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Atari Cosmos holograms/2700 VCS promo literature available!


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Hey guys,


I read in another thread about Dan Kramer selling one of his Cosmos holograms to AA member orphangames. Well, it prompted me to contact him to see if he had more of the same.


After several emails, he was kind enough to put together a document listing his available Cosmos holograms and promotional literature and photos for the Cosmos and the 2700 VCS remote control Stella. Please view the attached file to see the offerings.


I thought I owed it to the Atari community to have a crack at these truly one-of-a-kind items.


Supplies are obviously limited due to the nature of the items. He can be contacted at the address listed on the document (which is the same as his PayPal ID).


I have already secured one complete package. :D




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