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Flood fill test

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An interesting thread has started over on the retrocomputing SO board:




Is anyone willing to try this on their Atari? The second post, for the Amstrad, should port fairly directly.

I think the first BASIC to include a flood fill that was built in, was Extended Color BASIC on the CoCo.

I remember running out of mem when doing a flood fill on a screen with a spiral pattern.

Most flood fills use the stack for temporary storage, and the BASIC stack is usually pretty small.

That could be an even bigger problem on the 6502.

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mad pascal/lib/graph.inc

procedure FloodFill(a,b: smallint; newcolor: byte);
// Fill an area with a given color, seed fill algorithm
var ir, nf: word;
    c: cardinal;
    oldcolor: byte;
    FloodFillStack: array [0..0] of cardinal;
procedure FloodFillExec;
var i: byte;
    xr,yr: smallint;
    yes: Boolean;
 for i:=0 to 3 do begin
  case i of
   0: begin
   1: begin
// yr:=b;
   2: begin
   3: begin
// xr:=a;
  if yes then
   if GetPixel(xr,yr) = oldcolor then begin
    PutPixel(xr, yr);
    FloodFillStack[nf]:= word(xr) shl 16 + word(yr);
 nf := 1;
 ir := 1;
 FloodFillStack[nf] := word(a) shl 16 + word(b);
 while nf>ir do begin
  a := hi(c);
  b := lo(c);
  if (nf>500) then begin
   nf := nf-ir;
   if nf>500 then exit;
   move(FloodFillStack[ir+1], FloodFillStack[1], nf shl 2);
//   for i := 1 to nf do fill[i] := fill[ir+i];
   ir := 0;

the same code i used in Atari Graphics Studio (AGS)

Edited by tebe
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An interesting thread has started over on the retrocomputing SO board:




Is anyone willing to try this on their Atari? The second post, for the Amstrad, should port fairly directly.

All flood-fill algorithms can run out of buffer space if you fill a complex enough area, look at this TurboBasic XL program, converted from the second one in the link:



If you run it, it runs out of space at about 75% of completion:



TurboBasic XL uses a scan-line fill algorithm, this avoids using too much memory on simpler paths and is faster than naive point at a time algorithms.


Fell free to post above program (and the result) over stackexchange.com if you want.

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Dye(BYTE x, BYTE y, BYTE color)
	BYTE stackentry = 1;
	BOOL spanAbove, spanBelow;

	BYTE oldColor = Locate(x,y);

	if (oldColor == color)

		while (x > 0 && Locate(x-1,y) == oldColor)

		spanAbove = spanBelow = false;
		while(Locate(x,y) == oldColor)
			//Plot(x, y, color);

			if (y < (IMAGEHEIGHT-1))
				BYTE belowColor = Locate(x, y+1);
				if (!spanBelow  && belowColor == oldColor)
					xStack[stackentry]  = x;
					yStack[stackentry]  = y+1;					
					spanBelow = true;
				else if (spanBelow && belowColor != oldColor)
					spanBelow = false;
			if (y > 0)
				BYTE aboveColor = Locate(x, y-1);
				if (!spanAbove  && aboveColor == oldColor)
					xStack[stackentry]  = x;
					yStack[stackentry]  = y-1;
					spanAbove = true;
				else if (spanAbove && aboveColor != oldColor)
					spanAbove = false;

		x = xStack[stackentry];
		y = yStack[stackentry];
	while (stackentry);		

Guess the game... ;)

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Interesting discussion. I remember trying to write a flood-fill in assembler in the early Nineties (I recall eventually giving up). I think it scanned lines and pushed boundaries (above and below the current line) onto a stack as it found them. I never quite decided how to cope with a pattern fill scenario, however, since unless every pixel will filled with the same colour, my algorithm would have failed completely (since - if using a dithered fill - it would have pushed new coordinates onto the stack every other pixel, believing them to be potential new areas to fill).

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I remember Analog magazine had a diamond algorithm fill that I played around with using a more efficient pixel plot routine.

It's a somewhat slower algorithm than the flood fill but has the big advantage that the required buffer can be much smaller - IIRC equal to about 4 times the largest possible 45 degree line length for the given mode.


I played around with flood fill, don't remember if I only used Basic or did it in assembler. I think it could actually exceed the bitmap data size in extreme cases for the buffer requirement.


Found it - Analog #16 from Feb 1984: http://www.atarimania.com/mags/pdf/analog_no_16.pdf


The Atarimania magazine PDF is big and annoyingly slow though - found another copy of the article with the program https://web.archive.org/web/20060308092706fw_/http://www.cyberroach.com:80/analog/an16/default.htm


ed - that took an eternity to download. Sadly the PDF has pretty poor OCR and the text even when you can select it is full of errors.

So, I typed in the listing for 4-way fill assembler routine:





; Fill routine using CIO
; CIO equates used
cio = $e456
iccom = $342
icblen = $348
cgbinr = $07
cpbinr = $0b
bufa = $cb ; addresses for ind,y
bufb = $cd ; addressing for
bufc = $cf ; pixel coordinate
bufd = $d4 ; storage
xpos = $55 ; x coordinate see OS
ypos = $54 ; y coordinate
color = $d1 ; color to plot
; the following locations can only
; be used temporarily because they
; are reserved for the floating point
; routines.
colover = $e6 ; color to cover
countnew = $e7 ; # new pixels
countold = $e8 ; # pixels to test around
xpstor = $e9 ; store original xpos
ypstor = $ea
xp = $d6
yp = $d7
tem = $eb ; to store y index
; the fill routine uses page 6
; or use .org $600
  pla ; # of args
  pla ; high byte not used
  pla ; the color to plot
  sta color
  lda $6fe ; bufd address stored
  sta bufd ; here because of the 
  lda $6ff ; limited free space
  sta bufd+1 ; in page 0
  lda #0
  sta countnew ; initialization
  ldy #1 ; one pixel first time
  lda xpos ; from os
  sta (bufa),y
  sta xpstor
  sta xp ; for the first locate
  lda ypos ; from os
  sta (bufb),y
  sta ypstor
  sta yp ; for the first locate
  sty countold ; one pixel
  jsr locate ; get pixel to cover
  sta colover
  cmp color ; itself?
  bne preloop
  rts ; if itself quite or get
; infinite loop!
preloop  jsr plot
loop  lda (bufa),y
  sta xp ; x for current pixel
  lda (bufb),y
  sta yp ; y for current pixel
loop0  inc xp ; test to right
  cmp #80 ; rhs limit to screen
  bcs loop1
  jsr locate ; if within screen
; then see if the pixel contains
; the color to be overwritten.
; the locate routine contains
; the compare.
  bne loop1
  jsr keep ; plot it and mark it
; for its own test the next time
; through the list of locations.
loop1  dec xp
  dec xp
  lda xp
  cmp #255 ; check screen lhs
  beq loop2
  jsr locate
  bne loop2
  jsr keep
loop2  inc xp
  inc yp ; test below
  lda yp
  cmp #80 ; bottom of screen
  bcs loop3
  jsr locate
  bne loop3
  jsr keep
loop3  dec yp
  dec yp
  lda yp
  cmp #255
  beq loop4
  jsr locate
  bne loop4
  jsr keep
loop4  dec countold
  beq doneloop ; all points done
  iny ; else do next point
  jmp loop
doneloop  ldy countnew
  beq return0 ; if no new points
; in the color to cover remain
  sty countold ; this becomes the
; new # pixels to plot and test
transfer  lda (bufd),y
  sta (bufb),y
  lda (bufc),y
  sta (bufa),y
  bne transfer ; move buffers
  ldy #1
  lda #0
  sta countnew ; initialize
  jmp loop ; begin again
; the subroutines
keep  jsr plot ; y reg in tem
  inc countnew
  beq return2 ; buffer overflows
  ldy countnew
  lda xp ; store the coord
  sta (bufc),y ; of this pixel
  lda yp ; for plotting and
  sta (bufd),y ; testing
  ldy tem ; recover y reg
locate  jsr pos
  lda #cgbinr
  sta iccom,x
  jsr cio ; cio locate
  ldy tem
  cmp colover ; pixel in a reg.
pos  sty tem
  lda xp
  sta xpos ; position x
  lda yp
  sta ypos ; and y
  ldx #$60 ; to use in locate
  lda #0 ; and in plot
  sta icblen,x ; one pixel as
  sta icblen+1,x ; in accum.
plot  jsr pos
  lda #cpbinr
  sta iccom,x
  lda color ; the one to plot
  jsr cio
  ldy tem
return0  lda ypstor
  sta ypos
  lda xpstor
  sta xpos
return2  jsr return0
  pla ; we exited a subroutine
  pla ; so pop return address
  rts ; to basic



Edited by Rybags
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thx for the comparison


'Diamond' algorithm is more efficient then 'Horizontal Line'


Not really. I used the single plot since the speed was fast enough for my game and I liked to have a traceable way of filling for the user so decided against "high-speed".

The advantage of the horizontal line is, that you normally estimate a span for filling and draw then the complete horizontal span, which is way faster than plotting single pixels. Drawing diagonal lines involves more calculations...


Edit: And you second (color) example runs even faster in horizontal mode anyway? (while your first gives an obvious advantage due to the more "diagonal-base-pattern"?)

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  • 5 months later...

stack array 2048 bytes


procedure FloodFill(a,b: smallint; newcolor: byte);
// Fill an area with a given color, seed fill algorithm

var stackPointer, stackEntry: word;
    c: cardinal;
    oldcolor: byte;
    FloodFillStack: array [0..FILLSTACKSIZE-1] of cardinal;

procedure FloodFillExec;
var i: byte;
    xr,yr: smallint;
    yes: Boolean;

 for i:=0 to 3 do begin

  case i of

   0: begin

	yes:=(xr < ScreenWidth);

   1: begin
//	yr:=b;

	yes:=(xr >= 0);

   2: begin

	yes:=(yr < ScreenHeight);

   3: begin
//	xr:=a;

	yes:=(yr >= 0);


  if yes then
   if GetPixel(xr,yr) = oldcolor then begin

    PutPixel(xr, yr);


    FloodFillStack[stackEntry]:= word(xr) shl 16 + word(yr);







 stackEntry := 1;
 stackPointer := 1;

 FloodFillStack[stackEntry] := word(a) shl 16 + word(b);


 while stackEntry > stackPointer do begin



  a := hi(c);
  b := lo(c);


  if (stackEntry > FILLSTACKSIZE shr 1) then begin

   stackEntry := stackEntry - stackPointer;

   if stackEntry > FILLSTACKSIZE shr 1 then exit;

   move(FloodFillStack[stackPointer+1], FloodFillStack[1], stackEntry shl 2);

   stackPointer := 0;



stack array 8192 bytes


procedure Dye(x,y: smallint; color: byte);
var xStack, yStack: array [0..4095] of smallint;
    stackEntry: word;
    spanAbove, spanBelow: Boolean;
    oldColor, belowColor, aboveColor: byte;
	oldColor := GetPixel(x,y);

	if (oldColor = color) then exit;


	stackEntry := 1;


		while (x > 0) and (GetPixel(x-1,y) = oldColor) do dec(x);

		spanAbove := false;
		spanBelow := false;

		while (x < ScreenWidth) and (GetPixel(x,y) = oldColor) do begin


			if (y < smallint(ScreenHeight-1)) then begin

				belowColor := GetPixel(x, y+1);

				if (spanBelow=false) and (belowColor = oldColor) then begin

					xStack[stackEntry]  := x;
					yStack[stackEntry]  := y+1;

					if stackEntry > sizeof(xStack) then exit;

					spanBelow := true;
				else if (spanBelow=true) and (belowColor <> oldColor) then
					spanBelow := false;

			if (y > 0) then begin

				aboveColor := GetPixel(x, y-1);

				if (spanAbove=false) and (aboveColor = oldColor) then begin

					xStack[stackEntry]  := x;
					yStack[stackEntry]  := y-1;

					if stackEntry > sizeof(xStack) then exit;

					spanAbove := true;
				else if (spanAbove=true) and (aboveColor <> oldColor) then
					spanAbove := false;

		x := xStack[stackEntry];
		y := yStack[stackEntry];

	until stackentry=0;

test is failed if stack array is smaller


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test is failed if stack array is smaller


* there was never any doubt that the diamond algorithm memory usage is more conservative

* you spoil 512 bytes for the diamond fill and 2048 for the scan line one, so the numbers are more or less 1,5k vs. 6k

* your synthetic test fits better to the diamond fill, anyhow the scan line one is a bit faster: approx: 5:34 vs. 5:25

* changing (like suggested) to draw lines for the fill (attached), you get the following numbers: 5:34 vs. 4:30 (even I do not know how well the madpascal line function is optimized for horizontal lines and the test case is again very badly suited for horizontal spans)

* I'm not participating in a contest - I still have problems what are you trying to demonstrate. That the madpascal flood-fill is superior? Depends on the time-constraints. (Maybe the usual trade memory vs. speed story?)

* I even may change a future version of "dye" to use the diamond fill, not because it uses less memory (enough there - and for the images in the game a page of stack is sufficient), but for "entertainment" purposes: I find the process of the filling more attractive and like said, speed doesn't matter in this case.


Have fun!


Edited by Irgendwer
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