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How big risk would it be to use the Atari logo on Lynx homebrew?

Turbo Laser Lynx

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How big risk do you think it would be to use the Atari logo on homebrew boxes and/or cart-labels? I noticed for example Luchs soft and Nomad have their own logos in place of the Atari logo. I don't know if they've done it by choice or to remove any risk getting in trouble with the company Atari, but in the case that you'd want to have the Atari logo there, do you think Atari really would care or do something about it? What would be the worst case scenario? 'Cease and desist'?

Edited by Turbo Laser Lynx
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The french RGC team received a letter from Atari lawyers some years ago, because of the "Atari Connexion" event, they had to rename the event.

I don't know if the newest new renewed Atari is stil in the same mood ;)

Letter is o.k.

Letter with attached bill is the problem.

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The french RGC team received a letter from Atari lawyers some years ago, because of the "Atari Connexion" event, they had to rename the event.


That sounds a bit lame.



I don't know if the newest new renewed Atari is stil in the same mood ;)




Letter is o.k.

Letter with attached bill is the problem.


Haha ;D


What are they going to do? Send you a nasty letter?


Yeah I don't know, but at least I realised that with Karri's idea (which I liked) to share a box-file for home printing without having to send a box, one could circumvent the issue by only selling a homebrew game on cart without logo, and then later give away a printable box (file) for free, that might or might not have the logo on it.

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Yeah I don't know, but at least I realised that with Karri's idea (which I liked) to share a box-file for home printing without having to send a box, one could circumvent the issue by only selling a homebrew game on cart without logo, and then later give away a printable box (file) for free, that might or might not have the logo on it.


I think a judge would kind of squint and smirk and then award damages to Atari anyway, if it ever came to that. Despite what countless Hollywood TV shows have taught us, the legal system doesn't usually like to get bogged down in technicalities. If your *intent* is to skirt the letter of the law, you're still going to get nailed. All a judge would need to do would be to determine that the box file wasn't actually free but was included in the cost of the game.


I would always stay away from using currently protected copyrights and trademarks. It's not like there is no Atari nowadays.

Edited by spacecadet
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I think a judge would kind of squint and smirk and then award damages to Atari anyway, if it ever came to that. Despite what countless Hollywood TV shows have taught us, the legal system doesn't usually like to get bogged down in technicalities. If your *intent* is to skirt the letter of the law, you're still going to get nailed. All a judge would need to do would be to determine that the box file wasn't actually free but was included in the cost of the game.


I would always stay away from using currently protected copyrights and trademarks. It's not like there is no Atari nowadays.

Yeah, but the food could be given away without the need to purchase the game.


Maybe you

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Why do they have to be that draconian then? Corporations should serve humans/humanity and not be suppressive and petty. Can't they even let a couple of hundred grown men play their kids games in peace? :_( (I know US companies are supposed to go after everyone that 'misuses' trademarks 'n' stuff, but Atari is French.) 'God bless' Hasbro who released the rights to develop for the Lynx and Jaguar (what was that all about?) I'm gonna scratch off that beautiful Fuji logo on my Lynxes and tape over EPYX instead (or maybe not). |:) ;)


Too much of a risk to use their name and logo. I would go with 'IRATA' and rotate the logo 180 degrees.


I was thinking of Irrata too (as in irrational), with a circle on top of the fuji logo like an 'i'. And after reading this thread I was thinking Itara (means cheap in Finnish, like in Scrooge Mc Duck). But honestly, I think it's probably more fun to come up with a completely unique/own 'company name' if we can't have the real deal.


Yeah, but the box could be given away without the need to purchase the game.


Yes, that was exactly what I meant, anyone would of course be able to download the box without buying or owning the game.


I think the Epyx logo looks really nice too, but I checked, and someone still owns that one as well. On second thought, wouldn't be comfortable trying to live up to that name on the Lynx either.

Edited by Turbo Laser Lynx
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I would recommend staying away from official logos on your boxart. If your game isn't licensed by Atari, then don't use the official logos. Just put something like this on your boxart:




For play on the Atari Lynx.*


*This product is not sponsored or endorsed by Atari.


This is what all of the unlicensed Nintendo developers did bitd and for a while most of them got away with it.

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