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atari2600land's Blog - Video Game (and nose) Stuff


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I've made a new issue of Nintendo Stuff for the new year: January 2018 issue up online now: http://www.atari2600land.com/nintendostuff/ I just hooked up my N64 and you'll probably be surprised at which of the 2 N64 titles I've played this month I like better. Each issue, I play 2 Nintendo 64 titles. Why N64? Because I like it. In fact, my only known journalism piece I ever wrote was about the N64. I wrote an article of my thoughts on N64 games. It was for my middle school newspaper. I think it was written during the holiday season in 1997. (Or 1996, I can't remember. Unfortunately, I don't think I kept the issue!)

Right now I am currently playing a lot of INTV and have been working on a forgotten-until-now golf game I started for the Atari 2600. But I think I'll stop with it and focus my efforts more on My History Teacher Ate Lemons. I went to sleep at about 2AM, woke up briefly at 2PM, took a short walk, and went back to sleep. Woke up again at 7PM. Still tired. I think I might have a cold since I've been blowing my nose like crazy.

The Okochobonosolobo song is now at 95 minutes long. Don't know how long it will ultimately end up being.

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