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atari2600land's Blog - Programming night


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So with my eye hurting again, I decided to program the Atari 2600 some more. I worked on Castle of Doom. Today's update is just to see if what I had mentioned in yesterday's blog about size and space was true. Turns out it is. Right now I have 57 bytes left in bank 1 and 2,135 bytes left in bank 2. So that means I can put a ton more level data in bank 2. But I had to make it switch between bank 1 and bank 2 though. This meant having level data getting code in both banks. Once I successfully did that, it was on to another bug solving time.

I worked on Las Vegas Slot Machine for INTV again. Someone mentioned something about having goto in a gosub procedure and how that might cause bugs. So I got rid of it. Played it for about 5 minutes and it didn't show up again.

I am very hot. Perhaps it is just me being sick, but it shouldn't be this hot especially at 2:45am. If it weren't for mom, I would open the window and get cool air in here. But I don't want her to be freezing cold. The Weather Channel is keeping the current temps a secret, but I would guess it's in the low 40s Fahrenheit.

So anyway, when I get my eye ache, once I vomit a whole bunch, it tends to feel better. I haven't yet. This whole night, my eye has been hurting. I thought "maybe if I ate a whole bunch I could." So I ate a whole bunch. Didn't help any. Ulg.

Fantasy Zone for the TG16 came in the mail yesterday. It looks and plays great. So I guess that's one good thing I have going for me.

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