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GOTEK Floppy Drive Emulator Help Needed

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Hi all


I have an Atari 1024STE and recently picked up a Gotek floppy drive emulator with the HxC2001 firmware for it. Loader software is already installed on an 8GB USB key. The information I have found is confusing (by my standards), and I could use a beginner's primer to setting this thing up and using it correctly. I also have some copy-protected games, specifically Red Storm Rising and Gunship (and soon to add F15 Strike Eagle and Silent Service). Can I get these games on the emulator? The speed loading these programs, along with never having to insert another disk, is the main reason I got this thing. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Edited by Binarygeek
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First of all, you probably should ask this on the main forum, not programming!


If you want to play the actual original disks you have on an emulator then you have to image them somehow. Pasti is a popular way of imaging original disks.


If you simply want the games without protection you can try menu disks like this and transfer them to your gotek.

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Hi all


I have an Atari 1024STE and recently picked up a Gotek floppy drive emulator with the HxC2001 firmware for it. Loader software is already installed on an 8GB USB key. The information I have found is confusing (by my standards), and I could use a beginner's primer to setting this thing up and using it correctly. I also have some copy-protected games, specifically Red Storm Rising and Gunship (and soon to add F15 Strike Eagle and Silent Service). Can I get these games on the emulator? The speed loading these programs, along with never having to insert another disk, is the main reason I got this thing. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


Just copy ST files to the stick. select "000" and reset the computer to load the manager to assign the images in slots.

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As usual. level of demand is very high. "Confusing" information ? - well, if you expect some concise manual what will understand without some basic knowledge about subject, you are wrong, Use Internet to learn some things. Be patient. Man can not learn everything in shirt time, at once,

Copy protected SW is possible to image - with only Atari, STX format is what you can get. But that format is actually done for SW emulators of Atari ST(E), like Steem. We had some work with Jeff on STX support for HxC HW floppy emulator, with partial success. In short - it may work, or not. Some copy protections just can not be made to work.

There are some specialized devices what can make real image of it, but that costs, and still may work not with Gotek or HxC .

And you don't need it actually. Practically everything is available online, in ST, MSA images. Here is almost everything:


And you can even use mine later hard disk adaptations (those which work with 1MB RAM) - just need to copy files in floppy images:


You can do some things what can not with originals: exit to Desktop any time. Saving gamestate any time, and continue later at that point. Well, that may work only if can create and use larger images than 800K.

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I've used one on the Amiga... amazing.


Also saw one in use at the National Videogame Museum. :D


Check out this link for the Atari ST




As usual. level of demand is very high. "Confusing" information ? - well, if you expect some concise manual what will understand without some basic knowledge about subject, you are wrong, Use Internet to learn some things. Be patient. Man can not learn everything in shirt time, at once,


Actually what I said was the information was confusing...by my standards. Haha. Just something with an elementary school primer that I can learn the basics on.. After that I can figure the rest out. You also gave some good info on images. The gamearchiver is a great image site once I figure out how to use them.



I've used one on the Amiga... amazing.


Also saw one in use at the National Videogame Museum. :D


Check out this link for the Atari ST




Thanks. This will work out pretty well.

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