CAMEL99SC 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Lee Stewart Posted April 22, 2023 Share Posted April 22, 2023 On 4/20/2023 at 11:47 AM, TheBF said: ** I am curious if there is a better way to analyze the output. (Lee?) Well, I suppose you could also report the mean (μ = (Σxi)/n = 32000/26 = 1230.77) and standard deviation (σ = √(Σ(xi–μ)2/(n–1)) = 23.86). Since σ accentuates variations from the mean, you might also include the average deviation for comparison: D = Σ|xi–μ|/n = 19.85. ...lee 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted April 22, 2023 Author Share Posted April 22, 2023 8 hours ago, Lee Stewart said: Well, I suppose you could also report the mean (μ = (Σxi)/n = 32000/26 = 1230.77) and standard deviation (σ = √(Σ(xi–μ)2/(n–1)) = 23.86). Since σ accentuates variations from the mean, you might also include the average deviation for comparison: D = Σ|xi–μ|/n = 19.85. ...lee That looks great. How do you enter the greek symbols so nicely? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Lee Stewart Posted April 22, 2023 Share Posted April 22, 2023 9 hours ago, TheBF said: That looks great. How do you enter the greek symbols so nicely? I open LibreOffice Writer and get Greek characters from the “Insert Special Characters” menu. Then I copy what I need to here. I also change the font to Georgia or Times New Roman, italicizing variables. [Note: I just noticed that I missed italicizing ‘n’—oops.] ...lee 3 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted April 24, 2023 Author Share Posted April 24, 2023 As one who has not played games much I have a much greater respect for the masters of this art after trying to make one or two. Here is "Rainbow Buster" (you know the real name) made in Forth. I wanted to see how hard it would be to make something similar to the old game. It took longer than I thought to get it to be mostly reliable. It still has an occasional bug where you get a free pass into the upper atmosphere so let's call that a feature. Anyway for anybody wanting to see how you "could" glue stuff together in Camel99 to make a game here is the code. I am using DSK1.MOTION which lets you set a sprite motion vector with MOTION like in automotion, but to move the sprite you use the SP.MOVE command. There is also the binary program consisting of two files, that are loaded with E/A Option 5. Spoiler \ BREAKOUT.FTH on Camel99 Forth Aug 2022 Brian Fox \ Uses DSK1.MOTION library. \ MOTION sets SPRITE motion vector. SP.MOVE moves sprite 1 increment. \ See the file for more details \ NEEDS DUMP FROM DSK1.TOOLS \ FAST#S NEEDS HCHAR FROM DSK1.GRAFIX NEEDS SPRITE FROM DSK1.DIRSPRIT NEEDS MOTION FROM DSK1.MOTION NEEDS DATA FROM DSK1.DATABYTE NEEDS RND FROM DSK1.RANDOM NEEDS FORK FROM DSK1.MTASK99 NEEDS HZ FROM DSK1.SOUND NEEDS MALLOC FROM DSK1.MALLOC NEEDS MARKER FROM DSK1.MARKER NEEDS CASE FROM DSK1.CASE NEEDS JOYST FROM DSK1.JOYST : EMPTY S" REMOVE MARKER REMOVE" EVALUATE ; MARKER REMOVE EMPTY \ Extensions to MOTION \ Access the VECTOR table in dsk1.motion, via x and y separately : VECT.Y ( n -- addr) POSTPONE ]VECTOR ; IMMEDIATE : VECT.X ( n -- addr) POSTPONE ]VECTOR POSTPONE CELL+ ; IMMEDIATE \ *************************** \ the variables \ *************************** VARIABLE BALL# VARIABLE SCORE VARIABLE 'BALL \ record the position so we don't calculate it twice VARIABLE REMAINING \ # squares left to win \ *************************** \ handy primitives \ *************************** : CLIP ( n lo hi -- n') ROT MIN MAX ; : FGCOLOR ( set# fg -- ) 1 COLOR ; : BALLS ( n -- ) BALL# ! ; \ *************************** \ named colors \ *************************** : ENUM ( 0 <text> -- n) DUP CONSTANT 1+ ; 1 ENUM TRANS ENUM BLACK ENUM MEDGRN ENUM LTGRN ENUM DKBLU ENUM LTBLU ENUM DKRED ENUM CYAN ENUM MEDRED ENUM LTRED ENUM DKYEL ENUM LTYEL ENUM DKGRN ENUM MAGENTA ENUM GRAY ENUM WHITE DROP \ *************************** \ named SPRITES \ *************************** 1 CONSTANT BALL 0 CONSTANT PADDLE \ *************************** \ sounds for the game \ *************************** DECIMAL : CLINK ( freq -- ) GEN1 HZ 0 DB 600 TICKS 6 DB 400 TICKS 10 DB 400 TICKS MUTE ; : BONK GEN1 120 HZ 0 DB 1000 TICKS 6 DB 800 TICKS 12 DB 600 TICKS MUTE ; \ *************************** \ random numbers \ *************************** : RNDV ( -- -1|0|1 ) 3 RND 1- ; : NON-0 ( -- n) BEGIN RNDV ?DUP UNTIL ; : SERVING ( -- dx dy) NON-0 1 ; \ *************************** \ number patterns \ *************************** HEX CREATE NUMERALS DATA 0000,7E66,6666,7E00 \ 48 DATA 0000,1818,1818,1800 \ 49 DATA 0000,7E06,7E60,7E00 \ 50 DATA 0000,7E06,3E06,7E00 \ 51 DATA 0000,6666,7E06,0600 \ 52 DATA 0000,7C60,7C0C,7C00 \ 53 DATA 0000,6060,7E62,7E00 \ 54 DATA 0000,7E06,0606,0600 \ 55 DATA 0000,7E66,7E66,7E00 \ 56 DATA 0000,7E66,7E06,7E00 \ 57 DECIMAL : DEF-NUMBERS NUMERALS 48 ]PDT 10 8* VWRITE ; \ **************************************** \ * Character Patterns \ **************************************** HEX CREATE SQUARE DATA FFFF,FFFF,FFFF,FFFF \ **************************************** \ * Sprite Patterns \ **************************************** CREATE PADDLE-PATTERN DATA 0000,0000,00FF,00FF DATA 00FF,00FF,0000,0000 DATA 0000,0000,00FF,00FF DATA 00FF,00FF,0000,0000 CREATE BALL-PATTERN DATA 0000,0000,0307,0F0F DATA 0F07,0300,0000,0000 DATA 0000,0000,80C0,E0E0 DATA E0C0,8000,0000,0000 \ *************************** \ Name the characters & put in different character sets \ *************************** DECIMAL 128 CONSTANT BORDER \ start past ASCII chars BORDER 8 + CONSTANT MAGBAR MAGBAR 8 + CONSTANT REDBAR REDBAR 8 + CONSTANT YELBAR YELBAR 8 + CONSTANT GRNBAR GRNBAR 8 + CONSTANT BLUBAR BLUBAR 8 + CONSTANT VIOBAR VIOBAR 8 + CONSTANT BLKSQR BLKSQR 8 + CONSTANT BALLCHARS BALLCHARS 8 + CONSTANT PADDLECHARS : SPRITE-DEF ( addr char -- ) ]PDT 64 VWRITE ; : DEF-SHAPES SQUARE BORDER CHARDEF SQUARE MAGBAR CHARDEF SQUARE REDBAR CHARDEF SQUARE YELBAR CHARDEF SQUARE GRNBAR CHARDEF SQUARE BLUBAR CHARDEF SQUARE VIOBAR CHARDEF SQUARE BLKSQR CHARDEF BALL-PATTERN BALLCHARS SPRITE-DEF PADDLE-PATTERN PADDLECHARS SPRITE-DEF ; : SETCOLORS BORDER SET# GRAY FGCOLOR MAGBAR SET# MAGENTA FGCOLOR REDBAR SET# DKRED FGCOLOR YELBAR SET# DKYEL FGCOLOR GRNBAR SET# DKGRN FGCOLOR BLUBAR SET# DKBLU FGCOLOR VIOBAR SET# LTBLU FGCOLOR BALLCHARS SET# WHITE FGCOLOR PADDLECHARS SET# MAGENTA FGCOLOR [CHAR] 0 SET# WHITE FGCOLOR [CHAR] 9 SET# WHITE FGCOLOR ; : DRAW.BORDER 0 2 BORDER 32 HCHAR 0 3 BORDER 32 HCHAR 0 3 BORDER 21 VCHAR 1 3 BORDER 21 VCHAR 30 3 BORDER 21 VCHAR 31 3 BORDER 21 VCHAR ; : RAINBOW 2 7 MAGBAR 28 HCHAR 2 8 REDBAR 28 HCHAR 2 9 YELBAR 28 HCHAR 2 10 GRNBAR 28 HCHAR 2 11 BLUBAR 28 HCHAR 2 12 VIOBAR 28 HCHAR ; : BALL.HOME ( X Y ) BALLCHARS WHITE 127 104 BALL SPRITE SERVING BALL MOTION ; : .### ( n -- ) 0 <# # # # #> TYPE ; : .SCORE ( -- ) 6 0 AT-XY SCORE @ .### ; : .BALLS ( -- ) 20 0 AT-XY BALL# @ . ; : .PADDLE ( -- ) PADDLECHARS MAGENTA 127 176 PADDLE SPRITE ; : CLIP ( n LO HI -- n) ROT MIN MAX ; : PADDLE-LOC+! ( n -- ) PADDLE SP.X VC@ + 10 230 CLIP PADDLE SP.X VC! ; : START-POSITIONS BALL.HOME .SCORE .BALLS .PADDLE ; : DRAW.SCR SETCOLORS BLACK SCREEN DRAW.BORDER .SCORE .BALLS RAINBOW ; \ *************************** \ coordinate conversion \ *************************** \ : PIX>CHAR ( pixel -- n) 1- 3 RSHIFT 1+ ; \ : CHAR>PIX ( n -- pixel) 8* 7 - ; HEX ( TOS DEC, TOS 3 SRA, TOS INC, ) CODE PIX>CHAR ( pixel -- n) 0604 , 0834 , 0584 , NEXT, ENDCODE DECIMAL : BALLADDR ( -- vaddr) BALL SP.Y V@ SPLIT PIX>CHAR SWAP PIX>CHAR SWAP >VPOS DUP 'BALL ! ; : UNDERBALL ( pix piy -- c) BALLADDR VC@ ; : BOUNCE.X ( -- ) BALL VECT.X DUP @ NEGATE SWAP ! BALL SP.MOVE ; : BOUNCE.Y ( -- ) BALL VECT.Y DUP @ NEGATE SWAP ! BALL SP.MOVE ; : FALLING? BALL VECT.Y @ 0> ; : RISING? BALL VECT.Y @ 0< ; : RICOCHET ( points freq --) BL 'BALL @ VC! BOUNCE.Y CLINK SCORE +! .SCORE 300 TICKS REMAINING 1-! ; : OFFSET ( -- n) PADDLE SP.X VC@ BALL SP.X VC@ - 2 / -1 1 CLIP ; \ *************************** \ move away after collision \ *************************** : WALL-CLR BEGIN UNDERBALL BL <> WHILE BALL SP.MOVE REPEAT ; : PADDLE-CLR BEGIN BALL PADDLE 9 COINC WHILE BALL SP.MOVE REPEAT ; : WALL-BOUNCE BALL SP.Y VC@ 24 > IF BOUNCE.X WALL-CLR EXIT THEN BOUNCE.Y WALL-CLR ; : PADDLE-HIT ( -- ) BOUNCE.Y 600 CLINK PADDLE-CLR ; \ *************************** \ keyboard control \ *************************** \ HEX 83C8 CONSTANT REPEATING \ DECIMAL \ : PADDLE-CTRL \ REPEATING ON \ KEY? \ CASE \ 83 OF -3 PADDLE-LOC+! ENDOF \ 'S' \ 68 OF 3 PADDLE-LOC+! ENDOF \ 'D' \ ENDCASE \ ; \ *************************** \ Joystick control (faster) \ *************************** HEX : PADDLE-CTRL 0 JOYST CASE 2 OF -3 PADDLE-LOC+! ENDOF 4 OF 3 PADDLE-LOC+! ENDOF ENDCASE ; DECIMAL : .REPLAY DELALL 10 21 AT-XY ." GAME OVER" 5 22 AT-XY ." TYPE GO TO PLAY AGAIN" ABORT ; : ?WIN REMAINING @ IF EXIT THEN DELALL 10 5 AT-XY ." HEY YOU WON !!" 4 7 AT-XY ." WITH " BALL# @ . ." BALLS REMAINING" .REPLAY ; \ for debugging : ?BREAK ?TERMINAL IF CYAN SCREEN TRUE ABORT" BREAK" THEN ; : BALLINPLAY BEGIN ?BREAK ?WIN BALL SP.MOVE PADDLE-CTRL BALL PADDLE 9 COINC IF PADDLE-HIT THEN UNDERBALL ( char) CASE \ points Freq. MAGBAR OF 6 1500 RICOCHET ENDOF REDBAR OF 5 1400 RICOCHET ENDOF YELBAR OF 4 1300 RICOCHET ENDOF GRNBAR OF 3 1200 RICOCHET ENDOF BLUBAR OF 2 1100 RICOCHET ENDOF VIOBAR OF 1 1000 RICOCHET ENDOF BORDER OF WALL-BOUNCE 200 CLINK ENDOF ENDCASE 130 TICKS 1 SP.Y VC@ 200 > UNTIL BONK ; : SETUP ( -- ) DEF-NUMBERS DEF-SHAPES SETCOLORS SCORE OFF ; : WAIT-FIRE BEGIN 0 JOYST 1 = UNTIL ; : ERASEAT ( x y -- ) >VPOS 20 BL VFILL ; : .PRESS-FIRE 6 20 AT-XY ." PRESS FIRE TO SERVE" WAIT-FIRE 6 20 ERASEAT ; : .CREDITS 9 14 AT-XY ." RAINBOW BUSTER" 9 15 AT-XY ." FOR TI-99" 6 16 AT-XY ." BY BRIAN FOX 2023" ; : ERASE-CREDITS 9 14 ERASEAT 9 15 ERASEAT 6 16 ERASEAT ; : GO DECIMAL [CHAR] A SET# 12 GRAY 1 COLORS SETUP CLEAR 10 BALLS 28 6 * REMAINING ! \ # blocks to remove DRAW.SCR 2 MAGNIFY .CREDITS .PRESS-FIRE ERASE-CREDITS BEGIN BALL# @ WHILE SERVING BALL MOTION START-POSITIONS WAIT-FIRE BALLINPLAY BALL# 1-! .BALLS REPEAT .REPLAY ; : STARTER WARM GRAPHICS GO ; LOCK INCLUDE DSK1.SAVESYS ' STARTER SAVESYS DSK3.BREAKOUT BREAKOUT BREAKOUU 4 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted April 25, 2023 Author Share Posted April 25, 2023 O.M.G! Now I know why I don't play games much. 😱 But now I know it is possible to win that damned thing. (But only because I got the free ride to the upper screen) 1 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted April 28, 2023 Author Share Posted April 28, 2023 I might have a little bit of "Missouri" in me because I don't like believing things until I see 'em. Over on Reddit /Forth in the PRNG thread, Albertthemagician (could be Albert VanderHorst) mentioned a web site with a highly researched PRNG. https://forth-ev.de/wiki/pfw:random_generators_xorshift (It's a German site but the code is mostly English) VARIABLE SEED 2345 SEED ! \ START THE SEED WITH ANY NUMBER BUT 0 : RANDOM16 ( address_seed -- rndm_val ) DUP >R @ DUP 8 LSHIFT XOR DUP 9 RSHIFT XOR DUP 7 LSHIFT XOR DUP R> ! ; : RNDW ( -- n) SEED RANDOM16 ; I wondered how much better this is than what I am using and how could I tell? So I took some of the ideas from my previous testing and used SAMS memory to create a 32K integer DATA array. I had each PRNG run 32K times and whatever number they output was used as the index to the array and we increment that cell. I ran the operation 10 times so a perfect PRNG would give us 10 in every cell of the array. (I think) Then I created a "tally" array of just 50 cells (in case I really want to let the thing run 50 times) Then the TALLY word steps through data array and "tallies" how many of each number from 1 to 10 was counted in the array. (I was going to implement Lee's "Stats 101" routines but I got lazy and thought I could get this working faster but I intend to make those as well) Here is the code Spoiler \ MARSAGLIA PRNG using Shifts and XOR 2003 for CAMEL99 Forth \ Source: https://forth-ev.de/wiki/pfw:random_generators_xorshift \ 16bit version with 1 seed in a variable \ The actual number of bits used for the 3 shifts is critical. \ For 16bit generators only a few valid combinations exist: (7, 9, 13) and (7, 9, 8). INCLUDE DSK1.TOOLS INCLUDE DSK1.SAMS INCLUDE DSK1.UDOTR DECIMAL VARIABLE SEED 2345 SEED ! \ START THE SEED WITH ANY NUMBER BUT 0 : RANDOM16 ( address_seed -- rndm_val ) DUP >R @ DUP 8 LSHIFT XOR DUP 9 RSHIFT XOR DUP 7 LSHIFT XOR DUP R> ! ; : RNDW ( -- n) SEED RANDOM16 ; \ un-comment these 2 lines to use the libary PRNG \ INCLUDE DSK1.RANDOM \ 2345 SEED ! \ reload SEED variable in library version HEX 1000 CONSTANT 4K 83D6 CONSTANT ALWAYS DECIMAL 32767 CONSTANT SIZE \ elements in the data array 1 SEGMENT \ use the entire 64K segment as our 32k array of integers : ]DATA ( ndx -- sams_addr) CELLS PAGED ; : CLEARDATA 16 0 DO I 4K * PAGED 4K 0 FILL LOOP ; : COUNTRND SIZE 0 DO RNDW ]DATA 1+! LOOP ; : TESTS ( n --) 0 ?DO I . COUNTRND LOOP ; \ analysis VARIABLE RMAX VARIABLE RMIN : OUTMAX ( -- n) 0 SIZE 1+ 0 DO I ]DATA @ MAX LOOP DUP RMAX ! ; : OUTMIN ( -- n) SIZE SIZE 1+ 0 DO I ]DATA @ MIN LOOP DUP RMIN ! ; : SPREAD ( -- n) OUTMAX OUTMIN - ; : .SPREAD CR ." Spread = " SPREAD . ; : .MIN CR ." Min = " RMIN @ . ; : .MAX CR ." Max = " RMAX @ . ; : .REPORT CR .SPREAD .MIN .MAX ; 10 CONSTANT RUNCOUNT : RUNTEST ALWAYS ON CR ." Erasing..." CLEARDATA CR ." Counting..." RUNCOUNT TESTS .REPORT ; \ count quantity of each value in the array ( RUNCOUNT=50MAX) CREATE []X 50 CELLS ALLOT : ]X CELLS []X + ; : CLEARX []X 50 CELLS 0 FILL ; : TALLY-SAMS ( addr len --) 1+ BOUNDS ?DO I PAGED @ ]X 1+! LOOP ; : .TALLY CR RUNCOUNT 2* 1+ 0 DO CR I DUP 3 .R ." -> " I ]X @ 5 U.R LOOP ; : UNIQUE CLEARX CR ." Counting unique..." 0 ]DATA SIZE TALLY-SAMS .TALLY ; RUNTEST UNIQUE And it turns out the fancy pants version is slightly better. But not that much. Fancy Pants Results My PRNG modded from GForth ( I converted this to CODE, but it's the same calculation) HEX : RNDW ( -- n ) 6FE5 SEED @ * 1+ DUP SEED ! ; 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted April 28, 2023 Author Share Posted April 28, 2023 Ah! When I used the other set of valid shift numbers (7,9,13) it's better? So the score stands at: Academics 2, theBF 0 : RANDOM16 ( address_seed -- rndm_val ) DUP >R @ DUP 13 LSHIFT XOR DUP 9 RSHIFT XOR DUP 7 LSHIFT XOR DUP R> ! ; 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted May 4, 2023 Author Share Posted May 4, 2023 1 1 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted May 7, 2023 Author Share Posted May 7, 2023 I finally got around to doing standard deviation in Forth. (I have been busy learning to play the Viola to join a community orchestra. I forgot how old I am) As a stats tools go this one kind of sucks for accuracy using only integers. To make it useful I should scale by at least 10 and use 32bit intermediate calculations but this code provides a framework. Once I got my head back into what I needed to do from Lee's input earlier, I thought it would be cool to use the MAP, REDUCE system that I made earlier. Of course when forced to use my own code I had to fix it a bit. The arrays now return the number of items rather than the size in bytes. And the ]] operator at the end returns the array address and number of items to the data stack. This makes more sense for this practical application. Using MAP, SUM and MEAN and some pre-made functions for square root, iterative subtraction and squaring we can write the standard deviation function like this, which is kind of neat. : STD.DEV ( addr #items -- n) \ σ = √(Σ(Xi–μ)^2 /(n–1)) DUP >R \ save length on R stack for later 2DUP MEAN -ROT ( -- mean addr len ) ['] [-] MAP ['] ^2 MAP SUM R> 1- / SQRT NIP ( remove the mean value) ; Here is the full code. The SIGMA function returns 5 on the data given and the correct answer is 5.76 so we it needs improvement. Spoiler \ STATS101.FTH senior adivsor Lee Stewart B Fox 2023 \ "Well, I suppose you could also report the mean: (μ = (Σxi)/n = 32000/26 = 1230.77) \ and standard deviation (σ = √(Σ(xi–μ)2/(n–1)) = 23.86). \ Since σ accentuates variations from the mean, you might also include the \ average deviation for comparison: D = Σ|xi–μ|/n = 19.85." \ MAP, REDUCE and FILTER for integer data INCLUDE DSK1.TOOLS INCLUDE DSK1.VALUES INCLUDE DSK1.DEFER DECIMAL \ ** EXPERIMENTAL DATA STRUCTURE *** \ COUNTED ARRAYS IN FREE MEMORY VARIABLE OLDDP VARIABLE LAST[] \ creator for counted arrays in empty memory \ Data structure has a 2 cell header \ Cell 1: LINK - to previous array or zero \ Cell 2: size - SIZE in bytes of this array \ DATA ..... : DLINK, HERE LAST[] @ , LAST[] ! ; : CLEAN LAST[] @ IF LAST[] @ DP ! THEN ; \ create header, return the address : [[ ( -- addr ) HERE OLDDP ! DLINK, HERE 0 , ; : SIZE[] ( addr -- addr size) DUP CELL+ SWAP @ ; : #ITEMS ( addr -- addr items) SIZE[] 2/ ; : CELL- ( n -- n') POSTPONE 2- ; IMMEDIATE \ TMs9900 specific : LINK[] ( addr -- 'array[] | 0) CELL- @ ; \ end array, fill in size, return addr,#items : ]] ( -- addr len ) HERE OVER - 2- OVER ! #ITEMS ; \ a word to name a counted array and return the (addr,len) pair : DATA: CREATE , , DOES> 2@ ( -- addr size) ; \ Explanation: \ ACTOR holds the execution token (XT) for the operation that will be done \ to each data element. The XT is passed to ACTOR by the programmer. VARIABLE ACTOR \ ACTION is vector that holds code that does the ACTOR XT and it also \ runs EXTRA code that makes the difference between REDUCE, MAP or FILTER DEFER ACTION \ this code is run in a loop by FOREACH : REDUCER ( initial n -- n) ACTOR PERFORM ; \ reduce and return a value : MAPPER ( initial n -- ) REDUCER , ; \ reduce and compile value : FILTRATION ( initial n -- ) \ reduce with conditional Compilation of value 2DUP SWAP REDUCER ( -- n ? ) IF , \ if true compile n into array ELSE DROP \ otherwise throw it away THEN ; \ primary iterator DECIMAL : FOREACH ( inital addr items xt-- n) OVER 0= ABORT" REDUCE: size=0" ACTOR @ >R \ allow variable to be re-entrant ACTOR ! \ set the XT of action on each cell CELLS BOUNDS DO I @ ACTION 2 +LOOP R> ACTOR ! ; : REDUCE ( inital addritemsxt-- n) ['] REDUCER IS ACTION FOREACH ; \ MAP returns a new array as output : MAP ( initial addr items xt-- addr' size') [[ >R ['] MAPPER IS ACTION FOREACH R> ]] ; \ filter creates a temp counted array that might be a different size : FILTER ( initial addr items xt-- addr' size') [[ >R ['] FILTRATION IS ACTION FOREACH DROP R> ]] ; \ print array : .. ( addr items -- ) ['] . REDUCE ; \ print array signed : U.. ( addr items -- ) ['] U. REDUCE ; \ print array un-signed \ ========================================================== \ STATS Utility words : SUM ( addr len ) 0 -ROT ['] + REDUCE ; \ μ = (Σxi)/n : MEAN ( addr items -- n) DUP >R SUM R> / ; : U/ ( u1 u2 -- u3 ) 0 SWAP UM/MOD NIP ; \ Albert VanderHorst square root DECIMAL : INIT-SEED ( n -- n n') DUP 10 RSHIFT 8 MAX ; \ for 16 bits only : SQRT ( n -- ) DUP IF DUP>R INIT-SEED ( optimized seed value) \ 64516 SQRT : 5000x 16.4 seconds \ 1 ( default seed value ) \ 64516 SQRT : 5000x 31.1 seconds R@ OVER U/ OVER + 2/ NIP ( DUP . ) \ debug viewing BEGIN R@ OVER U/ OVER + 2/ ( DUP .) 2DUP > WHILE NIP REPEAT DROP NIP R> DROP THEN ; \ iteratable functions for MAP and REDUCE : [-] ( x n -- x n') OVER - ; : [+] ( x n -- x n') OVER + ; : [*] ( x n -- x n') OVER * ; : [/] ( x n -- x n') OVER / ; : [MOD] ( x n -- x n') OVER MOD ; : ^2 ( n -- n') DUP * ; : STD.DEV ( addr len -- n) \ σ = √(Σ(Xi–μ)^2 /(n–1)) DUP >R \ save length on R stack for later 2DUP MEAN -ROT ( -- mean addr len ) ['] [-] MAP ['] ^2 MAP SUM R> 1- / SQRT NIP ( remove the mean value) ; : AVG.DEV \ D = Σ|xi–μ|/n DUP >R 2DUP MEAN -ROT ['] [-] MAP SUM R> 1- / NIP ; \ ========================================================== \ TEST DATA PAGE \ Example [[ 17 , 15 , 23 , 7 , 9 , 13 , ]] DATA: A[] A[] .. A[] SUM . A[] MEAN . A[] ' ^2 MAP .. A[] STD.DEV . A[] AVG.DEV . The screen capture shows the operation on some test data Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted May 12, 2023 Author Share Posted May 12, 2023 (edited) Over on comp.lang.forth there is a discussion about keeping local variables on the data stack. It made me take another look at my cheap local variables for our small memory footprint machine. It dawned on me that it would be pretty simple to make the local variable act like a Forth VALUE and return their contents. All I needed was a way to assign a number to a local. That took only three instructions using the return stack local variable. This is the same number of instructions as making an optimized "to" word to assign to a value. So here is the code for local-values: Spoiler \ localvalue.fth for Camel99 Forth May 2023 Brian Fox \ non-standard but TINY for TI-99. \ Not compatible DO/LOOP in Camel99 \ creates a stack frame on the return stack \ Uses pre-named local variables that hold an index into the stack frame \ Each local returns the *contents* of a cell on Rstack onto the data stack \ PREFIX -> operator used to assign to local variable NEEDS MOV, FROM DSK1.LOWTOOLS HERE HEX CODE LOCALS: ( n --) \ build a stack-frame n cells deep RP R0 MOV, ( DUP return stack pointer in R0) TOS 1 SLA, ( TOS 2* ) TOS RP SUB, ( allocate TOS cells ) RP DECT, ( make room on the Rstack) R0 RPUSH, ( push old RP onto top of frame ) TOS POP, NEXT, ENDCODE \ collapse stack frame: CODE /LOCALS ( -- ) *RP RP MOV, NEXT, ENDCODE : LOCAL: ( n -- ) \ name some local variables CREATE CELLS , \ record the cell offset for this local ;CODE ( -- n) TOS PUSH, \ make toom on the data stack RP TOS MOV, \ get the Rstack base address *W TOS ADD, \ add the local offset *TOS TOS MOV, \ fetch the value from the address NEXT, ENDCODE CODE LOCAL! ( n offset -- ) RP TOS ADD, \ add Rstack base address to offset in TOS *SP+ *TOS MOV, \ pop 2nd item into address in TOS TOS POP, \ refill TOS register NEXT, ENDCODE : -> ( n -- <local> ) \ assign n to a local value ?COMP ' >BODY @ ( get the offset for this local value ) POSTPONE LITERAL POSTPONE LOCAL! ; IMMEDIATE DECIMAL HERE SWAP - SPACE . .( bytes ) Here is a couple of demos of what it looks like. Notice the local names are pre-defined. But they can be used in any definition without affecting each other. This is way simpler that dynamically creating a list of names and destroying it every time. \ ** test code ** \ Local names are pre-defined 1 LOCAL: X1 2 LOCAL: X2 3 LOCAL: X3 4 LOCAL: X4 5 LOCAL: X5 DECIMAL : ADD ( n n -- n) 2 LOCALS: -> X1 -> X2 X1 X2 + /LOCALS ; : ROT 3 LOCALS: -> X3 -> X2 -> X1 X1 X3 X2 /LOCALS ; But there is no free lunch. Here is the BENCHIE benchmark replacing the the one VALUE, BVAR with a local. The results surprised me. Using a value the code runs in 25.5 seconds. Replacing the VALUE with one of these locals took 48 seconds. Why? Because you have to build the stack-frame on entry and then destroy it on exit . Even though it's just two extra Forth CODE words they are significant inside this little loop. 5 CONSTANT FIVE HEX 100 CONSTANT MASK 1 LOCAL: BVAR : BENCHIE MASK 0 DO 1 LOCALS: 1 BEGIN DUP SWAP DUP ROT DROP 1 AND IF FIVE + ELSE 1- THEN -> BVAR BVAR DUP MASK AND UNTIL DROP /LOCALS LOOP ; \ 48 seconds Edited May 12, 2023 by TheBF fixed comment 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Willsy Posted May 12, 2023 Share Posted May 12, 2023 Nice! Locals in Forth is a bit of a conundrum. The Forth die-hards insist they aren't necessary - and of course they are correct - you can indeed write any definition without recourse to locals, but locals make the code soooo much more readable. And just about every other language has them. It's interesting that in the Forth community there is a lot of interest in adding modern language concepts to Forth, such as OOP, currying, lambdas etc., but when locals are discussed there is a prevailing sense of snobbery on the issue! As you know, I've done quite a bit of work on locals in TF over the years, the latest one being this one, which provides both named inputs and local variables - I pinched the concept off of Pelc's excellent VFX forth. But I keep coming back to this one, both for it's simplicity of implementation (I think it's elegant and Forthy (or should that be Forthright?!)) and really simple to use. As written, it provides any definition with 3 local variables (or one could think of them as registers, I suppose) with fixed names. So useful. A very small change (make the lsp (local stack pointer) a variable instead of a value) would permit easy conversion of the implementation into machine code. It would be interesting to benchmark the two implementations. I must check back into CLF at some point. I kind of gave up with it as it is quite acerbic and even toxic at times. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted May 12, 2023 Author Share Posted May 12, 2023 this one is nice and small which was why I have avoided the ANS way of doing things. It's enormous to implement. You could make a local definers with CREATE DOES> on that one. If the DOES> section was replaced with ;CODE it would be super fast as well. : GETTER: CREATE CELLS , DOES> @ LSP + @ ; : SETTER: CREATE CELLS , DOES> @ LSP + ! ; 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted May 19, 2023 Author Share Posted May 19, 2023 Real Iron Forth on RS232 This should not have taken me this long to do but I am easily distracted. Attached is a version of Camel99 Forth V2.69 kernel that connects to the TI-99 over RS232/1. It is built with the same sources a the VDP/console version but the I/O code is separated out into a CONSOLE file or a TTY-IO file. Compiler switches control if the kernel is built with VDP or RS232 I/O. The configuration for your terminal can be shown in the Forth words that set it up for the program. RS232 /TTY1 BA=19200 8,N,1 OPEN-TTY Bug list: The ?TERMINAL word is different on a terminal. Control C is the traditional key command so and of the program (WORDS, DUMP etc.) that let you break out, will be looking for ^C. I notice that my space bar to stop printouts is not working over RS232. I think the I/O is too fast. The regular START file works and loads a new font, and then tries to print the TI logo on the screen but of course the characters are invisible on the terminal. COLD stopped working after I loaded TOOLS. ?? From what I can tell most Forth specific things work like with the TI console. Loading VDP graphics requires a word that's not in the kernel. If somebody really want access to VDP graphics we can "do the needful" for you. But the purpose of this kernel is mostly so I can test concepts on real iron without using the TI-99 keyboard. Somebody else might want to play around. The speed of the text output at 19.2Kbps is faster than VDP text. I have VT100 color controls and a bunch of stuff I made earlier for TTY control so if anybody really wants to explore this let me know. I can even get VIBE99 running on here if people want an editor. (VI99 would be a major re-write) I think I also have BETTY (Block Editor for TTY) on a disk here as well which is more conventional. Edit: Updated the code to include C/L! which is used to set the chars/line and also calculates and store C/SCR (chars per screen) Also provide the super-cart version. This version will now load GRAFIX and let you draw on the VDP screen for testing. BETTY is not working and I still want a text file editor that can operate over TTY. CAMELTTY CMLTTYSC 6 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted May 23, 2023 Author Share Posted May 23, 2023 I have read that the best way to write a compiler is to throw the first one away! I started looking at what it would take to put vi99 on RS232. duh! I had over complicated a lot of stuff on the VDP version. I have the structure of the command interface completed. I see someone downloaded the TTY version. If you want a faster boot up you can replace the DSK1.START file with the script below. (SAVE THE OLD ONE IF YOU ARE NOT MAKING A NEW DSK1.) \ V2.1 START file loads DSK1.SYSTEM to add ANS extensions S" DSK1.SYSTEM" INCLUDED NEEDS AT-XY FROM DSK1.VT100 HEX 83D6 ON \ stop screen saver DECIMAL 80 C/L! : VTYPE ( addr len --) SWAP VWRITE ; S" VT100 on RS232/1 19.2Kbps 8,n,1" 32 VTYPE PAGE ." ** CAMEL99 FORTH " .VER ." **" CR RP0 64 + HERE - . .( bytes free) CR ." Ready" CR HEX For that one brave soul it is possible to make a bigger system by compiling tools and stuff you want in your Forth and then "saving" it as a binary program. I am just making one for myself using the supercart version. Here is a short video showing this "faster" boot process from floppy disk on real iron and me fooling around on the terminal. The old TI-99 feels like proper Mini-computer. CMLTTYSC-BOOT.mp4 2 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GDMike Posted May 23, 2023 Share Posted May 23, 2023 Less than 30 seconds too. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted May 23, 2023 Author Share Posted May 23, 2023 2 hours ago, GDMike said: Less than 30 seconds too. On the video reboot is about 10 seconds. From the E/A menu you have to add another 5 seconds from floppy-disk. It would be quicker with TIPI. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted May 24, 2023 Author Share Posted May 24, 2023 Here is a script to make your own custom version of Camel99 Forth with various tools pre-compiled. I just ran this on real iron with floppy drives and it took 3.5 mins to complete. 🙂 But after it runs you can load FORTHTTY and the whole thing is live in 10 seconds. edit: Found a bug in WORDLISTS. The Assembler vocabulary words are not visible when we load the binary program. I thought I had that fixed. Hmmm. Problem solved. See next post \ myforthmak.fth May 2023 Brian Fox \ script to make a custom Camel99 Forth system \ Load this file onto one of the Camel99 kernels \ RAM Supercart \ ------- --------- \ Console: CAMEL99 | CAMEL99SC \ RS232: CAMELTTY | CMLTTYSC \ put the files you want in the system here NEEDS DUMP FROM DSK1.TOOLS NEEDS DIR FROM DSK1.DIR NEEDS CAT FROM DSK1.CATALOG NEEDS -TRAILING FROM DSK1.TRAILING NEEDS ELAPSE FROM DSK1.ELAPSE NEEDS MARKER FROM DSK1.MARKER \ get fancy and add vocabularies NEEDS WORDLIST FROM DSK1.WORDLISTS \ put the Assembler in a vocabulary VOCABULARY ASSEMBLER ONLY FORTH ALSO ASSEMBLER DEFINITIONS INCLUDE DSK1.ASM9900 \ set search path to look in Assembler and Forth ONLY FORTH ALSO ASSEMBLER ALSO FORTH DEFINITIONS \ ** NEED INIT-WORDLISTS at boot-up if we include WORDLISTS ** : START WARM INIT-WORDLISTS ABORT ; LOCK ( saved system will end here) \ for CAMELTTY in hi ram INCLUDE DSK1.SAVESYS ' START SAVESYS DSK2.FORTHTTY ( choose your path & name) \ for CMLTTYSC in Supercart RAM \ INCLUDE DSK1.SUPERSAVE \ ' START SUPERSAVE DSK2.FORTHTTY 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted May 25, 2023 Author Share Posted May 25, 2023 Lol. Source code management with floppy disks is not much fun. The version of tools I had on my old TTY Forth floppy disk predated me writing WORDLISTS. So of course "WORDS" started traversing the dictionary from LATEST @ not CONTEXT @ @ So if you put one of these TTY Forths on your Camel99 system disk, the system builder script would make FORTHTTY and it would work fine. Just me sitting here in 1984 had a problem. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted May 25, 2023 Author Share Posted May 25, 2023 A while back I took a run at using the Forth multitasker for the Breakout game clone. I worked pretty well. The paddle now moves smoothly regardless of what the ball is crashing into up above. I still have an occasional bug where the ball enters the surround wall and bounces around inside, but when I fix that I will release this version. I thought @Retrospect might want to see a real example of a game using the multitasker. (full program source: CAMEL99-ITC/BREAKOUT-MTASK.FTH at master · bfox9900/CAMEL99-ITC · GitHub ) The original game had a big loop in it called BALLINPLAY : BALLINPLAY BEGIN ?BREAK ?WIN BALL SP.MOVE PADDLE-CTRL ( <<< removed this line ) BALL PADDLE 8 COINC IF PADDLE-HIT THEN UNDERBALL ( char) CASE \ points Freq. MAGBAR OF 6 1500 RICOCHET ENDOF REDBAR OF 5 1400 RICOCHET ENDOF YELBAR OF 4 1300 RICOCHET ENDOF GRNBAR OF 3 1200 RICOCHET ENDOF BLUBAR OF 2 1100 RICOCHET ENDOF VIOBAR OF 1 1000 RICOCHET ENDOF BORDER OF WALL-BOUNCE 200 CLINK ENDOF ENDCASE SPEED @ TICKS BALL SP.Y VC@ 200 > ( off screen test) UNTIL BONK ; I took out the line called PADDLE-CTRL and made this. It just moves the paddle. \ ******************************************** \ Joystick control runs as a background task \ ******************************************** :NONAME BEGIN PAUSE 0 JOYST CASE 2 OF -1 PADDLE+! ENDOF 4 OF 1 PADDLE+! ENDOF ENDCASE 5 TICKS AGAIN \ never stops because it is a separate task ; CONSTANT PADDLE-TASK Then in the startup word GO I just added the commands to SPAWN a new workspace in low RAM and WAKE it up. (In UNIX circles they say that if a computer wants to create a new task it has to FORK.) : SPAWN ( xt -- pid) USIZE MALLOC DUP >R FORK R@ ASSIGN R> ; : GO DECIMAL QUIT-ON PADDLE-TASK SPAWN WAKE ( <<< line added ) MULTI ( <<< line added ) BEGIN SETUP DRAW.SCR .CREDITS LEVEL-MENU .PRESS-FIRE CLS BEGIN \ etc ... 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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