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Recommended Traders... A better way?


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Good to see lots of trades here. I am growing a bit concerned about the "recommeded traders" post (sticky). Has anyone brained up a more effective way to do this? Maybe searching on a member name or something. Soon, you'll be digging through 20 pages of trades looking for a name I fear. Some of us poor folks are still on dial up! :|

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I have an idea I have asked Albert about but since he's a busy man...


My idea is that there be ONE post


You PM your good trade to a mod and they post their name in the thread and for each time a good trade goes through with a person allready on the list they get a thumbs up next to their name.


I'd really like some feedback on this idea. :ponder:

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Soon, you'll be digging through 20 pages of trades looking for a name I fear.


Not really, the original one DID have a lot of pages, this one's been around for a few months and only has four.


The idea is to have one post per person, and with 25 posts per page, that's a pretty decent number.

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