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Dang, there goes 3DO

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Just read that 3DO is going away.


Rats, I had secret hopes of a decent nextgen sequel to BattleTanx. (I bought a PS2 for "WDL: ThunderTanks". Thank goodnes there was GTA:VC to make the system worthwhile for me, don't know what the hell was wrong with ThunderTanks, but it just doesn't work.


This is pathetic! All my hopes are with Titus' theoretical promise of "Tankers: Smoking Barrels".


(Search and Destroy on PS2 was ok, I guess, especially for $10 new)


Sigh, 3DO. A noble experiment with its console.


At least we won't have to put up with any more crappy Army Men sequels.

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But don't you all see that the real issue here is the lack of good, 4 player tank games on next gen systems?? ;-)



yeah i see how that could be a bummer for people who like 4 player Tank games, but i dont care for them :D


and i know justice_is_blind can give an example of how greedy the owner of 3DO was ;) :D

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But don't you all see that the real issue here is the lack of good, 4 player tank games on next gen systems?? ;-)



yeah i see how that could be a bummer for people who like 4 player Tank games, but i dont care for them :D


and i know justice_is_blind can give an example of how greedy the owner of 3DO was ;) :D


an xample? he can give a whole friggin novel ;)

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wheter they are greedy or not. i just hope that there will still be a new might and magic. long live new world computing and 3DO

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I know some of you may laugh at the irony here but I'm not trying to make a joke. A number of good friends of mine are loosing their jobs at 3DO and that always sucks.


Two that are at 3DO:


Todd Frye (2600 Pacman)

Howard Scott Warshaw (2600 ET)


Both are honestly great guys and all I can say is we were young and stupid back then. Don't know how either will be effected by this but most at 3DO are loosing their jobs in July from what I hear.



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I'd like to think that I speak for Jaguar owners everywhere when I say: TAKE THAT! :lol: :lol: :lol:


At least we won't be forced to push through all the damn Army Men sequels to get to the real games at the video game stores now.



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Sorry; despite my disappointment in an originally clever idea but exploited to death Army Men series, I don't wish anyone in this industry (or any other) poorly. I don't know enough about Trip Hawkins' history to dislike him; I respect him for starting Electronic Arts and making its golden years w/ Archon, Pinball Construction Set, MULE, etc (and advancing Activision's "programmer as celebrity" theme, and those cool record album like gameboxes) as well as the original idea of 3DO, trying to get a real game standard out there, like VCRs. Doomed to fail for many reasons but a nice idea.

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