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atari2600land's Blog - Done Lettuce?


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So I was able to get back to having a 2k version of Killer Heads of Lettuce. But just barely. I had to change a few notes of the songs to get it where I wanted it to be. And I put the "signature" part back in. It must have been what was giving me exactly 2k binaries upon compiling. I think I have just 1 byte left. So I guess I'm calling this game complete, unless someone finds a bug or something.

I had the blood test taken on Tuesday. It only took one hand try to complete. I guess my veins decided to cooperate this time.

I tried my hand at Virtual Boy game making. It had been a long time since I worked on my casino game. I decided to redo the whole thing and start over again. Which is okay since I didn't have much to begin with anyway. I will show a picture of what I have in the next blog entry.

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